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Created May 11, 2020 21:53
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Pan and Zoom script for unity for all platforms
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
/// <summary> A modular and easily customisable Unity MonoBehaviour for handling swipe and pinch motions on mobile. </summary>
public class PanAndZoom : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary> Called as soon as the player touches the screen. The argument is the screen position. </summary>
public event Action<Vector2> onStartTouch;
/// <summary> Called as soon as the player stops touching the screen. The argument is the screen position. </summary>
public event Action<Vector2> onEndTouch;
/// <summary> Called if the player completed a quick tap motion. The argument is the screen position. </summary>
public event Action<Vector2> onTap;
/// <summary> Called if the player swiped the screen. The argument is the screen movement delta. </summary>
public event Action<Vector2> onSwipe;
/// <summary> Called if the player pinched the screen. The arguments are the distance between the fingers before and after. </summary>
public event Action<float, float> onPinch;
[Tooltip("The maximum movement for a touch motion to be treated as a tap")]
public float maxDistanceForTap = 40;
[Tooltip("The maximum duration for a touch motion to be treated as a tap")]
public float maxDurationForTap = 0.4f;
[Header("Desktop debug")]
[Tooltip("Use the mouse on desktop?")]
public bool useMouse = true;
[Tooltip("The simulated pinch speed using the scroll wheel")]
public float mouseScrollSpeed = 2;
[Header("Camera control")]
[Tooltip("Does the script control camera movement?")]
public bool controlCamera = true;
[Tooltip("The controlled camera, ignored of controlCamera=false")]
public Camera cam;
public Camera cam2;
[Tooltip("Are touch motions listened to if they are over UI elements?")]
public bool ignoreUI = false;
[Tooltip("Is the camera bound to an area?")]
public bool useBounds;
public bool EnablePan;
public float boundMinX = -150;
public float boundMaxX = 150;
public float boundMinY = -150;
public float boundMaxY = 150;
Vector2 touch0StartPosition;
Vector2 touch0LastPosition;
float touch0StartTime;
bool cameraControlEnabled = true;
bool canUseMouse;
/// <summary> Has the player at least one finger on the screen? </summary>
public bool isTouching { get; private set; }
/// <summary> The point of contact if it exists in Screen space. </summary>
public Vector2 touchPosition { get { return touch0LastPosition; } }
void Start()
EnablePan = true;
canUseMouse = Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android && Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer && Input.mousePresent;
void Update()
if (EnablePan)
if (useMouse && canUseMouse)
void LateUpdate()
public void DeselectScript()
EnablePan = false;
//isTouching = false;
Debug.Log("DeselectScript is working ? " + EnablePan);
//Debug.Log("isTouching is working 1 ? " + ignoreUI);
public void SelectScript()
EnablePan = true;
Debug.Log("SelectScript is working ? " + EnablePan);
public void UpdateWithMouse()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
if (ignoreUI || !IsPointerOverUIObject())
touch0StartPosition = Input.mousePosition;
touch0StartTime = Time.time;
touch0LastPosition = touch0StartPosition;
isTouching = true;
if (onStartTouch != null) onStartTouch(Input.mousePosition);
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && isTouching)
Vector2 move = (Vector2)Input.mousePosition - touch0LastPosition;
touch0LastPosition = Input.mousePosition;
if (move !=
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && isTouching)
if (Time.time - touch0StartTime <= maxDurationForTap
&& Vector2.Distance(Input.mousePosition, touch0StartPosition) <= maxDistanceForTap)
if (onEndTouch != null) onEndTouch(Input.mousePosition);
isTouching = false;
cameraControlEnabled = true;
if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0)
OnPinch(Input.mousePosition, 1, Input.mouseScrollDelta.y < 0 ? (1 / mouseScrollSpeed) : mouseScrollSpeed, Vector2.right);
void UpdateWithTouch()
int touchCount = Input.touches.Length;
if (touchCount == 1)
Touch touch = Input.touches[0];
switch (touch.phase)
case TouchPhase.Began:
if (ignoreUI || !IsPointerOverUIObject())
touch0StartPosition = touch.position;
touch0StartTime = Time.time;
touch0LastPosition = touch0StartPosition;
isTouching = true;
if (onStartTouch != null) onStartTouch(touch0StartPosition);
