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Last active April 2, 2022 13:57
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WordPress i18n Cheatsheet

WordPress i18n CheatSheet

Whenever I write plugins or themes, there is one thing that needs a little extra attention and is quite frankly hard to get right: Translatable text. This list should helps me to find the right way fast.

Props to Alex Kirk, there list it inside a quiz.

You want to output the username in a sentence.

Assume that the $username has been escaped using esc_html().

  // Translators: %s is a username.
  __( 'Howdy, %s!' ),

Include a link in a sentence.

  __( 'Publish something using our <a href="%s">Post by Email</a> feature.'),

Correct way for the single/plural _n() function.

    '%d person has seen this post.',
    '%d people have seen this post.',

Outputting a variable in the context of a translation.

  __( 'Hello %s' ),
  esc_html( $world )

Include formatted numbers in strings.

    'Today you already got %s view.',
    'Today you already got %s views.',
  number_format_i18n( $view_count )

Deal with multiple variables in a translated string.

  // Translators: %1$s is a date, %2$s is a username.
  __( 'Posted on %1$s by %2$s.' ),

Last Hint.

Developers should to give translators full sentences/phrases.

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