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Last active April 9, 2024 21:21
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vipe for babashka - see
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# temp file
touch $t
# read from stdin
if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
cat > $t
# spawn babashka with stdio connected
rlwrap bb -e "
(def stdin (slurp \"$t\"))
(def res (atom stdin))
(.addShutdownHook (.getRuntime Runtime)
(Thread. (fn [] (spit \"$t\" @res))))
(binding [*1 *1
*2 *2
*3 *3]
:init (fn [] (println \"Evaluate 'stdin' to see piped input.\")
(println \"The last return value is piped to the next command.\")
(println \"Use :repl/quit to quit the REPL.\"))
:eval (fn [x] (let [x (eval x)]
(reset! res x)
;; this should not be part of the eval function and should be fixed in bb's clojure.main/repl
;; similar for *e
(set! *3 *2)
(set! *2 *1)
(set! *1 x)
(spit \"$t\" @res)
" < /dev/tty > /dev/tty || exit $?
# write to stdout
cat $t
# cleanup
rm $t
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borkdude commented Nov 30, 2021

Example usage:

❯ brew info --json=v1 --installed | ./bipe | xargs which
Evaluate 'stdin' to see piped input.
The last return value is piped to the next command.
Use :repl/quit to quit the REPL.
user=> (-> (json/parse-string stdin) rand-nth (get "name"))
user=> ^D

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