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Cat Ball catleeball

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import json
import random
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python <input_file>")
input_file = sys.argv[1]
catleeball / hcr.tex
Created October 17, 2023 01:38
HPSG Head-Complement Rule
%%begin novalidate
catleeball /
Created April 20, 2023 22:26
Tutorial on running an Archive Team Warrior container with Docker Compose

You can run an Archive Team container on your computer! It'll help crawl the web and putting stuff into, based on the current projects.

catleeball /
Last active October 12, 2022 23:25
LING 566 HW2

Problem 1: Valence Variations

In this problem, you will be asked to write lexical entries (including HEAD, SPR, and COMPS values). You may use NP, VP, etc. as abbreviations for the feature structures on COMPS lists.

As you do this problem, keep the following points in mind: (1) In this chapter we’ve changed COMPS to be a list-valued feature, and (2) heads select for their specifier and complements (if they have any); the elements on the SPR and COMPS lists do not simultaneously select for the head.

Chapter 2, Problem 2: Structural Ambiguity

Show that the grammar in (23) can account for the ambiguity of each of the following sentences by providing at least two trees licensed for each one, and explain briefly which interpretation goes with which tree:

  • (i) Bo saw the group with the telescope.
  • (ii) Most dogs and cats with fleas live in this neighborhood.
  • (iii) The pictures show Superman and Lois Lane and Wonder Woman.
# MacOS keybinds =====
- { key: N, mods: Command, action: SpawnNewInstance }
- { key: Q, mods: Command, action: Quit }
- { key: Key0, mods: Command, action: ResetFontSize }
- { key: Equals, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize }
- { key: Add, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize }
- { key: Minus, mods: Command, action: DecreaseFontSize }
# ==============================================================================
# PS1 setup
# Color Variables
BOLD=$(tput bold)
RED=$(tput setaf 1)
GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
BLUE=$(tput setaf 4)
PURPLE=$(tput setaf 5)
syntax on
" Forgot sudo, save with sudo:
cmap w!! w !sudo tee > /dev/null %
set mouse=a
set number
set relativenumber
set ruler
catleeball / TwitchPlaysCoQ.go
Last active May 18, 2021 22:20
Twitch Plays Caves of Qud
// Go script to allow Twitch viewers to play Caves of Qud via Twitch chat.
// This is a really messy, hacky, bad script.
package main
import (
catleeball /
Last active June 12, 2023 20:10
Simple cron job to update host file with spam block list
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Simple cron job to update host file with spam block list
# /etc/cron.daily/
wget -q -O /tmp/hosts
if ! cmp /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts >/dev/null 2>&1; then
mv /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts