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Last active October 17, 2015 14:44
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  • Save bwinton/1d5f615daae5e799b389 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bwinton/1d5f615daae5e799b389 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An Acorn Plugin to save files as PXON.
How to install this plugin:
1) Choose Acorn's Help ▸ Open Acorn's App Support Folder menu item.
2) Place this script in the Plug-Ins folder (and make sure it ends with .jstalk)
3) Restart Acorn. The plugin will now show up in the Filter menu.
ACScriptMenuTitle=Convert to PXON
ACShortcutMaskKey=command control
function append(data, string) {
function isoDate(date) {
dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter.alloc().init();
return dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date);
function getYear(date) {
dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter.alloc().init();
return dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date);
function main(image, doc, layer) {
var savePanel = NSSavePanel.savePanel();
if (savePanel.runModal()) {
var cgimg = doc.CIImage();
var data =;
var bitmap = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc().initWithCIImage(cgimg);
var props = doc.exifPropertiesForSaving()['{PNG}'];
var software = props['Software'];
var artist = props['Author'] || NSFullUserName();
var title = props['Title'] || savePanel.nameFieldStringValue().stringByDeletingPathExtension();
var description = props['Description'];
var year = getYear(doc.fileModificationDate() ||;
var copyright = props['Copyright'] || NSString.stringWithFormat(@'%@ %@', artist, year);
var date = isoDate(doc.fileModificationDate() ||;
append(data, @'{\n');
append(data, @' "exif": {\n');
append(data, NSString.stringWithFormat(@' "software": "%@",\n', software));
append(data, NSString.stringWithFormat(@' "artist": "%@",\n', artist));
append(data, NSString.stringWithFormat(@' "imageDescription": "%@",\n', title));
if (description) {
append(data, NSString.stringWithFormat(@' "userComment": "%@",\n', description));
if (copyright) {
append(data, NSString.stringWithFormat(@' "copyright": "%@",\n', copyright));
append(data, NSString.stringWithFormat(@' "dateTime": "%@"\n', date));
append(data, @' },\n');
append(data, @' "pxif": {\n');
append(data, @' "pixels": [\n');
var size = doc.canvasSize();
for (x = 0; x < size.width; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < size.height; y++) {
var pixel = [bitmap colorAtX:x y:y];
append(data, @' {\n');
append(data, NSString.stringWithFormat(@' "xPos": %@,\n', x));
append(data, NSString.stringWithFormat(@' "yPos": %@,\n', y));
append(data, NSString.stringWithFormat(@' "color": "rgba(%@, %@, %@, %@)",\n',
pixel.redComponent(), pixel.greenComponent(), pixel.blueComponent(), pixel.alphaComponent()
append(data, @' "size": 1\n');
append(data, @' },\n');
append(data, @' ],\n');
append(data, @' "dataURL" : "data:image/png;base64,');
append(data, @'"\n');
append(data, @' }\n');
append(data, @'}\n');
data.writeToURL_atomically(savePanel.URL(), true);
"exif": {
"software": "Flying Meat Acorn 5.1",
"artist": "Blake Winton",
"imageDescription": "My Test Image",
"userComment": "Just a test image to use.",
"copyright": "Blake Winton - 2015",
"dateTime": "2015-10-12T17:00:43.000Z"
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hey pal, this is so great! i updated my draft that updates xPos to x and yPos to y – trying to leave a smaller footprint for hardware connection purposes. 🎅

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