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Last active June 6, 2017 13:20
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extrema implementations
using Base.Cartesian, Base.Test, BenchmarkTools
extrema_mapslices(v,region) = mapslices(extrema, v, region)
function extrema_functor(a::AbstractArray, dim)
dim = tuple(dim...)
mi = minimum(a,dim)
ma = maximum(a,dim)
reshape(collect(zip(mi,ma)), size(mi))
function extrema_cartesian(A::AbstractArray, dims)
sz = [size(A)...]
sz[[dims...]] = 1
B = Array{Tuple{eltype(A),eltype(A)}}(sz...)
extrema_cartesian!(B, A)
function extrema_cartesian_simd(A::AbstractArray, dims)
sz = [size(A)...]
sz[[dims...]] = 1
B = Array{Tuple{eltype(A),eltype(A)}}(sz...)
extrema_cartesian_simd!(B, A)
function extrema_cartesianrange(A::AbstractArray, dims)
sz = [size(A)...]
sz[[dims...]] = 1
B = Array{Tuple{eltype(A),eltype(A)}}(sz...)
extrema_cartesianrange!(B, A)
@generated function extrema_cartesian!(B,A::Array{T,N}) where {T,N}
return quote
sA = size(A)
sB = size(B)
@nloops $N i B begin
AI = @nref $N A i
(@nref $N B i) = (AI, AI)
Bmax = sB
@inbounds @nloops $N i A begin
AI = @nref $N A i
@nexprs $N d->(j_d = min(Bmax[d], i_{d}))
BJ = @nref $N B j
#if AI < BJ[1]
# (@nref $N B j) = (AI, BJ[2])
#elseif AI > BJ[2]
# (@nref $N B j) = (BJ[1], AI)
BJ = ifelse(AI < BJ[1], (AI, BJ[2]), BJ)
BJ = ifelse(AI > BJ[2], (BJ[1], AI), BJ)
(@nref $N B j) = BJ
return B
@generated function extrema_cartesian_simd!(B,A::Array{T,N}) where {T,N}
return quote
sA = size(A)
sB = size(B)
@nloops $N i B begin
AI = @nref $N A i
(@nref $N B i) = (AI, AI)
Bmax = sB
@inbounds @nloops $(N-1) i d -> indices(A,d+1) begin
@inbounds @simd for i_0 = indices(A,1)
AI = @nref $N A d->i_{d-1}
@nexprs $N d->(j_d = min(Bmax[d], i_{d-1}))
BJ = @nref $N B j
#if AI < BJ[1]
# (@nref $N B j) = (AI, BJ[2])
#elseif AI > BJ[2]
# (@nref $N B j) = (BJ[1], AI)
BJ = ifelse(AI < BJ[1], (AI, BJ[2]), BJ)
BJ = ifelse(AI > BJ[2], (BJ[1], AI), BJ)
(@nref $N B j) = BJ
return B
@noinline function extrema_cartesianrange!(B, A)
sA = size(A)
sB = size(B)
for I in CartesianRange(sB)
AI = A[I]
B[I] = (AI, AI)
Bmax = CartesianIndex(sB)
@inbounds @simd for I in CartesianRange(sA)
J = min(Bmax,I)
BJ = B[J]
AI = A[I]
#if AI < BJ[1]
# B[J] = (AI, BJ[2])
#elseif AI > BJ[2]
# B[J] = (BJ[1], AI)
BJ = ifelse(AI < BJ[1], (AI, BJ[2]), BJ)
BJ = ifelse(AI > BJ[2], (BJ[1], AI), BJ)
B[J] = BJ
return B
foo = Dict(
10 => rand(10,11,12),
100 => rand(100,101,102),
1000 => rand(1000,1001,1002))
global dim, sz
for dim in [1,2,(1,2)], sz in sort(collect(keys(foo)))
info("dim=",dim,", sz=",sz)
@test extrema_mapslices(foo[sz],dim) == extrema_functor(foo[sz],dim)
@test extrema_mapslices(foo[sz],dim) == extrema_cartesian(foo[sz],dim)
@test extrema_mapslices(foo[sz],dim) == extrema_cartesian_simd(foo[sz],dim)
@test extrema_mapslices(foo[sz],dim) == extrema_cartesianrange(foo[sz],dim)
gc(); print("mapslices "); @btime extrema_mapslices(foo[sz],dim);
gc(); print("functor "); @btime extrema_functor(foo[sz],dim);
gc(); print("cartesian "); @btime extrema_cartesian(foo[sz],dim);
gc(); print("cartesian_simd"); @btime extrema_cartesian_simd(foo[sz],dim);
gc(); print("cartesianrange"); @btime extrema_cartesianrange(foo[sz],dim);
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bjarthur commented Jun 6, 2017

strange that @simd did not improve the Cartesian variant much, as it had a huge effect on the CartesianRange variant.

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