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Created March 12, 2020 15:57
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$ rg -e fromListN -t haskell ./
139: let termCounts = V.fromListN (M.size nodeItems)
174: let termCounts = V.fromListN (M.size nodeItems)
171: let termCounts = V.fromListN (M.size nodeItems)
6:import Data.Vector.Primitive (Vector, fromListN, minIndex, fromList)
38: !ys = fromListN n xs
51: !ys = fromListN n xs
62: v = V.fromListN n elems
71: v = V.fromListN n elems
492: fromListNode 0 combineFn $ (\(k, v) -> ((hash k), k, v)) assocs
495:fromListNode :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => Int -> (v -> v -> v) -> [(Int32, k, v)] -> HamtMap k v
497:fromListNode shift combineFn hkvs =
502: subNodes = listArray (0, mask) $ (fromListNode (shift+shiftStep) combineFn) $ dividedList
55: vs <- RS.split encoder =<< V.fromListN dataSize . randoms <$> getStdGen
360:> (I . SV.fromListN l') `fmap` QC.vector l'
84:> Just (V.fromListN perShard h, t)
96:> (void $ RS.encode r (V.fromListN 13 ([1] : replicate 12 [])))
172:> Just (V.fromListN perShard h, t)
278:> Just (V.fromListN perShard h, t)
768:> data_ = V.fromListN dataSize $ randoms $ mkStdGen 0
85: v1048576 = V.fromListN 1048576 $ cycle [minBound .. maxBound]
148: fromListN len = vFromListN (CountOf len)
34:numToVec radix len num = V.reverse $ V.fromListN len $
342:fromList n m = M n m 0 0 m . V.fromListN (n*m)
15: fromListN,
64:fromListN :: (Ord k, Unbox a, Unbox k) => Int -> [(k, a)] -> QuickMap k a
65:fromListN n xs =
67: (do vec <- Vu.unsafeThaw (Vu.fromListN n xs)
15: fromListN,
59:fromListN :: (Ord a, Unbox a) => Int -> [a] -> QuickSet a
60:fromListN n = fromVector . Vu.fromListN n
92:import GHC.Exts (fromListN,fromString)
104: , defn_Constructible_fromListN
108: , fromListN
2342:defn_Constructible_fromListN :: (Eq_ s, Constructible s) => s -> Elem s -> [Elem s] -> Logic s
2343:defn_Constructible_fromListN s e es = (fromList1 e es `asTypeOf` s)==fromList1N (size es+1) e es
2373:{-# INLINABLE fromListN #-}
2374:fromListN :: (Monoid s, Constructible s) => Int -> [Elem s] -> s
2375:fromListN 0 [] = zero
2376:fromListN i (x:xs) = fromList1N i x xs
372: colors = V.fromListN (4 * 4) colorCycle
520: colors = V.fromListN (4 * 4) colorCycle
532: colors = V.fromListN (4 * 4) colorCycle
544: colors = V.fromListN (4 * 4) colorCycle
554: colors = V.fromListN (1 * 4) colorCycle
158: toList, Data.Vector.fromList, Data.Vector.fromListN,
248: fromListN = Data.Vector.fromListN
431: -- Use fromListN to be more efficient in construction of resulting vector
433: in Data.Vector.fromListN n Applicative.<$> Traversable.traverse f (toList xs)
1683:-- fromListN n xs = 'fromList' ('take' n xs)
1685:fromListN :: Int -> [a] -> Vector a
1686:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
1687:fromListN = G.fromListN
133:fromListNaive :: (Traversable f, OrdF f) => [(Mu f, a)] -> Trie f a
134:fromListNaive ts = Prelude.foldl worker Trie.empty ts where
153:prop_fromList_naive (FiniteMap list) = toList (fromList list) == toList (fromListNaive list)
89: _ {- ']' -} -> pure (V.reverse (V.fromListN len acc'))
181: -- | The 'fromListN' function takes the input list's length as a hint. Its
185: -- 'fromListN' is not specified.
