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Working from home

Boris Barroso boriscy

Working from home
  • Lead With Purpose
  • Samaipata, Bolivia
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boriscy / .rubocop.yml
Created April 21, 2021 13:36 — forked from jhass/.rubocop.yml
My preferred Rubocop config
RunRailsCops: true
# Commonly used screens these days easily fit more than 80 characters.
Max: 120
# Too short methods lead to extraction of single-use methods, which can make
# the code easier to read (by naming things), but can also clutter the class
class MigrateHstoreToJson < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
rename_column :posts, :data, :data_hstore
add_column :posts, :data, :jsonb, default: {}, null: false, index: { using: 'gin' }
execute 'UPDATE "posts" SET "data" = json_object(hstore_to_matrix("data_hstore"))::jsonb'
remove_column :posts, :data_hstore
def down
rename_column :posts, :data, :data_jsonb
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// load all grunt tasks
// configurable paths
var paths = {


This simple script will take a picture of a whiteboard and use parts of the ImageMagick library with sane defaults to clean it up tremendously.

The script is here:

convert $1 -morphology Convolve DoG:15,100,0 -negate -normalize -blur 0x1 -channel RBG -level 60%,91%,0.1 $2


# SSL self signed localhost for rails start to finish, no red warnings.
# 1) Create your private key (any password will do, we remove it below)
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.orig.key 2048
# 2) Remove the password
$ openssl rsa -in server.orig.key -out server.key