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Created July 4, 2023 20:40
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Pandas notes


  • a pandas table is called a dataframe

  • columns of a dataframe are usually called variables because they correlate to variables of an experiment -- so think 'variable' as in experiments, not variable as in programming

  • rows of a dataframe are often called records or cases or observations

  • one-dimensional data in pandas is called a series, bsicaly a list

    • but it can have a name as well as a value for each item, which looks like 2 columns, but still counts as one dimensional?
  • a null in pandas is any cell that pandas counts as "missing data"; there are various forms of this

  • to impute values means to fill in missing values with a guess or estimate based on the existing data, such as filling in missing ages with the mean of the provided ages

code ref



sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 -V
pip3 install pandas
pip3 list

(this will also install numpy automatically)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

create dataframe from reading csv:

df = pd.read_csv('bestsellers.csv')

(same directory as python file)

explore data

# Get the first 5 rows of the spreadsheet

# Also works on individual columns, and can provide number of rows

# Get the shape of the spreadsheet, aka number of rows and cols

# Get the column names of the spreadsheet

# Get summary statistics for each column - mean, min and max values, etc. idk what it does with non numeric columns

# List columns and their data types and count of non-null values

filter and slice

filter: select columns whose name matches regular expression


sample: show a handful of random rows, i think??


query: select rows where a certain column has a certain value

#to view all records for channeltitle='Foxstarhindi'

iloc: create a slice by index

  • takes one slice argument to select rows, or add a second slice argument to select columns
# grab rows 1 through 4. second index is exclusive.
# grab only columns 3-5 of rows 1 through 4
df.iloc[1:5, 3:6]
# grab the last 3 columns for all rows
df.iloc[:, -3:]

loc: create a slice by name

# to view columns from channel id to view count

merge dataframes

clean data

check for duplicte rows:


drop duplicates:

# Remove duplicate rows
# inplace=True means that it mutates the current dataframe instead of creating a new one

# The Pandas .drop_duplicates() method
    subset=None,            # Which columns to consider 
    keep='first',           # Which duplicate record to keep
    inplace=False,          # Whether to drop in place
    ignore_index=False      # Whether to relabel the index

count missing values:

# check for missing values -- count number of nulls for each variable

drop missing values:

# .dropna() to remove data with nulls
# Exploring the Pandas .dropna() method
    axis=0,         # Whether to drop rows or columns (rows by default)
    how='any',      # Whether to drop records if 'all' or 'any' records are missing
    thresh=None,    # How many columns/rows must be missing to drop
    subset=None,    # Which rows/columns to consider
    inplace=False   # Whether to drop in place (i.e., without needing to re-assign)

df = df.dropna()

fill in missing values:

# fill in nulls with zeroes (or whatever else)
df = df.fillna(0)

df = df.fillna({'Name': 'Someone', 'Age': 25, 'Location': 'USA'})

# "impute" (estimate) values by filling with mean
df['Age'] = df['Age'].fillna(df['Age'].mean())

rename columns:

# Rename the columns
df.rename(columns={"Name": "Title", "Year": "Publication Year", "User Rating": "Rating"}, inplace=True)

change data type of a column:

# Price was type int by default, so change it to a float because that's how money works
df["Price"] = df["Price"].astype(float)

convert a string to a datetime object:

# Convert the Date field to a datetime type object so that we can use date-specific functions on it
df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"])

cleaning strings

clean whitespace on strings:

# Trimming Whitespace from a Pandas Column
df['Favorite Color'] = df['Favorite Color'].str.strip()

change case:

df['Location'] = df['Location'].str.title()
df['Location'] = df['Location'].str.lower)

replace a sub-string, including removing a redundant word e.g.:

df['Region'] = df['Region'].str.replace('Region ', '')

split one column into two by sub-string:

# split a "lastname, firstname" column into two separate columns for first and last name
# assumes that column Name exists but columns Last Name and First Name dont exist yet
# "expand=True" is what tells it to make new columns for those new column names
# "Make note here of the use of the double square brackets. This is required since we are passing in a list of columns we want to create!"
df[['Last Name', 'First Name']] = df['Name'].str.split(',', expand=True)

add columns

#Adding column for year to the dataframe (Date is a datetime object)


# Count how many times each author appears in the list, AKA how many rows feature that author
author_counts = df['Author'].value_counts()
# Split into groups by genre, look at Rating for each group, take the mean of the group's ratings and assign it to that group name
avg_rating_by_genre = df.groupby("Genre")["Rating"].mean()
# For comparison, running .mean() on Rating without grouping gives just one number as a result
# Whose books cost the most?

# Group by author, and take the mean of the Price column for each author
price_by_author = df.groupby("Author")["Price"].mean()
# This variable is a series

# Sort the result in descending order 


# Export top selling authors to a CSV file - can export just the head

# Export average rating by genre to a CSV file



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