186: fromListN :: Int -> [Item l] -> l
187: fromListN _ = fromList
71: toList, fromList, fromListN
1539:fromListN :: Monad m => Int -> [a] -> Stream m a
1540:{-# INLINE_FUSED fromListN #-}
1541:fromListN m zs = Stream step (zs,m)
460: -- For OverloadedLists, the fromListN witness
269: ; (from_list_n_name, fvs') <- lookupSyntaxName fromListNName
335: ; (from_list_name, fvs') <- lookupSyntaxName fromListName
319: fromListName,
320: fromListNName,
712:fromList_RDR, fromListN_RDR, toList_RDR :: RdrName
713:fromList_RDR = nameRdrName fromListName
714:fromListN_RDR = nameRdrName fromListNName
1362:isListClassName, fromListName, fromListNName, toListName :: Name
1364:fromListName = varQual gHC_EXTS (fsLit "fromList") fromListClassOpKey
1365:fromListNName = varQual gHC_EXTS (fsLit "fromListN") fromListNClassOpKey
2328:isListClassKey, fromListClassOpKey, fromListNClassOpKey, toListClassOpKey :: Unique
2331:fromListNClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 500
107: let spriteFrames = V.fromListN totalFrames frames
46: arbitrary = fmap (\x -> V.fromListN (length x) x) arbitrary
50: arbitrary = fmap (\x -> S.fromListN (length x) x) arbitrary
53: arbitrary = fmap (\x -> S.fromListN (length x) x) arbitrary
115: let vn = idVec $ V.fromListN 3 lst
65:permgram v = PGram v . V.fromListN (P.size v) . cycle
70:inverse (PGram u f) = PGram (P.fromList v) (V.fromListN n (map (f!) v))
91:joinPermgram w@(PGram u f) = PGram (P.fromList xs) (V.fromListN m ys)
97: a = V.fromListN n . scanl (+) 0 $ map (len!) uInverse
126: toV (V2 a b) = V (V.fromListN 2 [a,b])
112: toV (V3 a b c) = V (V.fromListN 3 [a,b,c])
146: toV (a :+ b) = V (V.fromListN 2 [a, b])
119: toV (V4 a b c d) = V (V.fromListN 4 [a,b,c,d])
116: toV (Plucker a b c d e f) = V (V.fromListN 6 [a,b,c,d,e,f])
115: toV (Quaternion a (V3 b c d)) = V (V.fromListN 4 [a, b, c, d])
105: x <- U.unsafeThaw (U.fromListN n entries)
768:fromListNoNub :: (Ord c, Enum c, InfBound c) => [Interval c] -> Set c
769:fromListNoNub a =
775:fromList a = if Data.List.null a then EmptySet else fromListNoNub a
833: Set s -> fromListNoNub (loop NegInf s >>= canonicalSegment) where
855: Set b -> fromListNoNub (associativeProduct segmentUnion a b)
868: Set b -> fromListNoNub (associativeProduct segmentIntersect a b)
882: -- Here we call 'fromList' instead of 'fromListNoNub' because an additional 'segmentNub'
77:vecCreateIx f = Vec.fromListN (Ix.rangeSize bounds)
90: vec = Vec.fromListN (Map.size bag)
226: IsList, fromList, fromListN
28: fromListN :: Prelude.Int -> [Item l] -> l
29: fromListN _ = fromList
141: fromListN len = vFromListN (CountOf len)
25: fromListN, fromList,
36:import GHC.Exts (fromListN, fromList)
583: createArray n (die "fromListN" "uninitialized element") $ \sma ->
586: else die "fromListN" "list length less than specified size"
591: else die "fromListN" "list length greater than specified size"
600: fromListN = arrayFromListN
604:fromListN :: Int -> [a] -> Array a
605:fromListN = arrayFromListN
762: showString "fromListN " . shows (sizeofArray a) . showString " "
784: () <$ string "fromListN"
139: fromListN n l = SmallArray (fromListN n l)
874: fromListN = smallArrayFromListN
880: showString "fromListN " . shows (length sa) . showString " "
902: () <$ string "fromListN"
962:smallArrayFromListN n l = SmallArray (Array.fromListN n l)
544: fromListN = byteArrayFromListN
183: fromListN = primArrayFromListN
190: showString "fromListN " . shows (sizeofPrimArray a) . showString " "
207: else die "fromListN" "list length less than specified size"
212: else die "fromListN" "list length greater than specified size"
523: showString "fromListN " . shows (sizeofUnliftedArray a) . showString " "
635: fromListN = unliftedArrayFromListN
89:tsTraversed f ts = fromVector . G.fromListN (G.length v) <$> traverse g (G.toList v)
102: = fromVector . G.fromListN (G.length v) . utc2utL <$> itraversed f (ut2utcL $ G.toList v)
173: , "defn_Constructible_fromListN"
93: sv = StaticVector . VG.fromListN size . cycle $ els
321: !ar = U.fromListN 16 [ 0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15 ]
93:scalarMat s = Mat44D $ U.fromListN 16 [ s, 0, 0, 0
99:complMat v = Mat44D $ U.fromListN 16 [ v `bang` compl x :-> compl y
118: return . Mat44D $ U.fromListN 16
190:genSubstMat p q = Mat44D $ U.fromListN 16 [ 1, 0, q, 0
211: , Data.Vector.Generic.fromListN
141: , toList, fromList, fromListN
1171:-- fromListN n xs = 'fromList' ('take' n xs)
1173:fromListN :: (G.Vector u a, G.Vector v b) => Int -> [(a, b)] -> Vector u v (a, b)
