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bzier /
Last active June 4, 2021 01:55
Git Aliases

Git Aliases

Basic commands:

# simple alias
git config --global alias.somealias somegitcmd

# alias with params/options
git config --global alias.somealias 'somegitcmd -and -options here'
bzier /
Created October 2, 2020 01:24
Fixing local kubernetes for macos


Docker for mac would start docker just fine, but kubernetes would be stuck indefinitely on "kubernetes starting..."


What finally seemed to do the trick was the following (although can't say for sure it wasn't a combination of multiple things - see below):

rm -rf ~/Library/Group\ Containers/
bzier /
Created April 14, 2018 03:36
Outline & resources from my recent presentation on Self-Driving Mario Kart using Reinforcement Learning

Self-Driving Mario Kart using Reinforcement Learning

Presented on 2018.04.12 by Brian Zier (@bzier)


  • Reinforcement Learning (adapted from lecture series; see resouces secion below)
    • 6:23 Reinforcement Learning venn diagram (slide 6)
    • Reward hypothesis (slide 13):

      All goals can be described by the maximisation of expected cumulative reward

  • Goal: Select actions to maximise total future reward
bzier /
Last active March 27, 2018 20:47
Notes with markdown tips/tricks

Collapsing section

Some long bit of markdown that you want to be able to collapse (e.g. a long log file).


  <summary>Section title</summary>
  The long details to hide

Using the REST API in Neo4J 3.0.3 Community Edition, I am able to successfully see all paths between two nodes. I can find the shortest path if I specify the relationship type, but if I leave the relationship details (type, direction) off the request, I get back nothing. I would expect it to find the shortest path using any relationship type and direction. This works as expected in 2.2.3 both with and without the relationship details specified.

Interestingly, this works fine when there is more than one possible path.

Data looks like: