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Created July 20, 2017 15:55
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Configure WinRM to listen over SSL (port 5986) and use the web certificate generated by a certificate templated called 'WinRM'. Highly recommend reading Synopsis, Description, and Examples.
Configures a secure WinRM listener over HTTPS to enable
SSL-based WinRM communications. This script has not been
tested on Windows Server 2003R2 or earier, and may not
work on these OSes for a variety of reasons.
If Windows Remote Management is disabled (e.g. service
stopped, GPO Policy, etc.), this script will likely fail.
This script is designed to be used in two ways:
1. Fire on 1001 or 1006 event ids in the
CertificateServicesClient-Lifecycle-System event log
2. Use the -FindCert parameter to select the most recent
valid certificate created from the 'WinRM' certificate template.
This script is designed to take parameters from the
CertificateServicesClient-Lifecycle-System event log.
This can be used gracefuly with Task Scheduler provided
you add a bit of custom XML code to your event trigger(s).
The easiest way to generate the proper XML for a task is to:
1. Create the task in the Task Scheduler GUI. Set everything
else you would otherwise need in the Task.
2. Export the task to a file. Remove the task you created in
Step 1.
3. Add whatever XML you need. Boilerplate XML is outlined below.
4. Save the modified XML file and mport the task into Task Scheduler.
Supported Event IDs
1001 - Replace
1006 - New/Enroll
In order to use event properties as variables to the script,
you must use the add the <ValueQueries> element under
each <EventTrigger> used to fire off your script like so:
<Value name="Template">
<Value name="Thumbprint">
<Value name="Context">
<Value name="EventID">
The way this works is that the text of the <Value> element is actually
XPATH syntax corresponding to an element or attribute value. If you inspect
the XML tab of an event log entry, you can see how these paths correlate.
Each <Value> element can be referenced by name in the Action arguments.
For example, in the new action window:
Program/script: \path\to\Configure-SecureWinRM.ps1
Add arguments: -Template '$(Template)' -Thumbprint '$(Thumbprint)' -Context '$(Context)' -EventID '$(EventID)'
Notice how the variable names correspond to the @name
attribute of <Value>.
Event triggers will not work prior to OS version 6.2
as the certificate lifecycle events were introduced in
Win8/WS2012. However, there is a secondary parameter
which can be used for older servers, which looks for the
any certificate generated from the WinRM certificate
template and selects the certificate with the furthest
expiry date (as long as the Valid From date has already
passed). However, there should generally only be one
WinRM certificate generated at a time.
The name of the template used to generate the certificate which
will be used for WinRM. Should come from the following XML path
in the event log entry:
The template must be 'WinRM' or the script will stop executing by design.
.PARAMETER Thumbprint
The thumbprint of the certificate to be used for WinRM. Should
come from the following XML path in the event log entry:
The context into which the certifcate was installed (e.g. User, Machine, etc.)
If this value is anything but 'Machine' the script will stop executing by design.
Should come from the following XPATH of the event log entry:
The EventID which triggered the task calling this script. Must be 1001 or 1006
or the script will stop executing by design. Should come from the following
XML path of the event log entry:
When this parameter is used, the previous parameters are not required.
When -FindCert is specified, the script will search the certificate store path
specified by -CertStoreLocation for any currently valid certificates that were
generated using the 'WinRM' template. If more than one suitable certificate is
found, it will select the certificate which has the furthest expiry date.
.PARAMETER CertStoreLocation
A string (or array of strings) representing certificate store paths which
will be searched for suitable certificates. Set to 'Cert:\LocalMachine\My'