1174:fromListN = G.fromListN
1175:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
84: fromList xs = fromListN (Prelude.length xs) xs
85: fromListN n xs =
13: , fromList, fromListN, toList, empty, singleton
46: ( Vector, fromList, fromListN, toList, empty, singleton, null, length ,(!), (!?), head, last
134: fromListN = fromListN
174:fromListN :: Int -> [a] -> Vector a
175:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
176:fromListN = VG.fromListN
275: ; (from_list_n_name, fvs') <- lookupSyntaxName fromListNName
341: ; (from_list_name, fvs') <- lookupSyntaxName fromListName
473: -- For OverloadedLists, the fromListN witness
347: fromListName,
348: fromListNName,
737:fromList_RDR, fromListN_RDR, toList_RDR :: RdrName
738:fromList_RDR = nameRdrName fromListName
739:fromListN_RDR = nameRdrName fromListNName
1378:isListClassName, fromListName, fromListNName, toListName :: Name
1380:fromListName = varQual gHC_EXTS (fsLit "fromList") fromListClassOpKey
1381:fromListNName = varQual gHC_EXTS (fsLit "fromListN") fromListNClassOpKey
2348:isListClassKey, fromListClassOpKey, fromListNClassOpKey, toListClassOpKey :: Unique
2351:fromListNClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 500
159: toList, fromList, fromListN,
259: fromListN = fromListN
1442:-- fromListN n xs = 'fromList' ('take' n xs)
1444:fromListN :: Unbox a => Int -> [a] -> Vector a
1445:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
1446:fromListN = G.fromListN
12: io (return $ V.fromListN n xs)
131: toList, fromList, fromListN,
280: fromListN = fromListN
1351:-- fromListN n xs = 'fromList' ('take' n xs)
1353:fromListN :: Prim a => Int -> [a] -> Vector a
1354:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
1355:fromListN = G.fromListN
128: toList, fromList, fromListN,
289: fromListN = fromListN
1371:-- fromListN n xs = 'fromList' ('take' n xs)
1373:fromListN :: Storable a => Int -> [a] -> Vector a
1374:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
1375:fromListN = G.fromListN
7: (ls,rs) -> (V.fromListN (length ls) (reverse ls),
8: V.fromListN (length rs) (reverse rs))
19: return (n, V.fromListN (length as) as, V.fromListN (length bs) bs)
141: toList, fromList, fromListN,
1898:-- fromListN n xs = 'fromList' ('take' n xs)
1900:fromListN :: Vector v a => Int -> [a] -> v a
1901:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
1902:fromListN n = unstream . Bundle.fromListN n
147: sz -> V.fromListN sz (M.toList m)
768:fromListNoNub :: (Ord c, Enum c, InfBound c) => [Interval c] -> Set c
769:fromListNoNub a =
775:fromList a = if Data.List.null a then EmptySet else fromListNoNub a
833: Set s -> fromListNoNub (loop NegInf s >>= canonicalSegment) where
855: Set b -> fromListNoNub (associativeProduct segmentUnion a b)
868: Set b -> fromListNoNub (associativeProduct segmentIntersect a b)
882: -- Here we call 'fromList' instead of 'fromListNoNub' because an additional 'segmentNub'
261: fromListN 0 [] = RNil
262: fromListN _ _ = error "fromListN: nonempty list literal"
266: fromListN n xs =
269: then Rec# $ fromListN n xs
270: else error $ "fromListN: expected length " ++ show n' ++ " but actually " ++ show n
276: else error $ "fromListN: expected length " ++ show n' ++ " but actually " ++ show n
383:subRecord# (Rec# v) = Rec# $ v `V.backpermute` fromListN n ns
134:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
135:fromListN :: Length -> [a] -> VVector a
136:fromListN n xs = unstream (S.fromListN n xs)
49: ( (\ (Trav d j a) -> (d, j, a)) $ F.fromListN n (travel ix tree []))
177:polynomial n xs = Series $ V.fromListN (fromInteger (natVal n)) (xs ++ repeat 0)
187:series n xs = Series $ V.fromListN (fromInteger (natVal n)) (xs ++ repeat Indet)
296: | V.head u /= 0 = V.fromListN n (repeat Indet)
300: ind = V.fromListN n (repeat Indet)
301: one = V.fromListN (n-1) (1 : repeat 0)
59:import GHC.Exts ( IsList (..), fromListN )
4093: fromListN = fromList2
66:import GHC.Exts ( IsList (..), fromListN )
193:eachV f v = G.fromListN (G.length v) <$> traverse f (G.toList v)
243: , fromListN
408: fromListN = fromListN
1693:fromList xs = phony $ proxyW (G.fromListN (Prelude.length xs) xs)
1698:-- fromListN n xs = 'fromList' ('take' n xs)
1700:fromListN :: forall s ty a . VECTOR s ty a => Int -> [a] -> Vector s ty a
1701:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
1702:fromListN i l = phony $ proxyW (G.fromListN i l)
35: -- > ones m = fromListN (popCount m) $ filter (testBit m) [0..]
