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Last active March 21, 2024 07:24
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######## POSH-GIT
# ... Import-Module for posh-git here ...
# Background colors
$GitPromptSettings.AfterStash.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.AfterStatus.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.BeforeIndex.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.BeforeStash.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.BeforeStatus.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.BranchAheadStatusSymbol.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.BranchBehindAndAheadStatusSymbol.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.BranchBehindStatusSymbol.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.BranchColor.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.BranchGoneStatusSymbol.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.BranchIdenticalStatusSymbol.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.DefaultColor.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.DelimStatus.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.ErrorColor.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.IndexColor.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.LocalDefaultStatusSymbol.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.LocalStagedStatusSymbol.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.LocalWorkingStatusSymbol.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.StashColor.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
$GitPromptSettings.WorkingColor.BackgroundColor = 0x5F5FAF
# Foreground colors
$GitPromptSettings.AfterStash.ForegroundColor = 0xF49797
$GitPromptSettings.AfterStatus.ForegroundColor = 0x729FCF
$GitPromptSettings.BeforeStash.ForegroundColor = 0xF49797
$GitPromptSettings.BeforeStatus.ForegroundColor = 0x729FCF
$GitPromptSettings.BranchAheadStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = 0x8AE234
$GitPromptSettings.BranchBehindAndAheadStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = 0xFCE94F
$GitPromptSettings.BranchBehindStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = 0xF49797
$GitPromptSettings.BranchColor.ForegroundColor = 0xFBFBFB
$GitPromptSettings.BranchGoneStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = 0x729FCF
$GitPromptSettings.BranchIdenticalStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = 0x729FCF
$GitPromptSettings.DefaultColor.ForegroundColor = 0xB5BBAE
$GitPromptSettings.DelimStatus.ForegroundColor = 0x729FCF
$GitPromptSettings.ErrorColor.ForegroundColor = 0xF49797
$GitPromptSettings.IndexColor.ForegroundColor = 0x2EC3C3
$GitPromptSettings.StashColor.ForegroundColor = 0xF49797
$GitPromptSettings.WorkingColor.ForegroundColor = 0xFCE94F
# Prompt shape
$GitPromptSettings.AfterStatus.Text = " "
$GitPromptSettings.BeforeStatus.Text = "  "
$GitPromptSettings.BranchAheadStatusSymbol.Text = ""
$GitPromptSettings.BranchBehindStatusSymbol.Text = ""
$GitPromptSettings.BranchGoneStatusSymbol.Text = ""
$GitPromptSettings.BranchBehindAndAheadStatusSymbol.Text = ""
$GitPromptSettings.BranchIdenticalStatusSymbol.Text = ""
$GitPromptSettings.BranchUntrackedText = ""
$GitPromptSettings.DelimStatus.Text = " ॥"
$GitPromptSettings.LocalStagedStatusSymbol.Text = ""
$GitPromptSettings.LocalWorkingStatusSymbol.Text = ""
$GitPromptSettings.PathStatusSeparator = ""
$GitPromptSettings.EnableStashStatus = $false
$GitPromptSettings.ShowStatusWhenZero = $false
function parseIniFile {
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[String] $Inputfile
if ($Inputfile -eq "") {
Write-Error "Ini File Parser: No file specified or selected to parse."
