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Created January 24, 2023 16:54
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Nostr todolist

Some things I feel are needed in Nostr and could be build reasonably fast:

  • onboarding micro-app (so that the next Snowden would give a single link with proper UX) - a simple wizard that asks user proper questions and guides to create profile, choose client, LN wallet, etc
  • actual approved functional iOS/Android app, big question whether native apps will be approved even w/ 'block' buttons, maybe some hacky unobvious path is needed
  • upload media (audit/video/images) on major client on shared, hopefully decentralized infra
  • basic spam/profanity suppression in major clients, most probably by temporary switching to 'safe' relays
  • search built into major clients, supported by several relay implementations
  • custodial LN wallet built into your client to dramatically reduce friction for noobs
  • remote signing with a single (mobile) app for key-storage (not quite sure it's 'easy', but from proposed NIPs it seems doable)
  • embed-post widget so that people on the web could embed nostr posts like they do with twitter
  • share-on-nostr button, which launches proper client or onboarding experience, to be used by members of community on their websites
  • comments widget for websites, to be used by members of community
  • online-chat, to be used by members of community who run online businesses
  • tools for local communities to run/bootstrap/feed custom relays
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