295: toFullUnboxVect (V2 x y) = UArr.fromListN 2 [x,y]
300: toFullUnboxVect (V3 x y z) = UArr.fromListN 3 [x,y,z]
306: toFullUnboxVect (V4 x y z w) = UArr.fromListN 3 [x,y,z,w]
25: , fromListNT
130:fromListNT :: Ord n => [(n, Type n)] -> Env n
131:fromListNT nts
298: antipode = (d-1) `UArr.fromListN` (2 : repeat 0)
81:fromListNotOverwrite :: Key k => [(k,a)] -> Dictionary a
82:fromListNotOverwrite l = foldl (\d (key,val) -> insertNotOverwrite key val d) empty l
399: let arrOrigin = fromListN n l
60: fromVector . H.fromListN (H.length v) <$> traverse (itraverse f) (H.toList v)
78: = fromVector . G.fromListN (G.length v) <$> traverse (itraversed f) (G.toList v)
91: = fromVector . G.fromListN (G.length v) <$> itraversed f (G.toList v)
728: , huffCodes = V.fromListN 16
729: [VU.fromListN (fromIntegral $ sizes ! i) lst
732: where sizes = VU.fromListN 16 $ map (fromIntegral . length) tableDef
872: encodingState qual _ = V.fromListN 3 [lumaState, chromaState, chromaState { _encComponentIndex = 2 }]
920: encodingState qual _ = V.fromListN 3 $ fmap build [0 .. 2] where
959: encodingState qual _ = V.fromListN 4 $ fmap build [0 .. 3] where
396: vec = V.fromListN ((fromIntegral maxValue + 1) * 3) $ concat pixels
871: , _paletteData = VS.fromListN (paletteColorCount * 3) $ concat table
892: subSamplingInfo _ = V.fromListN 2 [1, 1]
1967:rYTab = V.fromListN 256 [fix 0.29900 * i | i <- [0..255] ]
1968:gYTab = V.fromListN 256 [fix 0.58700 * i | i <- [0..255] ]
1969:bYTab = V.fromListN 256 [fix 0.11400 * i + oneHalf | i <- [0..255] ]
1970:rCbTab = V.fromListN 256 [(- fix 0.16874) * i | i <- [0..255] ]
1971:gCbTab = V.fromListN 256 [(- fix 0.33126) * i | i <- [0..255] ]
1972:bCbTab = V.fromListN 256 [fix 0.5 * i + (128 `unsafeShiftL` scaleBits) + oneHalf - 1| i <- [0..255] ]
1973:gCrTab = V.fromListN 256 [(- fix 0.41869) * i | i <- [0..255] ]
1974:bCrTab = V.fromListN 256 [(- fix 0.08131) * i | i <- [0..255] ]
2020:crRTab = V.fromListN 256 [(fix 1.40200 * x + oneHalf) `unsafeShiftR` scaleBits | x <- [-128 .. 127]]
2021:cbBTab = V.fromListN 256 [(fix 1.77200 * x + oneHalf) `unsafeShiftR` scaleBits | x <- [-128 .. 127]]
2022:crGTab = V.fromListN 256 [negate (fix 0.71414) * x | x <- [-128 .. 127]]
2023:cbGTab = V.fromListN 256 [negate (fix 0.34414) * x + oneHalf | x <- [-128 .. 127]]
76:fromListNotOverwrite :: Key k => [(k,a)] -> Dictionary a
77:fromListNotOverwrite l = foldl (\d (key,val) -> insertNotOverwrite key val d) empty l
82: tbl = VU.fromListN (n*n) xs
151: udiscoRev = U.fromListN (olength coitem)
199: let uFlav = U.fromListN (olength coitem)
315: Array{avector = U.fromListN (axsize * aysize) $ map toUnboxRep l, ..}
314: 'f' -> (key, FloatArr (U.fromListN (n+1) [ getFloat (S.drop i s) | i <- [8, 12 ..] ]))
316: _ -> (key, IntArr (U.fromListN (n+1) [ getInt tp (S.drop i s) | i <- [8, 8 + size tp ..] ]))
25: , fromListN
82:fromListN :: (Contiguous arr, Element arr a, Ord a) => Int -> [a] -> Set arr a
83:fromListN n xs = -- fromList xs
91:fromList = fromListN 1
57: , fromListN
122:fromListN :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Ord k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v)
126:{-# INLINABLE fromListN #-}
127:fromListN n xs = runST $ do
160:fromList = fromListN 8
198: , Data.Vector.Unboxed.fromListN
175: , Data.Vector.Storable.fromListN
209: , Data.Vector.fromListN
168: tzInfos = VB.fromListN (VU.length eInfos) $ map isDstName $ VU.toList eInfos
40:-- fromListN 8 [4,5,5,5,6,7,7,9]
60:-- (fromListN 6 [5,5,5,6,7,7],fromListN 6 [1,4,5,2,3,6])
87:-- (fromListN 3 [5,6,7],fromListN 3 [5,2,6])
199:-- fromListN 5 [4,5,6,7,9]
292: where v = G.fromListN n as
105: fromList xs = fromListN (Prelude.length xs) xs
108: fromListN n xs =
