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Last active December 22, 2023 13:32
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MongoDB $lookup aggregation example

MongoDB $lookup aggregation

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    $lookup: {
        from: "users",
        localField: "createdBy",
        foreignField: "_id",
        as: "user"
}, {
    $unwind: "$user"
}, {
    $unwind: "$user.emails"
}, {
    $sort: { "user.emails.verified": -1 }
}, {
    $group: {
        _id: "$_id",
        createdBy: { $first: "$createdBy" },
        fellowId: { $first: "$fellowId" },
        companyId: { $first: "$companyId" },
        teamId: { $first: "$teamId" },
        user: { $first: "$user" }
}, {
    $lookup: {
        from: "fellows",
        localField: "fellowId",
        foreignField: "_id",
        as: "fellow"
}, {
    $unwind: "$fellow"
}, {
    $lookup: {
        from: "companies",
        localField: "companyId",
        foreignField: "_id",
        as: "company"
}, {
    $unwind: "$company"
}, {
    $lookup: {
        from: "teams",
        localField: "teamId",
        foreignField: "_id",
        as: "team"
}, {
    $unwind: "$team"
}, {
    $project: {
        "_id": 1,
        "firstName": "$",
        "lastName": "$",
        "emailAddress": "$user.emails.address",
        "companyTitle": "$company._id",
        "teamTitle": "$team._id",
        "fellowTitle": "$fellow._id",
        "isVerified": "$user.emails.verified"
}, {
    $out: "results"
  • Output :
{ "_id" : "5qgfddRubJ32pS48B22222222", "firstName" : "CCCCCC", "lastName" : "DDDDDD", "emailAddress" : "", "companyTitle" : "CCC", "teamTitle" : "FFF", "fellowTitle" : "yCaqt5nT3LQCBLj8j", "isVerified" : false }
{ "_id" : "5qgfddRubJ32pS48B111111", "firstName" : "AAAAAAA", "lastName" : "BBBBBB", "emailAddress" : "", "companyTitle" : "BBB", "teamTitle" : "EEE", "fellowTitle" : "yCaqt5nT3LQCBLj8j", "isVerified" : true }
{ "_id" : "5qgfddRubJ32pS48B", "firstName" : "AZAZAZAZ", "lastName" : "SDSDSDSDSD", "emailAddress" : "", "companyTitle" : "AAA", "teamTitle" : "DDD", "fellowTitle" : "yCaqt5nT3LQCBLj8j", "isVerified" : true }

Sample collections

  • votes collection :
    "_id": "5qgfddRubJ32pS48B",
    "createdBy": "HdKRfwzGriMMZgSQu",
    "companyId": "AAA",
    "fellowId": "yCaqt5nT3LQCBLj8j",
    "_id": "5qgfddRubJ32pS48B111111",
    "createdBy": "HdKRfwzGriMMZgqsdqsdSQu",
    "companyId": "BBB",
    "fellowId": "yCaqt5nT3LQCBLj8j",
    "_id": "5qgfddRubJ32pS48B22222222",
    "createdBy": "HdKRfwzGriMMZgqsdqsdSQu1212",
    "companyId": "CCC",
    "fellowId": "yCaqt5nT3LQCBLj8j",
  • companies collection :
    "_id": "AAA",
}, {
    "_id": "BBB",
}, {
    "_id": "CCC",
  • teams collection :
    "_id": "DDD",
}, {
    "_id": "EEE",
}, {
    "_id": "FFF",
  • users collection :
    "_id": "HdKRfwzGriMMZgSQu",
    "emails": [{
        "address": "",
        "verified": true
    }, {
        "address": "",
        "verified": false
    "_id": "HdKRfwzGriMMZgqsdqsdSQu",
    "emails": [{
        "address": "",
        "verified": false
    }, {
        "address": "",
        "verified": true
    "_id": "HdKRfwzGriMMZgqsdqsdSQu1212",
    "emails": [{
        "address": "",
        "verified": false
    }, {
        "address": "",
        "verified": false
  • fellows collection :
    "_id": "yCaqt5nT3LQCBLj8j",
    "title": "Fellow Title"
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Poliki commented Feb 8, 2021

I search for a long time

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