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Created February 15, 2024 19:47
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pkl on macOS 14.2 - Homebrew build logs
Homebrew build logs for pkl on macOS 14.2
Build date: 2024-02-15 20:45:32
HOMEBREW_VERSION: 4.2.8-100-g0a206a4
HEAD: 0a206a409316bf86e8e355a1b701dbdb24e2bdbe
Last commit: 2 hours ago
Core tap HEAD: a2bf56561e5b5e6daa354926b11b7e1c0400a00f
Core tap last commit: 19 minutes ago
Core tap branch: pkl
Core cask tap HEAD: a4ca57a2b98eef9705c634883308f74c0d9e2829
Core cask tap last commit: 13 hours ago
Core cask tap branch: netxms-console-4.5.2
HOMEBREW_PREFIX: /opt/homebrew
Homebrew Ruby: 3.1.4 => /opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/vendor/portable-ruby/3.1.4/bin/ruby
CPU: 10-core 64-bit arm_firestorm_icestorm
Clang: 15.0.0 build 1500
Git: 2.43.2 => /opt/homebrew/bin/git
Curl: 8.4.0 => /usr/bin/curl
macOS: 14.2.1-arm64
Xcode: 15.2
Rosetta 2: false
Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry or file an issue; just ignore this. Thanks!
Warning: Some installed kegs have no formulae!
This means they were either deleted or installed manually.
You should find replacements for the following formulae:
Warning: You have unlinked kegs in your Cellar.
Leaving kegs unlinked can lead to build-trouble and cause formulae that depend on
those kegs to fail to run properly once built. Run `brew link` on these:
Warning: You have uncommitted modifications to Homebrew/brew.
If this is a surprise to you, then you should stash these modifications.
Stashing returns Homebrew to a pristine state but can be undone
should you later need to do so for some reason.
cd /opt/homebrew && git stash -u && git clean -d -f
Uncommitted files:
?? Library/Homebrew/test/support/fixtures/test.sng
You have uncommitted modifications to Homebrew/homebrew-core.
If this is a surprise to you, then you should stash these modifications.
Stashing returns Homebrew to a pristine state but can be undone
should you later need to do so for some reason.
cd /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core && git stash -u && git clean -d -f
Uncommitted files:
?? Formula/p/pkl.rb
You have uncommitted modifications to Homebrew/homebrew-cask.
If this is a surprise to you, then you should stash these modifications.
Stashing returns Homebrew to a pristine state but can be undone
should you later need to do so for some reason.
cd /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask && git stash -u && git clean -d -f
Uncommitted files:
M Casks/m/mplab-xc16.rb
M Casks/m/mplabx-ide.rb
M Casks/o/osp-tracker.rb
M Casks/x/xpra.rb
Warning: Some taps are not on the default git origin branch and may not receive
updates. If this is a surprise to you, check out the default branch with:
git -C $(brew --repo homebrew/core) checkout master
git -C $(brew --repo homebrew/cask) checkout master
Warning: /usr/bin occurs before /opt/homebrew/bin in your PATH.
This means that system-provided programs will be used instead of those
provided by Homebrew. Consider setting your PATH so that
/opt/homebrew/bin occurs before /usr/bin. Here is a one-liner:
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/rui/.bash_profile
The following tools exist at both paths:
Warning: Homebrew's "bin" was not found in your PATH.
Consider setting your PATH for example like so:
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/rui/.bash_profile
Warning: Homebrew's "sbin" was not found in your PATH but you have installed
formulae that put executables in /opt/homebrew/sbin.