35: U.fromListN n <$> Gen.list (Range.singleton n) gen
40: S.fromListN n <$> Gen.list (Range.singleton n) gen
123: V.fromListN (w * h) [interiorDerivative x y | y <- [0 .. h - 1], x <- [0 .. w - 1]]
331: infos = V.fromListN ((w + 1) * (h + 1))
362: V.fromListN vertexCount [base ^+^ V2 (dx * fromIntegral x) (dy * fromIntegral y)
365: hSecondary = V.fromListN ((h + 1) * w)
373: vSecondary = V.fromListN ((w + 1) * h)
432:rawMatrix = V.fromListN 16 $ V.fromListN 16 <$>
461: resultVector = mulVec $ V.fromListN 16
68: -- colors = V.fromListN (4 * 4) colorCycle
85: -- colors = V.fromListN (4 * 4) colorCycle
16: errors = VU.fromListN 10
85: makeAref (CycleTakeN (xs, len)) = return . Left $ V.fromListN len (cycle xs)
88:-- makeAref (xs, len) = return . Left $ V.fromListN len (cycle xs)
140: | otherwise = Map Map.empty $ inserts (Chunk (G.fromListN n0 (Map.keys m0)) (G.fromListN n0 (Foldable.toList m0))) xs0
32:cToVec (Chord pf pc _ cs) = V.concat (V.fromListN pf pc : cs)
42: let new = V.fromListN 32 (el:pc)
65: fromListN = primArrayFromList
70: toList, fromList, fromListN, unsafeFromList, lift,
626:-- > fromListN n xs = fromList (take n xs)
627:fromListN :: Int -> [a] -> Bundle v a
628:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
629:fromListN = M.fromListN
755: flowType _ = Fix . Array . Fix . Tuple . V.fromListN 2 $
76:fromListNotOverwrite :: Key k => [(k,a)] -> Dictionary a
77:fromListNotOverwrite l = foldl (\d (key,val) -> insertNotOverwrite key val d) empty l
123: fmap f (UVectorPoly _ end cs) = VectorPoly False end (V.fromListN n . map f $ UV.toList cs)
188:polyN n end = trim (0==) . rawVectorPoly end . V.fromListN n
194:unboxedPolyN n end = trim (0==) . rawUVectorPoly end . UV.fromListN n
198:unboxPoly (VectorPoly t e cs) = UVectorPoly t e (UV.fromListN (V.length cs) (V.toList cs))
208:rawListPolyN n e = rawVectorPoly e . V.fromListN n
46:import Data.Vector as Vector (Vector, empty, fromListN, reverse)
156: else return (Vector.reverse (Vector.fromListN len (v:acc)))
149:fromListN :: Name -> Name
150:fromListN = mkName . ("fromList" ++) . nameBase
153:fromListE = varE . fromListN
165: inlSigDef (fromListN vectorN) fromListType [fromListClause0, fromListClause1]
1144: otraverseWithKey f v = fmap (VU.fromListN (VU.length v)) . traverseWithKey f $ VU.toList v
1155: otraverseWithKey f v = fmap (VS.fromListN (VS.length v)) . traverseWithKey f $ VS.toList v
267:vectorTraverse f v = Generic.fromListN (Generic.length v) <$> traversed f (Generic.toList v)
14: fromListN) where
67:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
68:fromListN :: Length -> [a] -> Stream a
69:fromListN = SM.fromListN
54: $ (\ (D i j k) -> (i, j, k)) $ F.fromListN n (inorderD (\ d x -> D d (ix x) x) tree [])
131: let v'= V.fromListN (x*y) vs
109: = Vector.fromListN (Vector.length v) <$> traverseWithKey f (Vector.toList v)
49:keys = TotalArray $ Vector.fromListN (keyCount (Proxy :: Proxy k)) [minBound .. maxBound]
163: fromListN _ = Exts.fromList
25:import GHC.Exts as X (IsList (Item, fromListN))
33: , fromListN, fromList
125:fromList d xs = fromListN d (length xs) xs
180:fromListN :: forall (m :: Nat) (ns :: [Nat]) (t :: Type)
192:fromListN Dim n@(I# n#) xs'
219:fromListN _ _ _ = Nothing
492: keyColorsV = V.fromListN n keyColors :: Vector Color
493: keyIndeciesV = V.fromListN n . fmap fromIntegral $ keyIndecies :: Vector CInt
127: VG.toList, VG.fromList, VG.fromListN,
224: , fromListN
225: , fromListN'
1444:fromListN :: forall n a. KnownNat n
1446:fromListN = V.fromListN
1447:{-# inline fromListN #-}
1451:fromListN' :: forall n a p. KnownNat n
1453:fromListN' = V.fromListN'
1454:{-# inline fromListN' #-}
34:import GHC.Exts (IsList (fromList, fromListN))
