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Created March 12, 2014 11:09
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Custom Java / JUnit formatter for selenium
* Format for Selenium Remote Control Java client using the Firefox WebDriver
* Author: Brett Cave <>
* Date: Fri May 06, 2011
var subScriptLoader = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
subScriptLoader.loadSubScript('chrome://selenium-ide/content/formats/remoteControl.js', this); = "java-rc-junit4-custom";
function useSeparateEqualsForArray() {
return true;
function testMethodName(testName) {
return "test" + capitalize(testName);
function assertTrue(expression) {
return "Assert.assertTrue(" + expression.toString() + ");";
function assertFalse(expression) {
return "Assert.assertFalse(" + expression.toString() + ");";
function assignToVariable(type, variable, expression) {
return type + " " + variable + " = " + expression.toString();
function ifCondition(expression, callback) {
return "if (" + expression.toString() + ") {\n" + callback() + "}";
function joinExpression(expression) {
return "join(" + expression.toString() + ", ',')";
function waitFor(expression) {
return "for (int second = 0;; second++) {\n" +
"\tif (second >= 60)\"timeout\");\n" +
"\ttry { " + (expression.setup ? expression.setup() + " " : "") +
"if (" + expression.toString() + ") break; } catch (Exception e) {}\n" +
"\tThread.sleep(1000);\n" +
function assertOrVerifyFailure(line, isAssert) {
var message = '"expected failure"';
var failStatement = "" + message + ");";
return "try { " + line + " " + failStatement + " } catch (Throwable e) {}";
Equals.prototype.toString = function() {
if (this.e1.toString().match(/^\d+$/)) {
// int
return this.e1.toString() + " == " + this.e2.toString();
} else {
// string
return this.e1.toString() + ".equals(" + this.e2.toString() + ")";
Equals.prototype.assert = function() {
return "Assert.assertEquals(" + this.e1.toString() + ", " + this.e2.toString() + ");";
NotEquals.prototype.toString = function() {
return "!" + this.e1.toString() + ".equals(" + this.e2.toString() + ")";
NotEquals.prototype.assert = function() {
return "Assert.assertNotEquals(" + this.e1.toString() + ", " + this.e2.toString() + ");";
RegexpMatch.prototype.toString = function() {
if (this.pattern.match(/^\^/) && this.pattern.match(/\$$/)) {
return this.expression + ".matches(" + string(this.pattern) + ")";
} else {
return "Pattern.compile(" + string(this.pattern) + ").matcher(" + this.expression + ").find()";
function pause(milliseconds) {
return "Thread.sleep(" + parseInt(milliseconds, 10) + ");";
function echo(message) {
return "System.out.println(" + xlateArgument(message) + ");";
function statement(expression) {
return expression.toString() + ';';
function array(value) {
var str = 'new String[] {';
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
str += string(value[i]);
if (i < value.length - 1) str += ", ";
str += '}';
return str;
function nonBreakingSpace() {
return "\"\\u00a0\"";
CallSelenium.prototype.toString = function() {
var result = '';
if (this.negative) {
result += '!';
if (options.receiver) {
result += options.receiver + '.';
result += this.message;
result += '(';
for (var i = 0; i < this.args.length; i++) {
result += this.args[i];
if (i < this.args.length - 1) {
result += ', ';
result += ')';
return result;
function formatComment(comment) {
return comment.comment.replace(/.+/mg, function(str) {
return "// " + str;
* Returns a string representing the suite for this formatter language.
* @param testSuite the suite to format
* @param filename the file the formatted suite will be saved as
function formatSuite(testSuite, filename) {
var suiteClass = /^(\w+)/.exec(filename)[1];
suiteClass = suiteClass[0].toUpperCase() + suiteClass.substring(1);
var formattedSuite = "import junit.framework.Test;\n"
+ "import junit.framework.TestSuite;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "public class " + suiteClass + " {\n"
+ "\n"
+ indents(1) + "public static Test suite() {\n"
+ indents(2) + "TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();\n";
for (var i = 0; i < testSuite.tests.length; ++i) {
var testClass = testSuite.tests[i].getTitle();
formattedSuite += indents(2)
+ "suite.addTestSuite(" + testClass + ".class);\n";
formattedSuite += indents(2) + "return suite;\n"
+ indents(1) + "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ indents(1) + "public static void main(String[] args) {\n"
+ indents(2) + ";\n"
+ indents(1) + "}\n"
+ "}\n";
return formattedSuite;
this.options = {
receiver: "selenium",
packageName: "com.yourcompany.selenium",
indent: 'tab',
initialIndents: '3'
options.header =
"package ${packageName};\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.junit.Test;\n" +
"import org.junit.Assert;\n" +
"import com.yourcompany.test.AbstractAcceptanceTestCase;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class ${className} extends AbstractAcceptanceTestCase {\n" +
"\t@Test\n" +
"\tpublic void ${methodName}() throws Exception {\n" +
"\t\ttry {\n";
options.footer =
"\t\t}\n" +
"\t\tcatch (Exception e) {\n" +
"\t\t\ttakeScreenshot(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + \"-ERROR-\" + System.currentTimeMillis());\n" +
"\t\t\te.printStackTrace();\n" +
"\t\t\\"Selenium error: \" + e.getMessage());\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
"\t}\n" +
this.configForm =
'<description>Variable for Selenium instance</description>' +
'<textbox id="options_receiver" />' +
'<description>Package</description>' +
'<textbox id="options_packageName" />';
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