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Created May 29, 2017 14:19
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Constructor for Google Place Autocomplete
var GpCheckoutAutocomplete = (function() {
function GpCheckoutAutocomplete() {
this.enableGeolocate = false;
this.countryError = 'Please select valid country';
this.addressInput = 'shipping_address';
this.address1ErrorPlaceholder = 'Address';
this.authFailure = false;
this.googleMapsCircle = {};
this.boundsInterval = {};
this.componentForm = {};
this.autocomplete = {};
this.$addressInput = {};
GpCheckoutAutocomplete.prototype.init = function(options) {
var _this = this;
var geolocate = options.geolocate;
var countryError = options.countryError;
var addressInput = options.addressInput;
var address1ErrorPlaceholder = options.address1ErrorPlaceholder;
this.enableGeolocate = geolocate || this.enableGeolocate;
this.countryError = countryError || this.countryError;
this.addressInput = addressInput || this.addressInput;
this.address1ErrorPlaceholder = address1ErrorPlaceholder || this.address1ErrorPlaceholder;
this.$addressInput = $('[name="checkout[' + addressInput + '][address1]"]');
this.$'focus', function() {
if (_this.enableGeolocate) {
// prevent accidential form submission if return key has been pressed
this.$addressInput.on('keydown', function(evt) {
var x = evt.which;
if (x === 13) {
window.gm_authFailure = function() {
GpCheckoutAutocomplete.prototype.setComponentForm = function(addressInput) {
this.componentForm = {
route: {
name: 'checkout[' + addressInput + '][address1]',
format: 'long_name',
content: ''
subpremise: {
name: 'checkout[' + addressInput + '][address2]',
format: 'long_name',
content: ''
country: {
name: 'checkout[' + addressInput + '][country]',
format: 'long_name',
content: ''
sublocality_level_1: {
name: 'checkout[' + addressInput + '][city]',
format: 'long_name',
content: ''
locality: {
name: 'checkout[' + addressInput + '][city]',
format: 'long_name',
content: ''
administrative_area_level_1: {
name: 'checkout[' + addressInput + '][province]',
format: 'long_name',
content: ''
postal_code: {
name: 'checkout[' + addressInput + '][zip]',
format: 'short_name',
content: ''
GpCheckoutAutocomplete.prototype.setAutocomplete = function() {
var _this = this;
if (!this.authFailure) {'Google Places autocomplete initialized');
// Create the autocomplete object, restricting the search to geographical location types.
this.autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */
(document.querySelector('[name="' + + '"]:not([tabIndex="-1"])')), {
types: ['address']
// When the user selects an address from the dropdown, populate the address fields in the form.
google.maps.event.addListener(this.autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
GpCheckoutAutocomplete.prototype.fillInAddress = function() {
var _this = this;
// Get the place details from the autocomplete object.
var place = this.autocomplete.getPlace();
var placeComponents = place.address_components;
// Reconcile the Google results with Shopifys hardcoded values for provinces/states
var provinceExceptions = {
'Québec': 'Quebec',
'District of Columbia': 'Washington DC'
var addressType = '';
var val = '';
// Store the contents of every placeComponent that matches one of our set options
// at the top of the file. Store it in the empty 'content' key.
for (var i = 0; i < placeComponents.length; i++) {
addressType = placeComponents[i].types[0];
if (this.componentForm[addressType]) {
val = place.address_components[i][this.componentForm[addressType].format];
// Store value to overwrite the street address, which is currently being used as the autocomplete input
var streetNumberIndex = false;
for (var x = 0; x < placeComponents.length; x++) {
if (placeComponents[x].types[0] === 'street_number') {
streetNumberIndex = x;
if (addressType === 'route' && streetNumberIndex !== false) {
this.componentForm[addressType].content = placeComponents[streetNumberIndex].long_name + " " + val;
} else {
this.componentForm[addressType].content = val;
// Use list of province exceptions to overwrite the stored values
if (addressType === 'administrative_area_level_1' && provinceExceptions[this.componentForm[addressType].content]) {
this.componentForm[addressType].content = provinceExceptions[this.componentForm[addressType].content];
// The loop will happen in the order set at the top of the file. So, country
// will always be the second value set, ensuring there are no issues with
// the 'province' select field not finding an appropriate value
for (var key in this.componentForm) {
if (_this.componentForm.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
document.getElementsByName(_this.componentForm[key].name)[0].value = '';
document.getElementsByName(_this.componentForm[key].name)[0].disabled = false;
// If the components content is empty, ignore it.
// To catch 'sublocality_level_1' as a fallback for 'locality', the sub is
// set first, according to the order set at the top of the script.
// So, if the 'locality' is also present, it will overwrite it to be used
// as the city name.
if (_this.componentForm[key].content !== '') {
var items = document.getElementsByName(_this.componentForm[key].name);
for (var y = 0; y < items.length; y++) {
// Set the value for every matching input. This is used to make sure
// hidden inputs are not the only ones changed.
items[y].value = _this.componentForm[key].content;
if (key === 'country') {
var country = '[name="' + + '"]';
var $country = $(country);
// Trigger the change event on 'Country' manually to make sure the
// 'province' select pulls the correct options.
// Display error if 'Country' is null. The country select has been
// limited to display specific countries and the country from
// autocomplete is not an option.
if ($country.val() === null) {
pageChangeChecker('ce-address-autocomplete', '[name="checkout[' + _this.addressInput + '][country]"]', function() {
$country.after('<p class="field__message field__message--error field__message--plus-error">' + _this.countryError + '</p>');
GpCheckoutAutocomplete.prototype.geolocate = function() {
var _this = this;
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
var geolocation = {
lat: position.coords.latitude,
lng: position.coords.longitude
var googleMapsCircle = new google.maps.Circle({
center: geolocation,
radius: position.coords.accuracy
// Console log when response from Google Maps is recevied just for dev info.'Google Places autocomplete geolocation bounds set');
}, function() {
// User refused to share location
_this.enableGeolocate = false;
} else {
this.enableGeolocate = false;
GpCheckoutAutocomplete.prototype.resetAuthFailure = function() {
// Override the attribute modifications on address line 1 when the JavaScript API fails to authenticate.
// Note: Default callback adds class gm-err-autocomplete
this.authFailure = true;
.css('background-image', 'none')
.attr('disabled', false)
.attr('autocomplete', 'shipping address-line1')
.attr('placeholder', this.address1ErrorPlaceholder);
return GpCheckoutAutocomplete;
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