53: -- -XOverloadedLists, 'fromListN' is not in scope,
116: fromListN l = FinSuppSeq . fromListN l
188: fromListN n xs = SparseSuppSeq $ Arr.unfoldrN n go (0,xs)
192: fromList l = fromListN (length l) l
271: fromListN n = asSemisparse . fromListN n
204: fromListN = fln minimumChunkSize
20: , fromListNT
124:fromListNT :: Ord n => [(n, Type n)] -> EnvT n
125:fromListNT nts
21: , fromListNT
164:fromListNT :: Ord n => [(n, Type n)] -> EnvX n
165:fromListNT nts
277: fromListN = maybeArrayFromListN
328: showString "fromListN " . shows (length sa) . showString " "
342: () <$ string "fromListN"
297: fromListN = smallMaybeArrayFromListN
348: showString "fromListN " . shows (length sa) . showString " "
362: () <$ string "fromListN"
164: fromListN n xs0 = runST $ do
170: fromList xs = fromListN (Prelude.length xs) xs
212: traverse f a = fromListN (length a) <$> traverse f (Foldable.toList a)
60:vecCreateIx f = Vec.fromListN (Ix.rangeSize bounds)
69: vec = Vec.fromListN (Map.size bag)
72:fromList n es = Vector.fromListN n $ es ++ repeat (error msg)
94: Vector.fromListN n $ repeat e
68: fromListN n l =
70: then Vector (V.fromListN n l)
71: else error $ mconcat [ "fromListN: Size mismatch, "
76: {-# INLINE fromListN #-}
576: fromListN sz xs = Buffer (fromListN sz xs)
199:pngCrcTable = U.fromListN 256 [ foldl' updateCrcConstant c [zero .. 7] | c <- [0 .. 255] ]
163: Just es -> VG.fromListN (IntSet.size es) (IntSet.toList es)
169: , svClauseWeight = VG.fromListN (VG.length clauseEdges) (map fst clauses)
23: , fromListN
70: fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
80:fromListN :: (Ord a, Enum a, Prim a)
84:fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
22: , fromListN
68: fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
75:fromListN :: (Ord a, Enum a)
79:fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
35: , fromListN
61:fromListN :: (Contiguous arr, Element arr a, Ord a, Enum a) => Int -> [(a,a)] -> Set arr a
62:fromListN _ xs = concat ( (uncurry singleton) xs)
65:fromList = fromListN 1
17: , fromListN
92: EX.ToJSONKeyValueForall toValue _ -> AE.Array $ V.fromListN
228:fromList = fromListN 1
230:fromListN ::
235:{-# INLINABLE fromListN #-}
236:fromListN n xs = runST $ do
56:-- fastest option available is calling 'fromListN' on a presorted list
62: fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
65: fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
31: , fromListN
65: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
101:fromListN :: (Ord k, PrimUnlifted v)
105:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
122:-- | /O(n*log n)/ This function has the same behavior as 'fromListN',
55:-- fastest option available is calling 'fromListN' on a presorted list
61: fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
31: , fromListN
69: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
105:fromListN :: Ord k
109:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
126:-- | /O(n*log n)/ This function has the same behavior as 'fromListN',
27: , fromListN
69: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
101:fromListN :: (PrimUnlifted k, Ord k)
105:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
113:-- | /O(n*log n)/ This function has the same behavior as 'fromListN',
26: , fromListN
66: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
98:fromListN :: (PrimUnlifted k, Ord k, Prim v)
102:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
110:-- | /O(n*log n)/ This function has the same behavior as 'fromListN',
34: , fromListN
76: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
112:fromListN :: (Prim k, Ord k, Prim v)
116:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
