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# requires: curl, uuidgen, jq, coreutils
# Pass the aimsid argument to it; open the network tab in devtools and obtain from some request, lots of it contain it.
# The rest is done automatically, it would make a local copy of your contact list, contact profiles, chat history in the current directory.
# I don't guarantee this script would work for you and fetch ALL your valuable data, use with caution.
bodqhrohro /
Last active February 10, 2024 19:59
Read data from legacy telegram-purple auth files
import os, struct
DIR = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".purple/telegram-purple")
def cprint(color, s):
print("\x1b[" + str(color) + "m" + s + "\x1b[0m", end="")
def pkeyvalue(key, value):
cprint(33, key)
bodqhrohro / gist:5a65deeb59491112d1757a9c7bd60d46
Created December 8, 2023 14:47
Cancel last apt installation
apt remove $(cat /var/log/apt/history.log |grep '^Install'|tail -n 1|sed 's/([^)]\+),\?//g'|sed 's/^Install://')
bodqhrohro /
Created November 3, 2023 03:39
Encode and decode low-bandwidth colour information in grayscale images
import sys
import random
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
img =[1])
img = img.convert(mode='YCbCr')
width = img.width
data = img.getdata()
bodqhrohro / lctraf.rb
Created August 15, 2023 21:24
Lifecell balance checker
require 'lifecell_api'
# require 'pp'
life = '380x3xxxxxxx', password: 'xxxxxx')
# PP.pp life.balances
balance = life.balances['balance']
bodqhrohro /
Created July 23, 2023 11:38
Puzzle generator
resolution=$(identify -format "%wx%h" "$1[0]")
IFS=x read -r -a resolution_array <<< $resolution
bodqhrohro / analprobe.service
Created April 22, 2023 07:32
Simple anal probe
Description=Spies on me
bodqhrohro /
Created February 22, 2020 20:22
Compress a video to a tiny GIF with a very strong quantization and no dithering
# parameters: input, output
# make a 256-colors palette first
palettefull=$( mktemp --suffix=.png )
ffmpeg -i "$1" -vf 'palettegen' -y "$palettefull"
# quantize the palette (palettegen's builting limiter
# tries to preserve too much similar shades)
palettequant=$( mktemp --suffix=.png )
bodqhrohro /
Last active June 14, 2019 09:52
Decode the filenames of attachments exported with munpack
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from email.header import decode_header, HeaderParseError
import os
import re
import itertools
from pprint import pprint
encodings = ( 'UTF-8', 'utf-8', 'koi8-r', 'KOI8-R' )
bodqhrohro / smartlighten
Created April 12, 2019 14:48
Preset for Compiz Color Filter
TEMP output;
TEMP input;
TEMP bright;
TEMP dark;
TEX input, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], RECT;
MUL dark.rgb, input, 5;
MUL bright.rgb, input, 0.55;