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Created June 10, 2021 16:05
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tailscale up
tailscale up --auth-key=xxxx
tailscale up --advertise-tags=tag:foo
tailscale up --advertise-tags=tag:foo --shields-up=true
tailscale up --advertise-tags= --shields-up=true # explicitly mentioned good
tailscale up --shields-up=true # ERROR: unmentioned thing is changing value
tailscale up [--init] --advertise-tags= --shields-up=true # init is fine
tailscale up
ERROR: tailscale already running with settings that differ from those not mentioned (sldkjfslkdjf)
run with --init to
tailscale set --shields-up
tailscale set --shields-up=false
tailscale get
tailscale get shields-up
tailscale set shields-up
tailscale set shields-up=true
tailscale set shields-up=false
tailscale set [--account=NAME] shields-up=false
tailscale set [--account=NAME] alias=home
tailscale set advertise-tags+=tag:foo
tailscale set advertise-tags+=tag:foo
tailscale set shields-up=false advertise-tags+=tag:foo
tailscale down
tailscale up (no args after ==> edit prefs.wantrunning=true, login as necessary)
tailscale up --init (like today: all prefs to implicit flag values)
tailscale up --auth-key=....
tailscale login [--auth-key=] (does not imply --init; use `tailscale set --init`)
tailscale set [--init] shields-up=true
#### Multi-accounts
tailscale account list
tailscale account add [--control-server=http://localhost:123123]
tailscale account remove
tailscale account switch
tailscale account
tailscale up -a home
tailscale up -a work # work now ALSO logged in
tailscale down -a work # now just home
tailscale switch home # disable all but home
tailscale switch work # disable all but work
tailscale login # always means force-reauth, used to add a new account
=> same login as now? no change.
=> new login? future => interactive prompt, new account / switch to it
=> new login? now => reset all settings
tailscale get login
# v1.8 new user docs/flow
## Easy mode:
tailscale up # login as needed, then bring engine up
## More verbose way:
tailscale login
tailscale set shields-up=true
tailscale up
tailscale logout =>
- down
- tell control to drop association (see Direct.TryLogout TODO)
- does NOT delete prefs (like advertised tags, slksjdlfkj)
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