by default.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='FromEventLog', Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='FromEventLog', Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='FromEventLog', Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='FromEventLog', Mandatory=$true)]
[string[]]$CertStoreLocation = 'Cert:\LocalMachine\My'
# Event log IDs
function checkParams {
if ( -Not $FindCert ) {
if ( -Not $Template -And -Not $Thumbprint -And -Not $Context -And -Not $EventID ) {
throw 'This script cannot be run without arguments'
if ( $Template.ToLower() -ne 'winrm' ) {
Write-Verbose 'WARNING: Refusing to act on certificate sourced from non-WinRM certificate template.'
# Exit cleanly here, as this script could be fired off when other certs are renewed or enrolled
exit 0
if ( $Context.ToLower() -ne 'machine' ) {
Write-Verbose 'WARNING: Refusing to act on non-LocalMachine certificate'
# Exit cleanly here, as this script could be fired off when other certs are renewed or enrolled
exit 0
if ( ( $EventID -ne $REPLACE_EVENT ) -And ( $EventID -ne $ENROLL_EVENT ) ) {
Write-Verbose ( "WARNING: Refusing to act on any EventID other than {0} or {1}" -f $REPLACE_EVENT, $ENROLL_EVENT )
# Exit cleanly here, as this script could be fired off when other certs are renewed or enrolled
exit 0
if ( $Thumbprint -eq $null ) {
Write-Error "-Thumbprint cannot be null"
# If this is null something is wrong, trigger a failure
exit 1
# Enforce -CertStoreLocation paths being rooted under Cert:\LocalMachine
if ( ( $CertStoreLocation | Where-Object { $_.ToLower().StartsWith('cert:\localmachine') } ).Count -ne $CertStoreLocation.Count ) {
Write-Error 'All -CertStoreLocation paths must be rooted under Cert:\LocalMachine'
exit 2
function execute {
Write-Debug ( "EXECUTE>> {0}" -f $Command )
if ( $SuppressOutput ) {
Invoke-Expression $Command -ErrorVariable execute_error | Out-Null
} else {
Invoke-Expression $Command -ErrorVariable execute_error | Write-Host
if ( $ThrowOnError -And $execute_error ) { throw $execute_error }
# Invoke-Expression always makes $? $true
( $result = ( -Not $LASTEXITCODE ) )
Write-Debug ( "Result of last command: {0}" -f $result )
function getFQDN {
Write-Verbose 'Checking FQDN'
$shortname = ( Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem ).DNSHostName
if ( ( Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem ).PartOfDomain ) {
"{0}.{1}" -f $shortname, ( Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem ).Domain
} else {
function certExists {
Write-Verbose ( "Checking {1} for certificate with thumbprint {0}" -f $Thumbprint, ( $CertStoreLocation -Join ', ' ) )
$cert = Get-ChildItem $CertStoreLocation | Where-Object { $_.Thumbprint -eq $Thumbprint }
function listenerExists {
Write-Verbose 'Checking if secure WinRM listener is already configured'
$command = 'winrm get winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS'
execute -Command $command
# Creates secure WinRM listener. Returns $true if success and $false if failed
function createSecureListener {
[int]$Port = 5986
Write-Host ( "Creating new secure listener for WinRM on port {0}" -f $Port )
Write-Verbose ( "Setting WinRM Hostname property to {0}" -f $FQDN )
Write-Verbose ( "Setting WinRM CertificateThumbprint property to {0}" -f $CertificateThumbprint )
$command = "winrm create winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS"
$configItems = "`"@{ Hostname=```"$FQDN```"; CertificateThumbprint=```"$CertificateThumbprint```"; Port=```"$Port```" }`""
execute -Command ( "{0} {1}" -f $command, $configItems )
# Updates the secure WinRM listener. Returns $true on success and $false on $failure
function updateSecureListener {
if ( $CertificateThumbprint -Or $FQDN -Or $Port ) {
Write-Host 'Updating existing secure listener for WinRM'
$configItems = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
if ( $CertificateThumbprint ) {
Write-Verbose ( "Setting WinRM CertificateThumbprint property to {0}" -f $CertificateThumbprint )
$configItems.Add( "CertificateThumbprint=```"{0}```"" -f $CertificateThumbprint )
if ( $FQDN ) {
Write-Verbose ( "Setting WinRM Hostname property to {0}" -f $FQDN )
$configItems.Add( "Hostname=```"{0}```"" -f $FQDN )