124:-- | /O(n*log n)/ This function has the same behavior as 'fromListN',
33: , fromListN
75: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
107:fromListN :: (Prim k, Ord k, PrimUnlifted v)
111:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
119:-- | /O(n*log n)/ This function has the same behavior as 'fromListN',
37: , fromListN
87: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
123:fromListN :: (Prim k, Ord k)
127:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
135:-- | /O(n*log n)/ This function has the same behavior as 'fromListN',
55: return . NameTable . V.fromListN (fromIntegral count) $ map fetcher records
44:, fromListN
167:fromListN r = liftBase . liftM V . go r
180:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
143: LT -> Stream.fromListN 2 [(kb,vb),(kc,vc)]
144: EQ -> Stream.fromListN 1 [(kb,vb)]
145: GT -> Stream.fromListN 2 [(kc,vc),(kb,vb)]
160: | otherwise = Map Map.empty $ unsafeDupablePerformIO $ inserts (G.fromListN n0 (Map.keys m0)) (G.fromListN n0 (Foldable.toList m0)) xs0
173:wl = V.fromListN 2048
156:vectorTraverse f v = V.fromListN (V.length v) <$> traversed f (V.toList v)
71: toList, fromList, fromListN
1539:fromListN :: Monad m => Int -> [a] -> Stream m a
1540:{-# INLINE_FUSED fromListN #-}
1541:fromListN m zs = Stream step (zs,m)
74: toList, fromList, fromListN, unsafeFromList,
1008:fromListN :: Monad m => Int -> [a] -> Bundle m v a
1009:{-# INLINE_FUSED fromListN #-}
1010:fromListN n xs = fromStream (S.fromListN n xs) (Max (delay_inline max n 0))
58:fromListNonEmptyP :: Collection a => Proxy a -> NonEmpty [Element a] -> NonEmpty a
59:fromListNonEmptyP proxy = nonEmpty_ . fromListP proxy . getNonEmpty
195: , Property "minimum" $ withNonEmptyElements $ \els -> minimum (fromListNonEmptyP proxy els) === minimum els
196: , Property "maximum" $ withNonEmptyElements $ \els -> maximum (fromListNonEmptyP proxy els) === maximum els
237: , Property "head" $ withNonEmptyElements $ \els -> head (fromListNonEmptyP proxy els) === head els
238: , Property "last" $ withNonEmptyElements $ \els -> last (fromListNonEmptyP proxy els) === last els
239: , Property "tail" $ withNonEmptyElements $ \els -> toList (tail $ fromListNonEmptyP proxy els) === tail els
240: , Property "init" $ withNonEmptyElements $ \els -> toList (init $ fromListNonEmptyP proxy els) === init els
14: , fromListN
58: fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
68:fromListN :: (Ord a, Enum a, Prim a)
72:fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
20: , fromListN
63: fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
70:fromListN :: (Ord a, Enum a)
74:fromListN n = Set . I.fromListN n
22: , fromListN
56:fromListN :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Ord k, Enum k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Eq v) => Int -> [(k,k,v)] -> Map karr varr k v
57:fromListN = fromListWithN (\_ a -> a)
60:fromList = fromListN 1
25: , fromListN
49:fromListN :: (Contiguous arr, Element arr a, Ord a, Enum a) => Int -> [(a,a)] -> Set arr a
50:fromListN _ xs = concat ( (uncurry singleton) xs)
53:fromList = fromListN 1
51:import GHC.Exts (IsList,Item,toList,fromList,fromListN)
72:-- @fromList xs ≡ fromListN (length xs) xs@
92: (fromList xs :: a) == fromListN (length xs) xs
27:import GHC.Exts (IsList(fromList,toList,fromListN),Item,
205: fromListN = primArrayFromListN
12: fromListN) where
95:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
96:fromListN :: Monad m => Length -> [a] -> Stream m a
97:fromListN n xs = Stream suc xs n where
49:keys' p = Vector.fromListN (keyCount p) $ Set.toAscList (reflect p)
37: fromListN
54: fromListN
62: fromListN
225: , fromListN
226: , fromListN'
