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Created April 10, 2018 22:49
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Save brendano/8e068203523fba39f7196835c5e6001e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Numer of paper submissions and acceptances for various conferences over time. Trying to only select full-length or "main" research papers, though others are sometimes included. The first several columns are the main data. Sources on the right. Sometimes I tried to put in original source data in different columns. Sometimes data contradicts
area conference year submit accept accept rates - some are messy or partial from copy-and-paste joint attendance source/notes other notes other notes other notes other notes other notes other notes the ACM table:
Year Submitted Accepted Rate
webir sigir 1999 135 33 22nd annual SIGIR '99 135 33 24%
webir sigir 2000 ?? ?? this one isn't in the ACM table for SIGIR 23rd annual
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