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Last active October 23, 2018 13:22
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Knapsack problem in Scala using the MOEA Framework and Jenetics
import java.util.function.{ Function => JFunction }
import scala.collection.JavaConverters
import com.github.beatngu13.gist.knapsack.KnapsackProblem.Capacity
import com.github.beatngu13.gist.knapsack.KnapsackProblem.Items
import com.github.beatngu13.gist.knapsack.KnapsackProblem.OptimalProfit
import com.github.beatngu13.gist.knapsack.KnapsackProblem.OptimalSolution
import io.jenetics.BitChromosome
import io.jenetics.BitGene
import io.jenetics.Genotype
import io.jenetics.engine.Codec
import io.jenetics.engine.Engine
import io.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
import io.jenetics.engine.Problem
import io.jenetics.util.ISeq
object JeneticsExample extends App {
val engine = Engine.builder(new JeneticsExample()).build()
val result =
val binary = result.getGenotype().getChromosome()
val profit = result.getFitness()
println("Solution " + binary + " => " + profit)
println("Optimum " + OptimalSolution + " => " + OptimalProfit)
class JeneticsExample extends Problem[ISeq[BitGene], BitGene, Integer] {
def codec(): Codec[ISeq[BitGene], BitGene] = {
// Encode: genotype factory to create new solutions.
Genotype.of(BitChromosome.of(Items.size, 0.5)),
// Decode: function that converts genotypes to problem domain values.
(gt: Genotype[BitGene]) => gt.getChromosome().toSeq())
def fitness(): JFunction[ISeq[BitGene], Integer] = {
(binary: ISeq[BitGene]) =>
var profit = 0
var weight = 0
// Reverse items since Jenetics' BitChromosome goes from LSB to MSB.
for ((b, i) <- JavaConverters.iterableAsScalaIterable(binary) zip Items.reverse) {
if (b.booleanValue()) {
profit += i.profit
weight += i.weight
if (weight <= Capacity) profit else weight - Capacity
// Knapsack problem based on P07 from
object KnapsackProblem {
case class Item(profit: Int, weight: Int)
private val Profits = List(
135, 139, 149, 150, 156,
163, 173, 184, 192, 201,
210, 214, 221, 229, 240)
private val Weights = List(
70, 73, 77, 80, 82,
87, 90, 94, 98, 106,
110, 113, 115, 118, 120)
val Items = for ((p, w) <- (Profits zip Weights)) yield Item(p, w)
val Capacity = 750
val OptimalProfit = 1458
val OptimalSolution = "101010111000011"
import scala.collection.JavaConverters
import org.moeaframework.Executor
import org.moeaframework.core.Solution
import org.moeaframework.core.variable.EncodingUtils
import org.moeaframework.problem.AbstractProblem
import com.github.beatngu13.gist.knapsack.KnapsackProblem.Capacity
import com.github.beatngu13.gist.knapsack.KnapsackProblem.Items
import com.github.beatngu13.gist.knapsack.KnapsackProblem.OptimalProfit
import com.github.beatngu13.gist.knapsack.KnapsackProblem.OptimalSolution
object MoeaExample extends App {
val result = new Executor()
// Iterable because multi-objective solutions are Pareto-optimal (i.e. trade-offs between the objectives).
.foreach(solution => {
val binary = solution.getVariable(0)
val profit = -solution.getObjective(0)
println("Solution " + binary.toString + " => " + profit.toInt)
println("Optimum " + OptimalSolution + " => " + OptimalProfit)
// 1 decision variable (item in/out), 1 objective (profit sum), 1 constraint (weight capacity).
class MoeaExample extends AbstractProblem(1, 1, 1) {
def evaluate(solution: Solution): Unit = {
// Get current solution as a binary string.
val binary = EncodingUtils.getBinary(solution.getVariable(0))
var profit = 0.0
var weight = 0.0
// For each present item, sum up the profits and weights.
for ((b, i) <- (binary zip Items)) {
if (b) {
profit += i.profit
weight += i.weight
// Invert profit as MOEA tries to minimize, not maximize.
solution.setObjective(0, -profit)
// If weight is OK, constraint is 0.0, otherwise the distance to the boundary.
solution.setConstraint(0, if (weight <= Capacity) 0.0 else weight - Capacity)
def newSolution: Solution = {
// Create a new solution with 1 decision variable (as binary string), 1 objective, 1 constraint.
val solution = new Solution(1, 1, 1)
solution.setVariable(0, EncodingUtils.newBinary(Items.size))
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