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Last active February 13, 2021 18:03
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Detecting Node version for Node-based configs. Hope to integrate into an [mrm]( task.
'use strict';
// Todo: Move to own repo
* You can use this in your `.eslintrc.js` as follows...
* @example
* 'use strict';
* const {env, ecmaVersion} = require('./detectEnv.js');
* module.exports = {
* extends: [
* './someConfig.js',
* // Good for use with `eslint-plugin-node`
* 'plugin:node/recommended-module',
* // Can use `ecmaVersion` for selecting a suitable config within a project which has different config
* // for different version; e.g., set here to ES5 config if not ES6+
* ...(ecmaVersion < 2015
* ? ['plugin:@brettz9/es5']
* : ['plugin:@brettz9/es6']
* )
* ],
* env,
* parserOptions: {
* ecmaVersion
* }
* };
const {join} = require('path');
const semver = require('semver');
const getEnvForEcmaVersion = (ecmaVersion, {node = true} = {}) => {
// Though redundant with `ecmaVersion` for `parserOptions`, also sets globals
const env = ecmaVersion >= 2021
? {
es2021: true
: (ecmaVersion >= 2020
? {
es2020: true
// We set `ecmaVersion` for parser, but not `env` with globals if Node 8
// as it lacks those globals
: (ecmaVersion >= 2017 &&
(!node || semver.satisfies(nodeVersion, '>=9.0.0'))
? {
es2017: true
: (ecmaVersion > 2015
? {
es6: true
: {})));
return node ? {...env, node: true} : env;
const getEcmaVersionForNodeVersion = (nodeVersion) => {
return semver.satisfies(nodeVersion, '>=14.0.0')
? 2020
: (semver.satisfies(nodeVersion, '>=12.0.0')
? 2019
: (semver.satisfies(nodeVersion, '>=10.0.0')
? 2018
: (semver.satisfies(nodeVersion, '>=8.0.0')
? 2017
: (semver.satisfies(nodeVersion, '>=7.0.0')
? 2016
: (semver.satisfies(nodeVersion, '>=7.0.0')
? 2015
: 5)))));
const detectNodeVersion = (packagePath) => {
let nodeVersion = '5';
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require -- Ensure available synchronously
const {engines: {node}} = require(packagePath);
nodeVersion = semver.minVersion(node);
} catch (err) {}
return nodeVersion;
const nodeVersion = detectNodeVersion(join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'));
const ecmaVersion = getEcmaVersionForNodeVersion(nodeVersion);
const env = getEnvForEcmaVersion(ecmaVersion);
module.exports = {
detectNodeVersion, getEcmaVersionForNodeVersion, getEnvForEcmaVersion,
env, ecmaVersion
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