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Last active February 13, 2019 14:34
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A jq script to generate strongly typed golang structures based on results from a GraphQL introspection query

Usage (using get-graphql-schema to fetch the schema):

get-graphql-schema --json | jq -rf graphql.jq

Supports Union types, Enum types, Interfaces, Input Objects and regular Objects.

See bored-engineer/hackeroni-ql for an example library generated with this script.

# go_name takes a string and converts it to pascal case and replaces some strings
def go_name:
. as $name |
# Prefix a _ causing the first char to be uppercase
"_" + . | gsub("[_-]+(?<a>[A-Za-z])"; .a|ascii_upcase) |
# These words are abbreviatons, should be in all caps
# Add your own as you see fit for your use-case
gsub("(?<a>(Id|Sla|Url|Cve|Otp|Csrf|Totp))(?=[A-Z]|$)"; .a|ascii_upcase) |
# Re-add a _ prefix if there was one present already
if ($name | startswith("_")) then . + "_" else . end;
# go_custom_type handles specific scalars that map to existing go types
def go_custom_type:
# These are some "known"/common mappings
# Add your own as you see fit for your use-case
if . == "String" then
elif . == "Int" then
elif . == "Float" then
elif . == "Boolean" then
# Here are some custom types for example
elif . == "ID" then
elif . == "Hash" then
elif . == "CountBySeverity" then
# go_type returns a Golang type object for a given "type" field
def go_type:
# If it's the NON_NULL kind just recurse with the wrapper
if .kind == "NON_NULL" then
.ofType | go_type
elif .kind == "LIST" then
"[]" + (.ofType | go_type)
# These are types we can map directly to go types
# Modify these values as you see fit
.name | "*" + (go_custom_type // go_name)
# go_comment returns a comment for a given description and deprecation
def go_comment:
# Prefix each line of the description with a //
((.description // "") | split("\n") | map(
"// " + .
)) +
# This isn't technically in the spec, but it's common
if .isDeprecated then
(.deprecationReason // "") | split("\n") | map(
"// DEPRECATED: " + .
else [] end;
# go_enum_value generates a const valye
def go_enum_value(enum):
go_comment + [
# We want the name in pascal case
( | go_name) + (.name | go_name) + " " +
# It is of the "enum" type
( | go_name) + " = " +
# We use tojson to convert to safe strings
(.name | tojson)
# go_enum generates a Golang "enum" object
def go_enum:
. as $obj |
go_comment + [
# TODO: We assume all enums are strings, not necessarily
"type " + (.name | go_name) + " string",
"const (",
.enumValues | map(go_enum_value($obj)) | add
# go_struct_tag generates a json tag for an object
def go_struct_tag:
# We use omitempty here to not send blank fields
"`json:\"" + .name + ",omitempty\"`";
# go_struct_field generates a field in a struct
def go_struct_field:
go_comment + [
# Field names should be pascal case
(.name | go_name) + " " +
# Let go_type figure out the type
(.type | go_type) + " " +
# Add the json tag
# go_union_field generates the union fields
def go_union_field:
"TypeName__ string `json:\"__typename,omitempty\"`"
] + (.possibleTypes | map(
(.name | go_name) as $name |
$name + " *" + $name + " `json:\"-\"`"
# go_union_func generates the union unmarshal functions
def go_union_func($name):
"func (u *" + $name + ") UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {",
"type tmpType " + $name,
"err = json.Unmarshal(data, (*tmpType)(u))",
"if err != nil {",
["return err"],
"var payload interface{}",
"switch u.TypeName__ {",
(.possibleTypes[] | (
(.name | go_name) as $tName |
"case \"" + $tName + "\":",
"u." + $tName + " = &" + $tName + "{}",
"payload = u." + $tName
["return nil"],
"err = json.Unmarshal(data, payload)",
"if err != nil {",
["return err"],
"return nil"
# go_struct generates a Golang "struct" object
def go_struct:
((.fields // []) + (.inputFields // [])) as $fields |
(.name | go_name) as $name |
go_comment + [
"type " + $name + " struct {",
($fields | map(go_struct_field) | add) +
# Some structs (union/interfaces) have types
if .possibleTypes then go_union_field else [] end
] + if .possibleTypes then
# go_schema iterates over a introspection "schema" object
def go_schema:
"package main",
"import (",
] +
(.types | map(["", ""] +
.kind == "OBJECT" or
.kind == "INTERFACE" or
.kind == "INPUT_OBJECT" or
.kind == "UNION"
.kind == "ENUM"
) | add);
# print(prefix) takes a nested array of arrays as a single string with newlines and indentation for the relevant level
def print(prefix):
# Use reduce to append everything into a single string
reduce .[] as $item (
# Starting with a empty string
# Append either the string or recurse
. + ($item | if type == "array" then
# Add another level of indent on the recursion
print("\t" + prefix)
# Add the string along with the prefix and a newline
prefix + . + "\n"
# print calls print with a blank prefix removing the trailing newline
def print: print("") | rtrimstr("\n");
# Take the input, pass to go_schema and print the results
.__schema | go_schema | print
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