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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Audit Requirements
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Generates a CSV report listing all organizations, their teams,
# team permissions, team repositories, and team members
# Written for
# Caveats: Does not list personal repositories
# Set OCTOKIT_ACCESS_TOKEN to a token with read:org scope owned by a site admin
# and OCTOKIT_API_ENDPOINT to http(s)://[your-hostname]/api/v3/
# Use `ghe-org-owner-promote` to make the site admin an owner of all
# organizations
require 'octokit'
# Uncomment this line if you're using a self-signed SSL certificate
# Octokit.connection_options[:ssl] = { verify: false }
ghe =
puts 'Organization,Team,Permission,Repository,User'
ghe.orgs(ghe.user).each do |org|
ghe.org_teams(org.login).each do |team|
repos = ghe.team_repositories(
rescue Octokit::NotFound
repos = ['']
ghe.team_members( do |member|
repos.each do |repo|
puts "#{org.login},#{},#{team.permission},#{repo},#{member.login}"
source ''
gem 'octokit'

In order to run audit.rb you'll need:

  • An environment capable to run Ruby scripts.
  • Download audit.rb and Gemfile to a new folder
  • Install the script dependencies by running bundle install

To get an instance wide audit you'll also need to:

  • Log in as the GHE Site Admin and generate a personal access token with read:org scope
  • SSH into the GHE VM and run ghe-org-owner-promote. This will make the site admin an owner in all organizations.
  • Set OCTOKIT_ACCESS_TOKEN to the token you've just generated
  • Set OCTOKIT_API_ENDPOINT to http(s)://[your-hostname]/api/v3/
  • Run the script
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