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Last active October 12, 2016 18:21
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  • Save ceilfors/741d8152106a310dd454 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ceilfors/741d8152106a310dd454 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to extract all of the svn:externals in a SVN path recursively.
This script is adapted from but without the
multi threading factor of it.
Usage: ` https://svn-server/repository`
Do note that the script is excluding src and hidden directories that starts with dot. Just modify the file
as it's not parameterized.
If you want this script to run faster, SSH to the SVN server and use file protocol.
Usage: ` file:///svn/repository`
import os
import sys
def getExterns(url, base_dir):
cmd = 'svn propget svn:externals "%s"' % url
pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
data =
if (data):
print "#", url
def processDir(url, base_dir):
getExterns(url, base_dir )
cmd = 'svn list "%s"' % url
pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
listing =
dir_list = []
for node in listing:
if node.endswith('/') and not node.endswith('src/') and not node.startswith('.'):
for node in dir_list:
processDir(url+node, base_dir+node )
def analyzePath(url, base_dir = ''):
processDir(url, base_dir )
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