if ( $Port ) {
Write-Verbose ( "Setting Winrm Port property to {0}" -f $Port )
$configItems.Add( "Port=```"{0}```"" -f $Port )
$command = "winrm set winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS `"@{{ {0} }}`"" -f ( $configItems -Join '; ' )
execute $command
} else {
Write-Verbose 'WARNING: No parameters were specified. No configuration was updated.'
# Locates a suitable WinRM certificate based off of the certificate template.
# Used in the event that the certificate exists before the scheduled task was
# created (AKA first time run after the certificate template was already applied).
# If more than one certificate is found, the certificate with the latest expiration
# is used (as long as the current time is between NotBefore and NotAfter).
# Returns a suitable certificate object for use with WinRM.
function findWinRMCert {
$templateNameField = 'Certificate Template Information'
# Get certs that have been applied with a certificate template and currently valid (by date)
Write-Verbose ( "Searching for suitable certificates in {0}" -f ( $CertStoreLocation -Join ', ' ) )
$now = Get-Date
$certs = Get-ChildItem $CertStoreLocation | Where-Object {
$_.Extensions.Oid.FriendlyName -eq $templateNameField `
-And $now -ge $_.NotBefore -And $now -le $_.NotAfter
} | Sort-Object -Property NotAfter -Descending
$winrm_certs = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]
# Sorcery to check the template name
$certs | Foreach-Object {
$temp = $_.Extensions | Where-Object { $_.Oid.FriendlyName -eq $templateNameField }
$templateName = ( $temp.Format($true) -Split "`r`n" | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith('Template=') } ) -Replace 'Template=', ''
if ( $templateName.ToLower().StartsWith('winrm') ) {
$winrm_certs.Add( $_ )
if ( $winrm_certs ) {
} else {
$OldErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
try {
$fqdn = getFQDN
Write-Verbose ( "Using detected FQDN of {0}" -f $fqdn )
if ( -Not $FindCert ) {
if ( -Not ( certExists $Thumbprint ) ) { throw ( "Certificate thumbprint {0} not found" -f $Thumbprint ) }
} else {
$foundCert = ( findWinRMCert $CertStoreLocation )
if ( $foundCert ) {
$Thumbprint = $foundCert.Thumbprint
} else {
$Thumbprint = $null
if ( -Not $Thumbprint ) { throw 'Could not find a suitable certificate for use with WinRM' }
if ( -Not ( listenerExists ) ) {
$ret = createSecureListener -CertificateThumbprint $Thumbprint -FQDN $fqdn
if ( -Not $ret ) { throw "createSecureListener failed" }
} else {
$ret = updateSecureListener -CertificateThumbprint $Thumbprint -FQDN $fqdn
if ( -Not $ret ) { throw "updateSecureListener failed" }
} finally {
$ErrorActionPreference = $OldErrorActionPreference
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Firstly, thanks for sharing this script. Its helped me alot!

I get the same error as tof06250 when executing listenerExists

winrm : WSManFault
At line:1 char:1
+ winrm get winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (WSManFault:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

Updating the createListener function worked a treat to handle the error to feed to createSecureListener on line 327

function ListenerExists {
    Write-Verbose 'Checking if secure WinRM listener is already configured'
    try {
        $command = 'winrm get winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS'
        $result = execute -Command $command

        return $true
    } catch {
        Write-Verbose "Error checking listener configuration: $_"
        return $false

Lastly, are you disabling HTTP and creating FW rules via GPO in conjuction with this script?



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I'll try to find some time to update this with the suggestions so far eventually. When I originally uploaded this I may have done so with an older revision that had some issues.

@BradSherwin This only sets up WinRM over SSL, it does not touch the HTTP configuration or create FW rules (in our environment we don't rely on Windows Firewall). With most domain configurations, WinRM without SSL can still be securely used as long as Basic Authentication isn't used.

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