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Created August 29, 2012 14:13
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CD Twitter Caching
class CD_Twitter{
protected $_base_twitter_url = '';
protected $_default_options = array(
'include_entities' => true,
'include_rts' => true,
'screen_name' => 'carldanley',
'count' => 10
protected $_cached_tweets_key = 'cd_cached_tweets';
protected $_expiration_time = 300;
protected $_tweets_to_show = 5;
public function __construct(){
public function render_tweets(){
$tweets = $this->_check_tweets();
//render a basic html layout which can be changed entirely
$html = array();
$html[] = '<div class="cd-tweets">';
$counter = 0;
foreach( $tweets as $tweet ){
if( $counter === $this->_tweets_to_show ){
$html[] = '<div class="tweet">';
$html[] = '<div class="left icon twitter"></div>';
$html[] = '<div class="left text">';
$html[] = '<p>' . $tweet[ 'text' ] . '</p>';
$html[] = '<p class="time"><a href="' . $tweet[ 'url' ] . '">' . $tweet[ 'friendly_timestamp' ] . '&rarr;</a></p>';
$html[] = '</div>';
$html[] = '<div class="clear"></div>';
$html[] = '</div>';
$html[] = '</div';
$html = apply_filters( 'render-tweets', implode( '', $html ), $tweets );
echo $html;
private function _check_tweets(){
//check to see if the tweets exist
$tweets = get_transient( $this->_cached_tweets_key );
if( $tweets === false ){
//get the most recent tweets
$tweets = $this->_get_twitter_feed();
if( $tweets === false ){
return array();
//set the transient now
set_transient( $this->_cached_tweets_key, $tweets, $this->_expiration_time );
return $tweets;
private function _get_twitter_feed(){
//build the base url for querying
$url = $this->_base_twitter_url . http_build_query( $this->_default_options );
return $this->_retrieve_tweets( $url );
private function _retrieve_tweets( $url ){
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'sslverify' => false ) );
$response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
if( $response_code !== 200 ){
return false;
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
$tweets = $this->_build_twitter_data( $body );
if( empty( $tweets ) === false ){
return $tweets;
return false;
private function _build_twitter_data( $tweets ){
$tweets = json_decode( $tweets, true );
$data = array();
foreach( $tweets as $tweet ){
//build out the data for this tweet, including the html to be displayed
$tmp = array(
'created_at' => $tweet[ 'created_at' ],
'id' => $tweet[ 'id_str' ],
'text' => $this->_build_tweet_text( $tweet ),
'friendly_timestamp' => $this->_create_friendly_timestamp( $tweet[ 'created_at' ] ),
'url' => '' . $this->_default_options[ 'screen_name' ] . '/status/' . $tweet[ 'id_str' ]
$data[] = $tmp;
return $data;
private function _build_tweet_text( $tweet ){
//we need to format the tweet to add the href's for the user mentions and hashtags and links
$text = $tweet[ 'text' ];
$entities = $tweet[ 'entities' ];
//start off replacing the mentions with profile links
foreach( $entities[ 'user_mentions' ] as $mention ){
$user = '@' . $mention[ 'screen_name' ];
$link = '<a href="' . '' . $mention[ 'screen_name' ] . '">' . $user . '</a>';
$text = str_replace( $user, $link, $text );
//now replace hashtags
foreach( $entities[ 'hashtags' ] as $hashtag ){
$tag = '#' . $hashtag[ 'text' ];
$link = '<a href="!/search/?q=' . urlencode( $tag ) . '">' . $tag . '</a>';
$text = str_replace( $tag, $link, $text );
//now replace links
foreach( $entities[ 'urls' ] as $url ){
$text = str_replace( $url[ 'url' ], '<a href="' . $url[ 'expanded_url' ] . '">' . $url[ 'url' ] . '</a>', $text );
return $text;
private function _create_friendly_timestamp( $date ){
// Make sure the server is using the right time zone
if ( get_option( 'timezone_string' ) && strpos( get_option( 'timezone_string' ), 'UTC' ) === false ){
date_default_timezone_set( get_option( 'timezone_string' ) );
// Get the time difference in seconds
$post_time = strtotime( $date );
$current_time = time();
$time_difference = $current_time - $post_time;
// Seconds per...
$minute = 60;
$hour = 3600;
$day = 86400;
$week = $day * 7;
$month = $day * 31;
$year = $day * 366;
// if over 3 years
if ( $time_difference > $year * 3 ) {
$friendly_date = __( 'a long while ago', BNM_LOCALE );
// if over 2 years
else if ( $time_difference > $year * 2 ) {
$friendly_date = __( 'over 2 years ago', BNM_LOCALE );
// if over 1 year
else if ( $time_difference > $year ) {
$friendly_date = __( 'over a year ago', BNM_LOCALE );
// if over 11 months
else if ( $time_difference >= $month * 11 ) {
$friendly_date = __( 'about a year ago', BNM_LOCALE );
// if over 2 months
else if ( $time_difference >= $month * 2 ) {
$months = (int) $time_difference / $month;
$friendly_date = sprintf( __( '%d months ago', BNM_LOCALE ), $months );
// if over 4 weeks ago
else if ( $time_difference > $week * 4 ) {
$friendly_date = __( 'last month', BNM_LOCALE );
// if over 3 weeks ago
else if ( $time_difference > $week * 3 ) {
$friendly_date = __( '3 weeks ago', BNM_LOCALE );
// if over 2 weeks ago
else if ( $time_difference > $week * 2 ) {
$friendly_date = __( '2 weeks ago', BNM_LOCALE );
// if equal to or more than a week ago
else if ( $time_difference >= $day * 7 ) {
$friendly_date = __( 'last week', BNM_LOCALE );
// if equal to or more than 2 days ago
else if ( $time_difference >= $day * 2 ) {
$days = (int) $time_difference / $day;
$friendly_date = sprintf( __( '%d days ago', BNM_LOCALE ), $days );
// if equal to or more than 1 day ago
else if ( $time_difference >= $day ) {
$friendly_date = __( 'yesterday', BNM_LOCALE );
// 2 or more hours ago
else if ( $time_difference >= $hour * 2 ) {
$hours = (int) $time_difference / $hour;
$friendly_date = sprintf( __( '%d hours ago', BNM_LOCALE ), $hours );
// 1 hour ago
else if ( $time_difference >= $hour ) {
$friendly_date = __( 'an hour ago', BNM_LOCALE );
// 2?59 minutes ago
else if ( $time_difference >= $minute * 2 ) {
$minutes = (int) $time_difference / $minute;
$friendly_date = sprintf( __( '%d minutes ago', BNM_LOCALE ), $minutes );
else {
$friendly_date = __( 'just now', BNM_LOCALE );
return '<time title="' . $date . '" datetime="' . date( 'c', strtotime( $date ) ) . '" pubdate>' . ucfirst( $friendly_date ) . '</time>';
$cd_twitter = new CD_Twitter();
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