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Last active February 19, 2024 13:28
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Is There Any Deal Collection Sync Playnite Extension


Download extension .pext from the forum post


  1. Select games to add to your Is There Any Deal collection.
  2. Right-click the games and select "Add Games to Is There Any Deal Collection" in the menu.
  3. Log into Is There Any Deal if it prompts you to. Close the window and rerun the extension after logging in.
  4. Review the list of games and scroll to the bottom. Check "Remove from Waitlist" if desired. Click "Import (safe option)".
  5. Close the window after importing.

Games are only imported to Is There Any Deal by name, it is possible it could guess the wrong game.

Note, while playtime and completion status can be imported to Is There Any Deal, it does not always seem to update. You can try using "Replace" while importing or deleting games from your collection to force it to update.

This extension does not support importing your list of games from Is There Any Deal into Playnite.

Id: bburky-IsThereAnyDeal
Name: Is There Any Deal
Author: Blake Burkhart
Version: 1.4
Module: IsThereAnyDeal.psm1
Type: Script
- Name: Forum
- Name: Source Code
function ConvertGamesToITAD ($allGames) {
foreach ($group in $allGames | Group-Object -Property Name) {
$games = $group.Group
$playtime = ($games.Playtime | Sort-Object)[-1]
$status = ($games.CompletionStatus | Sort-Object)[-1]
title = $games[0].Name
status = ([string]$status).ToLower()
playtime = $playtime / 60
copies = @(foreach ($game in $games) {
type = switch ($game.Source) {
"" { "battlenet" }
"" { "itchio" }
{ !$_ } { "playnite" }
Default { $_.Name.ToLower() }
owned = 1
function ImportGamesInITAD ($games) {
$data = @{
version = "02"
data = @(ConvertGamesToITAD $games)
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
$b64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($data))
$html = "<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onload='form.submit()'>
<form id='form' action='' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='file' value='$b64'>
<input type='hidden' name='upload' value='Import ITAD Collection'>
$webView = $PlayniteApi.WebViews.CreateView(1000, 800)
foreach ($cookie in $webView.GetCookies()) {
if ($cookie.Domain -match "\.?isthereanydeal\.com" -and $cookie.Name -eq "user") {
# Chrome 80+ now enforces SameSite cookies which breaks this ITAD API
# HACK: Abuse Chrome's 2 minute timer from its "Lax + POST mitigation"
# Delete and recreate the "user" cookie to reset its creation date
$webView.DeleteCookies("", "user")
$webView.SetCookies("", $cookie.Domain, $cookie.Name, $cookie.Value, $cookie.Path, $cookie.Expires)
$webView.Navigate("data:text/html," + $html)
function IsThereAnyDeal {
ImportGamesInITAD $scriptGameMenuItemActionArgs.Games
function GetGameMenuItems()
$menuItem = New-Object Playnite.SDK.Plugins.ScriptGameMenuItem
$menuItem.Description = "Add to Is There Any Deal Collection"
$menuItem.FunctionName = "IsThereAnyDeal"
return $menuItem
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bburky commented Feb 26, 2019

Update 1.1

Correctly map all Playnite "source" values to ITAD store IDs. Added mapping for Twitch Prime currently does not exist as a default store on ITAD. An empty "source" is mapped to "playnite".

Custom values for "source" are also allowed or any ID from ITAD's list of stores:

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I was getting the error:
Method invocation failed because [Playnite.SDK.Models.GameSource] does not contain a method named 'ToLower'.
I believe line 16 needs to be changed to: Default { $_.Name.ToLower() }

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I tried making that change to line 16 but it looks like ITAD can't figure out the format - it says "no game has been found." It would be great if this could be updated!

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Thoneon commented Feb 22, 2020

making that change to line 16 but it looks like ITAD can't figure out the format - it says "no game has been found." It would be great if this could be updated!

I did it the first time got the error seen that we could import a file I exported them then redid the processes ( thinking to upload the file ) and it had them all listed, bet it was a cache thing

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bburky commented Mar 21, 2020

Update 1.2

  • Applied fix for ToLower() bug.

@gazpachoking Thanks, I applied your fix. It was probably a change between new Playnite verisons. Sorry for not making the change sooner, I had been ignoring most of my Playnite extensions.

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qfettes commented Dec 8, 2020

Are there any future plans to update this extension? It isn't packaged correctly to allow installation on the current version of Playnite.

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bburky commented Dec 27, 2020

Update 1.3

  • Update for Playnite 8, add Id to manifest and repackage
  • Work around for Chrome 80+ SameSite enforcement breaking IsThereAnyDeal's API

The IsThereAnyDeal collection import API this script uses is a cross site form POST. Chrome 80+ (and Chromium Embedded Framework which Playnite uses for it's browser) now enforces a stricter policy for cross site cookies:

Cookies that do not specify a SameSite attribute will be treated as if they specified SameSite=Lax, i.e. they will be restricted to first-party or same-site contexts by default.

By carefully abusing the Lax + POST mitigation, "a cookie that is at most 2 minutes old will be sent on a top-level cross-site POST request", I can get the old behavior back and make the ITAD API still work.

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bburky commented Sep 29, 2021

Update 1.4

  • Update for Playnite 9
  • Move menu option to right click game menu

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bburky commented Sep 29, 2021

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