1515:fromListN :: forall n a. (Storable a, KnownNat n)
1517:fromListN = V.fromListN
1518:{-# inline fromListN #-}
1522:fromListN' :: forall n a p. (Storable a, KnownNat n)
1524:fromListN' = V.fromListN'
1525:{-# inline fromListN' #-}
225: , fromListN
226: , fromListN'
1513:fromListN :: forall n a. (Unbox a, KnownNat n)
1515:fromListN = V.fromListN
1516:{-# inline fromListN #-}
1520:fromListN' :: forall n a p. (Unbox a, KnownNat n)
1522:fromListN' = V.fromListN'
1523:{-# inline fromListN' #-}
232: , fromListN
233: , fromListN'
648:fromTuple = Vector . VG.fromListN (fromIntegral $ natVal $ Proxy @length) . ILL.toList
1700:fromListN :: forall v n a. (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n)
1702:fromListN = toSized . VG.fromListN i
1704:{-# inline fromListN #-}
1708:fromListN' :: forall v n a p. (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n)
1710:fromListN' _ = fromListN
1711:{-# inline fromListN' #-}
116: V.fromListN n <$> readN mvec n op
94: , EnvT.fromListNT nksImportType'
95: , EnvT.fromListNT nksImportDataDef'
96: , EnvT.fromListNT nksLocalDataDef' ]
117: , EnvT.fromListNT [ (n, k) | (n, (k, _)) <- nktsImportTypeDef']
142: , EnvT.fromListNT [ (n, k) | (n, (k, _)) <- nktsLocalTypeDef']
205: = (EnvX.fromListNT [(n, typeOfImportValue i) | (n, i) <- ntsImportValue' ])
115: return (fromListN (fromIntegral n) xs)
52:import Data.Vector.Unboxed( Vector, fromListN, (!) )
180: | otherwise = Palette' pixelCount . V.fromListN (3 * pixelCount) <$> pixels
432:pngCrcTable = fromListN 256 [ foldl' updateCrcConstant c [zero .. 7] | c <- [0 .. 255] ]
107:makeMacroBlock = SV.fromListN 64
31:iclip = V.fromListN 1024 [ val i| i <- [(-512) .. 511] ]
369: , quantTable = VS.fromListN 64 coeffs
406: , huffSizes = VU.fromListN 16 sizes
407: , huffCodes = V.fromListN 16 codes
273: pure . ExifShorts $ V.fromListN 2 valList
238: return $! V.fromListN (lxsize * lysize) $ concat lrc
23: , fromListN
60:fromListN :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Ord k, Enum k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Eq v) => Int -> [(k,k,v)] -> Map karr varr k v
61:fromListN = fromListWithN (\_ a -> a)
64:fromList = fromListN 1
43:fromListN :: OrdForallPoly k => Int -> [DependentPair k v] -> Map k v
44:fromListN n xs = Map (I.fromListN n xs)
63: fromListN = fromListN
68:fromListN :: (Universally k Prim, ApplyUniversally k Prim, OrdForallPoly k) => Int -> [DependentPair k v] -> Map k v
69:fromListN n xs = Map (I.fromListN n xs)
164: fromListN = fromListN
966: fromListN n xs = fromList (Z:.n) xs
967: fromList xs = GHC.fromListN (length xs) xs
14: , fromListN
56: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
63:fromListN :: (Ord k, Enum k, Eq v)
67:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
14: , fromListN
58: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
65:fromListN :: (Ord k, Enum k, Prim k, Eq v)
69:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
75:fromList sh xs = Array sh $ Prim.fromListN (Shape.size sh) xs
95: (ret, BagImpl vec') <- lift $ runStateT s $ BagImpl $ V.fromListN vlen list
17: , fromListN
67: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
74:fromListN :: (Ord k, Enum k, Prim k, Eq v)
78:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
14: , fromListN
57: fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
64:fromListN :: (Ord k, Enum k, Eq v)
68:fromListN n = Map . I.fromListN n
138: , toList, fromList, fromListN
1264:-- fromListN n xs = 'fromList' ('take' n xs)
1266:fromListN :: G.Vector Vector (Rec Identity rs)
1268:fromListN = G.fromListN
1269:{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
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