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Forked from danchoi/
Created June 8, 2022 17:41
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Simple Rails deploy bash script
# Put this script on your production server and make it executable with chmod
# +x.
# Set the deploy_dir variable to the path on the production server to
# deployment directory. The script assumes the deployment directory is a git
# clone of the codebase from an upstream git repo. This script also assumes
# you are using Passenger.
deploy_dir=~/current # deploy dir
# You then can run remotely with ssh:
# ssh user@deployserver "~/"
echo "=======> Deploying to $deploy_dir <========"
cd $deploy_dir && git stash && git pull
# Run migrations if any are pulled down
if find db/migrate -type f -mmin -3 | grep '.*'
echo New migrations found
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
echo No new migrations
# Uncomment if using ThinkingSphinx
# RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake ts:rebuild
# Restart if any new Rails code
if find app config lib db/migrate -type f -mmin -3 | grep '.*'
echo Restarting Rails
touch tmp/restart.txt
echo No need to restart
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