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Last active November 6, 2017 01:05
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My Powershell Profile
#Requires -Version 5.1
# This is more of a backup of my profile but if you like it use it I guess.
# Some of the custom functions I have sourced on Github as gists, which are
# commented and documented, unlike these here.
function install-and-import {
[string]$Scope = 'CurrentUser'
$oldErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Write-Host "Importing $moduleName"
if ( -not $( Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ListAvailable ) ) {
Write-Host "`tModule $moduleName is not installed. Installing now with scope ${Scope}..."
Install-Module -Force -AllowClobber -Scope $Scope $moduleName
Import-Module $moduleName
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorActionPreference
install-and-import posh-ssh
install-and-import posh-git
install-and-import historypx
install-and-import PSGithub
install-and-import posh-with
install-and-import pscx
install-and-import PSReadLine
install-and-import -Scope AllUsers burnttoast
function Open-ContainingFolder {
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $File) {
Invoke-Item $(Split-Path -Parent $File)
} else {
Write-Error "$File does not exist"
function watch {
$n = 2
while($true) {
Write-Output (iex $command | Format-Table)
sleep $n
function Format-XML {
$writer = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter
$xwriter = New-Object System.XML.XmlTextWriter($writer)
$xwriter.Formatting = "indented"
$xwriter.Indentation = $indent
Write-Output $writer.ToString()
function Format-Json {
# Processing blocks are useful for multiline JSON strings
begin { $fullpipeline = "" }
process { $fullpipeline += $jsondata }
end {
$jsonformatted += $fullpipeline | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json
# ConvertTo-Json doesn't have an indentation parameter, so do it ourselves
$nested = 1
($jsonformatted -split '\r\n' |
% {
$line = $_
if ($_ -match '^ +') {
$length = $indent * $nested
$line = ' ' * $length + $_.TrimStart()
# Determine the nesting of the next line
if ($_ -match '^*[\{|\[]$') {
} elseif ($_ -match '^*[\}|\]]$') {
Write-Output $line
) -join "`r`n"
function Convert-MultilineToSingleLine {
[switch]$nixEnd = $False
begin {
$fullPipeline = ""
$linebreak = "\r\n"
if ($nixEnd) {
$linebreak = "\n"
process { $fullPipeline += $multilineString + $linebreak }
end { $fullPipeline }
function time {
[switch]$quiet = $false
$start = Get-Date
try {
if ( -not $quiet ) {
iex $command | Write-Host
} else {
iex $command | Out-Null
} finally {
$(Get-Date) - $start
# Set up a simple prompt, adding the git prompt parts inside git repos
function global:prompt {
Write-Host($pwd.ProviderPath) -nonewline
return "> "
# Get-ChildItem-Color:
function Get-ChildItem-Color {
if ($Args[0] -eq $true) {
$ifwide = $true
if ($Args.Length -gt 1) {
$Args = $Args[1..($Args.length - 1)]
} else {
$Args = @()
} else {
$ifwide = $false
if (($Args[0] -eq "-a") -or ($Args[0] -eq "--all")) {
$Args[0] = "-Force"
$width = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width
$items = Invoke-Expression "Get-ChildItem `"$Args`"";
$lnStr = $items | select-object Name | sort-object { "$_".length } -descending | select-object -first 1
$len = $
$cols = If ($len) {($width+1)/($len+2)} Else {1};
$cols = [math]::floor($cols);
if(!$cols){ $cols=1;}
$color_fore = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$compressed_list = @(".7z", ".gz", ".rar", ".tar", ".zip")
$executable_list = @(".exe", ".bat", ".cmd", ".py", ".pl", ".ps1",
".psm1", ".vbs", ".rb", ".reg", ".fsx")
$dll_pdb_list = @(".dll", ".pdb")
$text_files_list = @(".csv", ".lg", "markdown", ".rst", ".txt")
$configs_list = @(".cfg", ".config", ".conf", ".ini")
$color_table = @{}
foreach ($Extension in $compressed_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "Yellow"
foreach ($Extension in $executable_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "Blue"
foreach ($Extension in $text_files_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "Cyan"
foreach ($Extension in $dll_pdb_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "Darkgreen"
foreach ($Extension in $configs_list) {
$color_table[$Extension] = "DarkYellow"
$i = 0
$pad = [math]::ceiling(($width+2) / $cols) - 3
$nnl = $false
$items |
if ($_.GetType().Name -eq 'DirectoryInfo') {
$c = 'Green'
$length = ""
} else {
$c = $color_table[$_.Extension]
if ($c -eq $none) {
$c = $color_fore
$length = $_.length
# get the directory name
if ($_.GetType().Name -eq "FileInfo") {
$DirectoryName = $_.DirectoryName
} elseif ($_.GetType().Name -eq "DirectoryInfo") {
$DirectoryName = $_.Parent.FullName
if ($ifwide) { # Wide (ls)
if ($LastDirectoryName -ne $DirectoryName) { # change this to `$LastDirectoryName -ne $DirectoryName` to show DirectoryName
if($i -ne 0 -AND $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition.X -ne 0){ # conditionally add an empty line
write-host ""
Write-Host -Fore $color_fore ("`n Directory: $DirectoryName`n")
$nnl = ++$i % $cols -ne 0
# truncate the item name
$towrite = $_.Name
if ($towrite.length -gt $pad) {
$towrite = $towrite.Substring(0, $pad - 3) + "..."
Write-Host ("{0,-$pad}" -f $towrite) -Fore $c -NoNewLine:$nnl
write-host " " -NoNewLine
} else {
If ($LastDirectoryName -ne $DirectoryName) { # first item - print out the header
Write-Host "`n Directory: $DirectoryName`n"
Write-Host "Mode LastWriteTime Length Name"
Write-Host "---- ------------- ------ ----"
$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $c
Write-Host ("{0,-7} {1,25} {2,10} {3}" -f $_.mode,
([String]::Format("{0,10} {1,8}",
$length, $
$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $color_fore
++$i # increase the counter
$LastDirectoryName = $DirectoryName
if ($nnl) { # conditionally add an empty line
Write-Host ""
function Get-ChildItem-Format-Wide {
$New_Args = @($true)
$New_Args += "$Args"
Invoke-Expression "Get-ChildItem-Color $New_Args"
# End Get-ChildItem-Color
# Set project dir
$projectsdir = '\Projects'
# Set chefdk gem path
$env:PATH += ';C:\Users\localuser\AppData\Local\chefdk\gem\ruby\2.1.0\bin'
# GnuWin32 utils
$env:PATH += ";${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\GnuWin32\bin"
# Chocolatey Test Package Dir
$chocoTestPackageDir = 'C:\Projects\chocolatepackages\chocolatey-test-environment\packages'
# Aliases
if ( (Get-Command curl).Name.ToLower().Contains('curl.exe') ) {
Remove-Item alias:curl
function git-status { git status $args }
Set-Alias g git-status
Set-Alias cd pushd -Option AllScope
Set-Alias pd popd
function emacs-nw { emacs -nw $args }
Set-Alias e emacs-nw
function choco-search { choco search $args }
Set-Alias csearch choco-search
Set-Alias dir Get-ChildItem-Color -Option AllScope
Set-Alias ls Get-ChildItem-Color -Option AllScope
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