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Last active January 13, 2020 18:38
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allele balance invenstigation in CEPH
nim c -d:danger -d:release -r abs.nim > abs.txt
mkdir -p pngs
rm -f pngs/NA*
rm -f pngs/HG*
convert -delay 25 pngs/*.png -loop 0 abs.gif
import hts/vcf
let path = "/scratch/ucgd/lustre-work/u1006375/ceph/vcf/FQF-1.2.1_16-08-06_WashU-Yandell-CEPH_1000Genomes_1512787121.bcf"
var ivcf:VCF
if not, threads=3):
quit "couldn't open vcf"
const N = 50
var ab_hist = newSeq[array[N + 1, uint32]](ivcf.n_samples)
proc get_ab(v:Variant, ints: var seq[int32]): seq[float32] =
doAssert v.format.get("AD", ints) == Status.OK
result = newSeq[float32](v.n_samples)
for i, ab in result.mpairs:
ab = max(0, ints[2*i + 1]) / (max(0, ints[2*i+1]) + max(0, ints[2*i]))
var vqslod: seq[float32]
var ints: seq[int32]
var x: seq[int32]
for v in ivcf.query("19"):
if v.ALT.len != 1: continue
if v.REF.len != 1: continue
if v.FILTER != "PASS": continue
if"VQSLOD", vqslod) != Status.OK:
if vqslod[0] < 1'f32: continue
var alts = v.format.genotypes(x).alts
var ab_vals = get_ab(v, ints)
for i, ab in ab_vals:
if alts[i] == 1:
for i, h in ab_hist:
echo ivcf.samples[i], " ", h
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf
pdf = matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages("abs.pdf")
for line in open("abs.txt"):
sample, vals = line.split(" ", 1)
# drop 1kg samples
if sample[0] in "HN": continue
vals = [int(x.strip()) for x in vals.strip("[] \n").split(",")]
xs = np.arange(0, 1, 1.0/len(vals))
plt.step(xs, vals)
plt.title("sample:" + sample)
plt.xlabel("het allele balance")
plt.ylabel("variant count")
f = plt.gcf()
f.savefig("pngs/" + sample + ".png")
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