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Created July 27, 2023 14:57
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railway-oriented-programming (kotlin, playgorund)
package com.example.demo
// based on ...
fun main() {
val pipeline: (data: Either<Throwable, Person>) -> Either<Throwable, Response> =
(::validate `→` ::save `→` ::notify `→` ::buildResponse)
val validInput = Person("Gabriel", 26)
val validResponse: Either<Throwable, Response> = validInput
.let { Either.Right(it) }
val invalidInput = Person("Invalid age", -3)
val invalidResponse: Either<Throwable, Response> = invalidInput
.let { Either.Right(it) }
println("input: $validInput ==> response: $validResponse")
println("input: $invalidInput ==> response: $invalidResponse")
sealed class Either<out L, out R> {
data class Left<L>(val value: L) : Either<L, Nothing>()
data class Right<R>(val value: R) : Either<Nothing, R>()
typealias Arrow<A, B> = (A) -> B
infix fun <A, B, C> Arrow<A, B>.`→`(f: Arrow<B, C>): Arrow<A, C> {
return {
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
data class Response(val body: String, val code: Int)
fun validate(data: Either<Throwable, Person>): Either<Throwable, Person> {
if (data is Either.Left) {
return data
data as Either.Right
if (data.value.age < 0) {
return Either.Left(Exception("Age must be non negative"))
return data
fun save(data: Either<Throwable, Person>): Either<Throwable, Person> {
if (data is Either.Left) {
return data
println("Saved $data")
return data
fun notify(data: Either<Throwable, Person>): Either<Throwable, Person> {
if (data is Either.Left) {
return data
println("Notified user $data")
return data
fun buildResponse(data: Either<Throwable, Person>): Either<Throwable, Response> {
if (data is Either.Left) {
return data
return Either.Right(Response("Ok: $data", 200))
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