else {
$ContentFile = Get-Content $Inputfile
# commented Section
# match section header
$HEADER_REGEX = "\[+[A-Z0-9._ %<>/#+-]+\]"
$OccurenceOfComment = 0
$ContentComment = $ContentFile | Where-Object { ($_ -match "^\s*$COMMENT_CHARACTERS") -or ($_ -match "^$COMMENT_CHARACTERS") } | ForEach-Object {
[PSCustomObject]@{ Comment = $_ ;
Index = [Array]::IndexOf($ContentFile, $_)
foreach ($COMMENT_ELEMENT in $ContentComment) {
$COMMENT_OBJ = New-Object PSObject
$COMMENT_OBJ | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Index -value $COMMENT_ELEMENT.Index
$COMMENT_OBJ | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Comment -value $COMMENT_ELEMENT.Comment
$CONTENT_USEFUL = $ContentFile | Where-Object { ($_ -notmatch "^\s*$COMMENT_CHARACTERS") -or ($_ -notmatch "^$COMMENT_CHARACTERS") }
$ALL_SECTION_HASHTABLE = $CONTENT_USEFUL | Where-Object { $_ -match $HEADER_REGEX } | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Section = $_ ; Index = [Array]::IndexOf($CONTENT_USEFUL, $_) } }
#$ContentUncomment | Select-String -AllMatches $HEADER_REGEX | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches
$SECTION_OBJ = New-Object PSObject
$SECTION_OBJ | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Index -value $SECTION_ELEMENT.Index
$SECTION_OBJ | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Section -value $SECTION_ELEMENT.Section
# select each lines and value of each section
for ($i = 1; $i -le $NBR_OF_SECTION ; $i++) {
if ($i -ne $NBR_OF_SECTION) {
if (($SECTION_INI[$i - 1].Index + 1) -eq ($SECTION_INI[$i].Index )) {
$CONVERTED_OBJ = @() #There is nothing between the two section
else {
$SECTION_STRING = $CONTENT_USEFUL | Select-Object -Index (($SECTION_INI[$i - 1].Index + 1)..($SECTION_INI[$i].Index - 1)) | Out-String
$CONVERTED_OBJ = convertfrom-stringdata -stringdata $SECTION_STRING
else {
if (($SECTION_INI[$i - 1].Index + 1) -eq $NBR_MAX_LINE) {
$CONVERTED_OBJ = @() #There is nothing between the two section
else {
$SECTION_STRING = $CONTENT_USEFUL | Select-Object -Index (($SECTION_INI[$i - 1].Index + 1)..($NBR_MAX_LINE - 1)) | Out-String
$CONVERTED_OBJ = convertfrom-stringdata -stringdata $SECTION_STRING
$CURRENT_SECTION = New-Object PSObject
$CURRENT_SECTION | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Section -Value $SECTION_INI[$i - 1].Section
$CURRENT_SECTION | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Content -Value $CONVERTED_OBJ
function findHereOrParent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string[]] $filePaths
try {
$currentFolder = Get-Location
while ($currentFolder -ne "") {
foreach ($filePath in $filePaths) {
if ((Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction Ignore -LiteralPath $currentFolder -Filter $filePath).Count -gt 0) {
return $true
$currentFolder = Split-Path $currentFolder
catch {
return $false
######## PROMPT
set-content Function:prompt {
# Start with a blank line, for breathing room :)
Write-Host ""
# Reset the foreground color to default
$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Gray"
Write-Host " " -NoNewLine
# Write ERR for any PowerShell errors
if ($Error.Count -ne 0) {
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;131;40m$([char]27)[38;5;227;48;5;131m  ERR $([char]27)[38;5;131;40m" -NoNewLine
# Write Ctrl+C separately
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq -1073741510) {
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;131;40m$([char]27)[38;5;227;48;5;131m  Ctrl-C $([char]27)[38;5;131;40m" -NoNewLine
# Write non-zero exit code from last launched process
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne "") {
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;131;40m$([char]27)[38;5;227;48;5;131m  $LASTEXITCODE $([char]27)[38;5;131;40m" -NoNewLine
# Write any custom prompt environment (f.e., from vs2017.ps1)
if (get-content variable:\PromptEnvironment -ErrorAction Ignore) {
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;183;40m$([char]27)[38;5;54;48;5;183m$PromptEnvironment$([char]27)[38;5;183;40m" -NoNewLine
# Write Go version
if (($null -ne (Get-Command "go" -ErrorAction Ignore)) -and (findHereOrParent go.mod)) {
$goVersion = (& go version).split()[2].substring(2)
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;80;48;5;0m$([char]27)[38;5;16;48;5;80m  $goVersion $([char]27)[38;5;80;40m" -NoNewLine
# Write Rust version
if (($null -ne (Get-Command "rustc" -ErrorAction Ignore)) -and (findHereOrParent Cargo.toml)) {
$rustVersion = (& rustc --version).Split()[1]
