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Last active January 1, 2020 10:42
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Orbital Rocket Families with Publically-Released Pricing
<script src=""></script>
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<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<title>Orbital Rocket Families with Publicly-Released Pricing</title>
#chart svg {
height: 400px;
#flag {
width: 18px;
padding-right: 3px;
<div id="chart">
<a href="">Source</a>
<b>Note:</b> It's not really fair to compare the cost efficiency of general use rockets with platforms used for very specific tasks that don't allo for market competition. For instance, the space shttles cargo capacity is measured on top of the fact that it carried a crew in its orbiter. Secondly, some launch systems are optimized for GTO/SSO instead of LEO, so they may not be well-represented on this chart. <a href="">Thanks to Reddit user Sasamj for some insight</a>.
var orbitalLaunchFamilies = [
key: "Development",
values: [
name: "Ariane 6",
flag: "",
flights: 0,
size: 0.2,
x: 23000,
y: 115
name: "Falcon Heavy",
flag: "",
flights: 0,
size: 0.2,
x: 54400,
y: 102.5
name: "LVM3",
flag: "",
flights: 1,
size: 0.2,
x: 8000,
y: 34.53
key: "Active",
values: [
name: "Ariane 5",
flag: "",
flights: 72,
size: 1.044242044,
x: 21000,
y: 220
name: "Falcon 9",
flag: "",
flights: 26,
size: 0.843169704,
x: 22800,
y: 61.2
name: "Delta II",
flag: "",
flights: 150,
size: 1.18913239,
x: 6000,
y: 51
name: "Minotaur IV & V",
flag: "",
flights: 4,
size: 0.473663632,
x: 1735,
y: 50
name: "Angara1.2",
flag: "",
flights: 2,
size: 0.336831816,
x: 3800,
y: 25
name: "Vega",
flag: "",
flights: 5,
size: 0.517713638,
x: 2300,
y: 23
name: "Shavit",
flag: "",
flights: 9,
size: 0.633746595,
x: 225,
y: 15
name: "Dnepr",
flag: "",
flights: 21,
size: 0.80100877,
x: 3600,
y: 14
name: "PSLV",
flag: "",
flights: 28,
size: 0.86,
x: 3800,
y: 20.84
name: "GSLV Mk.I & II",
flag: "",
flights: 3,
size: 0.4,
x: 5000,
y: 25.75
key: "Retired",
values: [
name: "Space Shuttle",
flag: "",
flights: 133,
size: 1.16538711,
x: 24400,
y: 485.79 // $450M in 2011
name: "Titan I-II-III-IV",
flag: "",
flights: 214,
size: 1.259278988,
x: 21900,
y: 430.32 // $350M in 2005
name: "Energia",
flag: "",
flights: 1,
size: 0.2,
x: 100000,
y: 484.93 // $240M in 1988
name: "Saturn V",
flag: "",
flights: 13,
size: 0.706337887,
x: 118000,
y: 997.04 // $185M in 1973
name: "Saturn I & IB",
flag: "",
flights: 13,
size: 0.706337887,
x: 18600,
y: 84.56 // $19M in 1975
name: "Kosmos",
flag: "",
flights: 559,
size: 1.448823549,
x: 1500,
y: 13.33 // $12M in 2010
name: "Falcon 1 & 1e",
flag: "",
flights: 2,
size: 0.336831816,
x: 420,
y: 8.92 // $7.9M in 2009
nv.addGraph(function() {
var chart = nv.models.scatterChart()
chart.xAxis.showMaxMin(false).tickFormat(d3.format('.1s') ).axisLabel('kg of payload to LEO');
chart.yAxis.showMaxMin(false).tickFormat(d3.format('$.00f')).axisLabel('inflation-adjusted price per launch (millions, USD)');
chart.forceX([200,200000]).xScale( d3.scale.log() );
chart.forceY([5, 1000]).yScale( d3.scale.log() );
chart.tooltip.contentGenerator(function(d) { return '<h3><img id="flag" src="' + d.point.flag + '">' + + '</h3><p>' + d.value + ' kg to LEO</p><p>$' + d.point.y + 'M per launch</p><p>' + + ' successful launches (' + d.series[0].key + ')</p>' })'#chart svg')
return chart;
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