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Last active March 3, 2017 08:34
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Images optimizing script
# --------------------------------------------------
# Author : Imri Paloja
# Email :
# HomePage :
# Version : 0.6.2
# Name :
# Description : Image optimizing script
# --------------------------------------------------
# This, is beta.
# Still need to make a pretty log, for now it outputs everything in /var/log/image_optimizer.log.
# Dependencies
# - jpegoptim
# - optipng
# - exiftool
# What this script does:
# Finds all the .png and .jpg in a folders, get the width and height.
# resizes the images to the known screen width: 1920 1280 980 800 768 360 320
# With respect the aspect ratio. If the image is called "cheese.png" and the width is 1810, it will resize that image to 1280 980 800 768 360 320 160
# meaning the image will look like this:
# cheese-optimizer-1280.png
# cheese-optimizer-980.png
# cheese-optimizer-800.png
# cheese-optimizer-768.png
# cheese-optimizer-360.png
# cheese-optimizer-320.png
# cheese-optimizer-160.png
# And the original will be preserved ad a 'backup'
# cheese.png
# After resizing, the resized image, with the prefix "-optimizer-" will be optimized, and stripped of all meta-data
# The images will be outputted in the same directory where the original resides
# Marking the start time
start=`date +%s`
# fill this out before runing this script.
find $imagedir/ -type f -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.png" -not -iname "*-optimizer-*" -not -wholename "*/banner/*" | while read imagefile; do
# /path/to/images/folder/05-JPcmMgS.png
# 05-JPcmMgS.png
image="$(basename "$imagefile")"
# 05-JPcmMgS-small.png
#smallimage="$(basename "$imagefile" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
# /path/to/images/folder/
path=$(echo "$imagefile" | sed "s/\/$image//g")
# The Current image file size
imagesize=$(du -bs "$imagefile" | awk '{print $1}')
imagewidth=$(exiftool "$imagefile" | grep "Image Width" | awk '{print $4}')
imageheight=$(exiftool "$imagefile" | grep "Image Height" | awk '{print $4}')
# Known screen sizes:
# image width: 1920 1280 980 800 768 360 320
# image height:1200 900 600 1280 1280 1024 640 480
# 1920 1280 980 800 768 360 320
case $imagewidth in
echo "1[3-9][0-9][0-9] - $imagewidth"
echo "1280x600 980x1280 800x1280 768x1024 360x640 320x480 160x240" | sed 's/ /\n/g' | while read divide; do
# 1280x600
# width="$(($imagewidth / $divide))x"
# height="$(($imageheight / $divide))"
width="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | head -n 1)))x"
height="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | tail -n 1)))"
smallimage="$(basename "$imagefile" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
convert "$imagefile" -resize $width$height "$path/$smallimage" &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
echo "1[0-3][0-9][0-9]) - $imagewidth"
echo "980x1280 800x1280 768x1024 360x640 320x480 160x240" | sed 's/ /\n/g'| while read divide; do
width="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | head -n 1)))x"
height="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | tail -n 1)))"
smallimage="$(basename "$imagefile" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
convert "$imagefile" -resize $width$height "$path/$smallimage" &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
echo "9[0-9][0-9] - $imagewidth"
echo "800x1280 768x1024 360x640 320x480 160x240" | sed 's/ /\n/g'| while read divide; do
width="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | head -n 1)))x"
height="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | tail -n 1)))"
smallimage="$(basename "$imagefile" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
convert "$imagefile" -resize $width$height "$path/$smallimage" &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
echo "8[0-9][0-9] - $imagewidth"
echo "768x1024 360x640 320x480 160x240" | sed 's/ /\n/g'| while read divide; do
width="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | head -n 1)))x"
height="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | tail -n 1)))"
smallimage="$(basename "$imagefile" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
convert "$imagefile" -resize $width$height "$path/$smallimage" &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
echo "7[0-9][0-9] - $imagewidth"
echo "360x640 320x480 160x240" | sed 's/ /\n/g'| while read divide; do
width="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | head -n 1)))x"
height="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | tail -n 1)))"
smallimage="$(basename "$imagefile" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
convert "$imagefile" -resize $width$height "$path/$smallimage" &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
echo "3[0-9][0-9] - $imagewidth"
echo "320x480 160x240" | sed 's/ /\n/g'| while read divide; do
width="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | head -n 1)))x"
height="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | tail -n 1)))"
smallimage="$(basename "$imagefile" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
convert "$imagefile" -resize $width$height "$path/$smallimage" &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
echo "3[0-9][0-9] - $imagewidth"
echo "160x240" | sed 's/ /\n/g'| while read divide; do
width="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | head -n 1)))x"
height="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | tail -n 1)))"
smallimage="$(basename "$imagefile" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
convert "$imagefile" -resize $width$height "$path/$smallimage" &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
echo "Size is off: $imagewidth"
# is greater than or equal to: -ge
# is less than or equal to: -le
# 1920 1280 980 800 768 360 320
if [ "$imagewidth" -gt "2000" ]; then
echo "Greater then 2000"
echo "1280x600 980x1280 800x1280 768x1024 360x640 320x480 160x240" | sed 's/ /\n/g'| while read divide; do
width="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | head -n 1)))x"
height="$(($(echo $divide | sed 's/x/\n/g' | tail -n 1)))"
smallimage="$(basename "$imagefile" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
convert "$imagefile" -resize $width$height "$path/$smallimage" &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
countedwidth="$(( ${#countthiswidth} - 1 ))"
countedheight="$(( ${#countthisheight} - 1 ))"
echo "Lesser than 2000"
# The image width minus the screensize?
width="$(($imagewidth / $countedwidth))x"
# Same as the width
height="$(($(exiftool "$imagefile" | grep "Image Height" | awk '{print $4}') / $countedheight))"
smallimage="$(echo "$image" | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1-optimizer-$(echo $width | sed 's/x//g')./g" | awk '{print $1}')"
convert "$imagefile" -resize $width$height "$path/$smallimage" &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
echo "Whoewheee... We're done. Now, lets optimize all the *-optimizer-* images!"
find $imagedir/ -type f -name "*-optimizer-*.jpg" -exec jpegoptim -m85 -o -p --strip-all --totals "{}" \; &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
find $imagedir/ -type f -name "*-optimizer-*.png" -exec optipng -o7 -preserve -strip all "{}" \; &>>/var/log/image_optimizer.log
end=`date +%s`
# $runtime only display time spent in seconds, So we will calculate the seconds
# to a more 'human readable' format.
echo "$(($duration / 60)) minutes and $(($duration % 60)) seconds."
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