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;172;40m$([char]27)[38;5;231;48;5;172m  $rustVersion $([char]27)[38;5;172;40m" -NoNewLine
# Write .NET SDK version
if (($null -ne (Get-Command "dotnet" -ErrorAction Ignore)) -and (findHereOrParent *.sln,*.csproj)) {
$dotNetVersion = (& dotnet --version)
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;54;40m$([char]27)[38;5;254;48;5;54m  $dotNetVersion $([char]27)[38;5;54;40m" -NoNewLine
# Write the current kubectl context
if ($null -ne (Get-Command "kubectl" -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
$currentContext = (& kubectl config current-context 2> $null)
if (($Error.Count -eq 0) -and ($currentContext -ne $null)) {
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;242;40m$([char]27)[38;5;112;48;5;242m  $([char]27)[38;5;254m$currentContext $([char]27)[38;5;242;40m" -NoNewLine
else {
# Write the current public cloud Azure CLI subscription
# NOTE: You will need sed from somewhere (for example, from Git for Windows)
if (Test-Path ~/.azure/clouds.config) {
$cloudsConfig = parseIniFile ~/.azure/clouds.config
$azureCloud = $cloudsConfig | Where-Object { $_.Section -eq "[AzureCloud]" }
if ($null -ne $azureCloud) {
$currentSub = $azureCloud.Content.subscription
if ($null -ne $currentSub) {
$currentAccount = (Get-Content ~/.azure/azureProfile.json | ConvertFrom-Json).subscriptions | Where-Object { $ -eq $currentSub }
if ($null -ne $currentAccount) {
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;30;40m$([char]27)[38;5;227;48;5;30m  $([char]27)[38;5;254m$($ $([char]27)[38;5;30;40m" -NoNewLine
# Write the current Git information
if ($null -ne (Get-Command "Get-GitDirectory" -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
if (Get-GitDirectory -ne $null) {
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;61;40m$(Write-VcsStatus)$([char]27)[38;5;61;40m" -NoNewLine
# Write the current directory, with home folder normalized to ~
$currentPath = (get-location).Path.replace($home, "~")
$idx = $currentPath.IndexOf("::")
if ($idx -gt -1) { $currentPath = $currentPath.Substring($idx + 2) }
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $currentPath
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;28;40m$([char]27)[38;5;227;48;5;28m  $([char]27)[38;5;254m$currentPath " -NoNewline
# Reset LASTEXITCODE so we don't show it over and over again
$global:LASTEXITCODE = 0
# Write one + for each level of the pushd stack
if ((get-location -stack).Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host ("$([char]27)[38;5;227;48;5;28m" + ("«" * ((get-location -stack).Count)) + " ") -NoNewLine
# Newline
Write-Host "$([char]27)[38;5;28;40m$([char]27)[30;40m $([char]27)[0m"
# Determine if the user is admin, so we color the prompt green or red
$isAdmin = $false
$isDesktop = ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop")
if ($isDesktop -or $IsWindows) {
$windowsIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$windowsPrincipal = new-object 'System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal' $windowsIdentity
$isAdmin = $windowsPrincipal.IsInRole("Administrators") -eq 1
else {
$isAdmin = ((& id -u) -eq 0)
if ($isAdmin) { $color = "Red"; }
else { $color = "Green"; }
# Write PS> for desktop PowerShell, pwsh> for PowerShell Core
if ($isDesktop) {
Write-Host " PS>" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $color
else {
Write-Host " pwsh>" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $color
# Always have to return something or else we get the default prompt
return " "
[string]$version = "2022",
[string]$basePath = "",
[switch]$noWeb = $false
function append-path {
[string[]][Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$pathsToAdd
$local:separator = ";"
if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) -and ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Unix")) {
$local:separator = ":"
$env:PATH = $env:PATH + $local:separator + ($pathsToAdd -join $local:separator)
# Only support one prompt environment at a time
if ($PromptEnvironment -ne $null) {
write-host "error: Prompt is already in a custom environment." -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
# Look in the standard installation locations unless they override
if ($basePath -eq "") {
$basePath = join-path (join-path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} "Microsoft Visual Studio") $version
if ((test-path $basePath) -eq $false) {
$basePath = join-path (join-path ${env:ProgramFiles} "Microsoft Visual Studio") $version
if ((test-path $basePath) -eq $false) {
write-warning "Visual Studio $version is not installed in '$basePath'."
