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Created April 30, 2019 20:26
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Python Ping
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import argparse
import colorful
import math
import re
alive_count = 0
args = ''
avg = 0
avg_string = ''
color_palette = {
'ip' : '#5888B8',
'fail' : '#D33F3F',
'semi' : '#FFA07A',
'success' : '#32CD32'
loss = 0
loss_string = ''
nonresponsive_count = 0
nonresponsive_list = {}
nonresponsive_server_count = 0
semi_responsive_count = 0
semi_responsive_list = {}
semi_responsive_server_count = 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ping an IPv4 address')
parser.add_argument('ip', metavar='IPv4 Address', type=str, nargs='+',
help='IPv4 address to ping')
args = parser.parse_args()
for x in range (4):
ping = Popen(['ping', '-n', '1', args.ip[0]], stdout=PIPE)
loss_string = ''
output = ping.communicate()[0]
output = output.decode("utf-8")
is_alive = ping.returncode
if is_alive == 0:
alive_count += 1
avg_position_begin = output.find("Average = ")
avg_string = output[avg_position_begin:].strip().lower()
avg += int(re.findall(r'\d+', avg_string)[0])
ping = int(re.findall(r'\d+', avg_string)[0])
print(f'{colorful.ip}{args.ip[0]}{colorful.reset} ping reponse: {colorful.success}average = {ping}ms{colorful.reset} with {colorful.success}{loss}% loss{colorful.reset}')
nonresponsive_count += 1
loss_position_begin = output.find("Lost")
loss_position_end = output.find("(")
loss_string = output[loss_position_begin:loss_position_end]
if "Ping request could not find host" in output:
print(f'{}Ping request could not find host {colorful.ip}{args.ip[0]} {}Please check the name and try again{colorful.reset}')
elif "Request timed out" in output:
print(f'{}Request timed out{colorful.reset}')
loss += int(re.findall(r'\d+', loss_string)[0])
if alive_count == 0:
nonresponsive_server_count += 1
loss = 4
if alive_count != 4 and alive_count != 0:
semi_responsive_server_count += 1
avg /= 4
loss = (loss / 4) * 100
avg = math.ceil(avg)
loss = math.ceil(loss)
print(f'\nPing Summary:')
if FAIL_FLAG == True:
print(f'{}Ping request could not find host {colorful.ip}{args.ip[0]}{colorful.reset}')
elif loss == 100:
print(f'{colorful.ip}{args.ip[0]}{colorful.reset} {}Ping request timed out. {loss}% loss{colorful.reset}')
elif loss < 100 and loss > 0:
print(f'{colorful.ip}{args.ip[0]}{colorful.reset} ping reponse: {colorful.semi}average = {avg}ms{colorful.reset} with {colorful.semi}{loss}% loss{colorful.reset}')
print(f'{colorful.ip}{args.ip[0]}{colorful.reset} ping reponse: {colorful.success}average = {avg}ms{colorful.reset} with {colorful.success}{loss}% loss{colorful.reset}')
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