Consider setting your PATH for example like so:
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/sbin:$PATH"' >> /Users/rui/.bash_profile
2024-02-15 19:45:32 +0000
2024-02-15 19:45:32 +0000
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Duser.home=/Users/rui/Library/Caches/Homebrew/java_cache
> Task :buildSrc:generateExternalPluginSpecBuilders
> Task :buildSrc:extractPrecompiledScriptPluginPlugins
> Task :buildSrc:compilePluginsBlocks
> Task :buildSrc:generatePrecompiledScriptPluginAccessors
> Task :buildSrc:generateScriptPluginAdapters
> Task :buildSrc:pluginDescriptors
> Task :buildSrc:processResources
> Task :buildSrc:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:compileKotlin
> Task :buildSrc:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:compileGroovy NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:classes
> Task :buildSrc:inspectClassesForKotlinIC
> Task :buildSrc:jar
> Task :buildSrc:assemble
> Task :buildSrc:compileTestKotlin NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:compileTestGroovy NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:pluginUnderTestMetadata
> Task :buildSrc:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :buildSrc:test NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:validatePlugins
> Task :buildSrc:check
> Task :buildSrc:build
> Task :pkl-executor:compileKotlin SKIPPED
> Task :downloadGraalVm SKIPPED
> Task :pkl-cli:workAroundKotlinGradlePluginBug
> Task :pkl-commons-cli:workAroundKotlinGradlePluginBug
> Task :pkl-server:workAroundKotlinGradlePluginBug
> Task :pkl-executor:workAroundKotlinGradlePluginBug
> Task :verifyGraalVm SKIPPED
> Task :installGraalVm SKIPPED
> Task :pkl-cli:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :pkl-server:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :pkl-commons-cli:processResources
> Task :pkl-commons:workAroundKotlinGradlePluginBug
> Task :pkl-core:generateGeneratorGrammarSource SKIPPED
> Task :pkl-commons:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :pkl-executor:compileJava
> Task :pkl-core:generateGrammarSource
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Duser.home=/Users/rui/Library/Caches/Homebrew/java_cache
> Task :pkl-core:compileKotlin SKIPPED
> Task :pkl-core:processGeneratorResources
> Task :pkl-core:workAroundKotlinGradlePluginBug
> Task :pkl-core:processResources
> Task :pkl-commons:compileKotlin
> Task :pkl-commons:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :pkl-commons:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :pkl-commons:inspectClassesForKotlinIC
> Task :pkl-commons:jar
> Task :pkl-core:compileGeneratorKotlin
> Task :pkl-core:compileGeneratorJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :pkl-core:generatorClasses
> Task :pkl-core:compileJava
warning: Supported source version 'RELEASE_11' from annotation processor 'org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.processing.TimeTrackingProcessor' less than -source '17'
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/internal/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createInvokeNode()") InvokeMethodVirtualNode invokeNode) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/type/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createApplyNode()") ApplyVmFunction1Node applyNode) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/type/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "value.getVmClass() == cachedClass")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "parent.getLength() == parentLength")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createAmendFunctionNode(frame)") AmendFunctionNode amendFunctionNode) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkMaxListingMemberIndex(0))' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkMaxListingMemberIndex(int)
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createMembers(0)") UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Object, ObjectMember> members) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createMembers(0)") UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Object, ObjectMember> members) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkMaxListingMemberIndex(parentLength))' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkMaxListingMemberIndex(int)
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidListingAmendment()")
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidMappingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidMappingAmendment()")
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidMappingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidListingAmendment()")
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createAmendFunctionNode(frame)") AmendFunctionNode amendFunctionNode) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidMappingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == getMappingClass()", "checkIsValidMappingAmendment()"})
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidMappingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == getListingClass()", "checkIsValidListingAmendment()"})
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidMappingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidMappingAmendment()")
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidMappingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidListingAmendment()")
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createAmendFunctionNode(frame)") AmendFunctionNode amendFunctionNode) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidMappingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == getMappingClass()", "checkIsValidMappingAmendment()"})
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidMappingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkMaxListingMemberIndex(0))' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkMaxListingMemberIndex(int)
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidListingAmendment()")
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createAmendFunctionNode(frame)") AmendFunctionNode amendFunctionNode) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == getListingClass()", "checkIsValidListingAmendment()"})
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidMappingProperty())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidMappingProperty()")
- GeneratorPropertyNode.checkIsValidMappingProperty()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingProperty())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidListingProperty()")
- GeneratorPropertyNode.checkIsValidListingProperty()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidMappingProperty())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == getMappingClass()", "checkIsValidMappingProperty()"})