exit 1
# If edition wasn't specified, see what's there, and bail out if there is more than 1
if ($edition -eq "") {
$editions = (get-childitem $basePath | where-object { $_.PSIsContainer })
if ($editions.Count -eq 0) {
write-warning "Visual Studio $version is not installed."
exit 1
if ($editions.Count -gt 1) {
write-warning "Multiple editions of Visual Studio $version are installed. Please specify one of the editions ($($($editions | Foreach-Object { "'" + $_.Name + "'" }) -join ', ')) with the -edition switch."
exit 1
$edition = $editions[0].Name
# Find VsDevCmd.bat
$path = join-path (join-path (join-path $basePath $edition) "Common7") "Tools"
if ((test-path $path) -eq $false) {
write-warning "Visual Studio $version edition '$edition' could not be found."
exit 1
$cmdPath = join-path $path "VsDevCmd.bat"
if ((test-path $cmdPath) -eq $false) {
write-warning "File not found: $cmdPath"
exit 1
# Run VsDevCmd.bat and then dump all environment variables, so we can
# overwrite ours with theirs
$tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
cmd /c " `"$cmdPath`" && set > `"$tempFile`" "
Get-Content $tempFile | %{
if ($_ -match "^(.*?)=(.*)$") {
Set-Content "env:\$($matches[1])" $matches[2]
# Optionally add the external web tools unless skipped
if ($noWeb -eq $false) {
$path = join-path (join-path (join-path $basePath $edition) "Web") "External"
if (test-path $path) {
append-path $path
} else {
write-warning "Path $path not found; specify -noWeb to skip searching for web tools"
# Set the prompt environment variable (printed in our prompt function)
$global:PromptEnvironment = "  $version "
[string]$basePath = "",
[switch]$noWeb = $false
$folder = Split-Path $PSCommandPath
$script = Join-Path $folder "vs.ps1"
& $script -edition:$edition -version:"2017" -basePath:$basePath -noWeb:$noWeb
[string]$basePath = "",
[switch]$noWeb = $false
$folder = Split-Path $PSCommandPath
$script = Join-Path $folder "vs.ps1"
& $script -edition:$edition -version:"2019" -basePath:$basePath -noWeb:$noWeb
[string]$basePath = "",
[switch]$noWeb = $false
$folder = Split-Path $PSCommandPath
$script = Join-Path $folder "vs.ps1"
& $script -edition:$edition -version:"2022" -basePath:$basePath -noWeb:$noWeb
[string]$basePath = "",
[switch]$noWeb = $false
$folder = Split-Path $PSCommandPath
$script = Join-Path $folder "vs.ps1"
& $script -edition:$edition -version:"Preview" -basePath:$basePath -noWeb:$noWeb
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thnk2wn commented Sep 17, 2019

Very nice! I had to add a small tweak to line 51 of vs.ps1 from $edition = $editions[0] to $edition = $editions[0].Name. From some contexts the value was the full path so it'd end up with C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\Common7\Tools\C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\Common7\Tools and bail as the path would't exist.

# If edition wasn't specified, see what's there, and bail out if there is more than 1
if ($edition -eq "") {
    $editions = (get-childitem $basePath | where-object { $_.PSIsContainer })
    if ($editions.Count -eq 0) {
        write-warning "Visual Studio $version is not installed."
        exit 1
    if ($editions.Count -gt 1) {
        write-warning "Multiple editions of Visual Studio $version are installed. Please specify one of the editions ($($editions -join ', ')) with the -edition switch."
        exit 1
    $edition = $editions[0].Name

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Thanks @thnk2wn, I also ran cross this recently, and I've updated the scripts!

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