case TouchPhase.Moved:
touch0LastPosition = touch.position;
if (touch.deltaPosition != && isTouching)
case TouchPhase.Ended:
if (Time.time - touch0StartTime <= maxDurationForTap
&& Vector2.Distance(touch.position, touch0StartPosition) <= maxDistanceForTap
&& isTouching)
if (onEndTouch != null) onEndTouch(touch.position);
isTouching = false;
cameraControlEnabled = true;
case TouchPhase.Stationary:
case TouchPhase.Canceled:
else if (touchCount == 2)
Touch touch0 = Input.touches[0];
Touch touch1 = Input.touches[1];
if (touch0.phase == TouchPhase.Ended || touch1.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) return;
isTouching = true;
float previousDistance = Vector2.Distance(touch0.position - touch0.deltaPosition, touch1.position - touch1.deltaPosition);
float currentDistance = Vector2.Distance(touch0.position, touch1.position);
if (previousDistance != currentDistance)
OnPinch((touch0.position + touch1.position) / 2, previousDistance, currentDistance, (touch1.position - touch0.position).normalized);
if (isTouching)
if (onEndTouch != null) onEndTouch(touch0LastPosition);
isTouching = false;
cameraControlEnabled = true;
void OnClick(Vector2 position)
if (onTap != null && (ignoreUI || !IsPointerOverUIObject()))
void OnSwipe(Vector2 deltaPosition)
if (onSwipe != null)
if (controlCamera && cameraControlEnabled)
if (cam == null) cam = Camera.main;
cam.transform.position -= (cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(deltaPosition) - cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(;
void OnPinch(Vector2 center, float oldDistance, float newDistance, Vector2 touchDelta)
if (onPinch != null)
onPinch(oldDistance, newDistance);
if (controlCamera && cameraControlEnabled)
/*if (cam == null)*/
//cam = Camera.main;
if (cam.orthographic)
var currentPinchPosition = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(center);
cam.orthographicSize = Mathf.Max(0.1f, cam.orthographicSize * oldDistance / newDistance);
//Debug.Log("Camera Size is: " + cam.orthographicSize);
var newPinchPosition = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(center);
cam.transform.position -= newPinchPosition - currentPinchPosition;
//Debug.Log("Camera new Size is: " + cam.transform.position);
cam.fieldOfView = Mathf.Clamp(cam.fieldOfView * oldDistance / newDistance, 0.1f, 179.9f);
if (cam2.orthographic)
var currentPinchPosition2 = cam2.ScreenToWorldPoint(center);
cam2.orthographicSize = cam.orthographicSize - 154.665f;
//Debug.Log("Camera Size is: " + cam2.orthographicSize);
var newPinchPosition2 = cam2.ScreenToWorldPoint(center);
cam2.transform.position -= newPinchPosition2 - currentPinchPosition2;
//Debug.Log("Camera new Size is: " + cam2.transform.position);
cam2.fieldOfView = Mathf.Clamp(cam2.fieldOfView * oldDistance / newDistance, 0.1f, 179.9f);
/// <summary> Checks if the the current input is over canvas UI </summary>
public bool IsPointerOverUIObject()
if (EventSystem.current == null) return false;
PointerEventData eventDataCurrentPosition = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);
eventDataCurrentPosition.position = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y);
List<RaycastResult> results = new List<RaycastResult>();
EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(eventDataCurrentPosition, results);
return results.Count > 0;
/// <summary> Cancels camera movement for the current motion. Resets to use camera at the end of the touch motion.</summary>
public void CancelCamera()
cameraControlEnabled = false;
void CameraInBounds()
if (controlCamera && useBounds && cam != null && cam.orthographic)
cam.orthographicSize = Mathf.Min(cam.orthographicSize, ((boundMaxY - boundMinY) / 2) - 0.001f);
cam.orthographicSize = Mathf.Min(cam.orthographicSize, (Screen.height * (boundMaxX - boundMinX) / (2 * Screen.width)) - 0.001f);
Vector2 margin = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint((Vector2.up * Screen.height / 2) + (Vector2.right * Screen.width / 2)) - cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(;
float marginX = margin.x;
float marginY = margin.y;
float camMaxX = boundMaxX - marginX;
float camMaxY = boundMaxY - marginY;
float camMinX = boundMinX + marginX;
float camMinY = boundMinY + marginY;
float camX = Mathf.Clamp(cam.transform.position.x, camMinX, camMaxX);
float camY = Mathf.Clamp(cam.transform.position.y, camMinY, camMaxY);
cam.transform.position = new Vector3(camX, camY, cam.transform.position.z);
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