- GeneratorPropertyNode.checkIsValidMappingProperty()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingProperty())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == getListingClass()", "checkIsValidListingProperty()"})
- GeneratorPropertyNode.checkIsValidListingProperty()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkObjectCannotHaveParameters())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()")
- GeneratorObjectLiteralNode.checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkObjectCannotHaveParameters())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()")
- GeneratorObjectLiteralNode.checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkListingCannotHaveParameters())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkListingCannotHaveParameters()")
- GeneratorObjectLiteralNode.checkListingCannotHaveParameters()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkMappingCannotHaveParameters())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkMappingCannotHaveParameters()")
- GeneratorObjectLiteralNode.checkMappingCannotHaveParameters()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkObjectCannotHaveParameters())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()")
- GeneratorObjectLiteralNode.checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createAmendFunctionNode(frame)") AmendFunctionNode amendFunctionNode) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkObjectCannotHaveParameters())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == getDynamicClass()", "checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()"})
- GeneratorObjectLiteralNode.checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkMappingCannotHaveParameters())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == getMappingClass()", "checkMappingCannotHaveParameters()"})
- GeneratorObjectLiteralNode.checkMappingCannotHaveParameters()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkListingCannotHaveParameters())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == getListingClass()", "checkListingCannotHaveParameters()"})
- GeneratorObjectLiteralNode.checkListingCannotHaveParameters()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/generator/ warning: The guard '(checkObjectCannotHaveParameters())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"isTypedObjectClass(parent)", "checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()"})
- GeneratorObjectLiteralNode.checkObjectCannotHaveParameters()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/member/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "owner.getVmClass() == cachedOwnerClass")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/lambda/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "function.getCallTarget() == cachedCallTarget")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/lambda/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "function.getCallTarget() == cachedCallTarget")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/lambda/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "function.getCallTarget() == cachedCallTarget")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/lambda/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "function.getCallTarget() == cachedCallTarget")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/lambda/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "function.getCallTarget() == cachedCallTarget")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/lambda/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "function.getCallTarget() == cachedCallTarget")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidTypedAmendment(parentClass))' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidTypedAmendment(Object)
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidListingAmendment()")
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidMappingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = "checkIsValidMappingAmendment()")
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidMappingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("createAmendFunctionNode(frame)") AmendFunctionNode amendFunctionNode) {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidTypedAmendment(cachedParent))' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidTypedAmendment(Object)
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(ObjectLiteralNode.isTypedObjectClass(cachedParent))' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- ObjectLiteralNode.isTypedObjectClass(VmClass)
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidListingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidListingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(cachedParent.isListingClass())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- org.pkl.core.runtime.VmClass.isListingClass()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(checkIsValidMappingAmendment())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- SpecializedObjectLiteralNode.checkIsValidMappingAmendment()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(cachedParent.isMappingClass())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
- org.pkl.core.runtime.VmClass.isMappingClass()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == cachedParent", "cachedParent.isDynamicClass()"})
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/literal/ warning: The guard '(cachedParent.isDynamicClass())' invokes methods that would benefit from the @Idempotent or @NonIdempotent annotations:
@Specialization(guards = {"parent == cachedParent", "cachedParent.isDynamicClass()"})
- org.pkl.core.runtime.VmClass.isDynamicClass()
The DSL will invoke guards always or only in the slow-path during specialization depending these annotations. To resolve this annotate the methods, remove the guard or suppress the warning. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-guard").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/member/ warning: It is recommended to set the @Cached(neverDefault=true|false) property for this cache expression to allow the DSL to further optimize the generated layout of this node. Please set the neverDefault property to true if the value may never return the default value, else false. You may also use the @NeverDefault annotation on any method or field bound in the initializer expression to indicate never default. To allow optimizations in the generated code layout, it is recommended to guarantee non-default values for initializer expressions whenever possible. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-neverdefault").
@Cached("findSupermethod(frame)") ClassMethod supermethod,
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/member/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = {"methodName == APPLY", "receiver.getCallTarget() == cachedCallTarget"})
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/member/ warning: The cached parameter may be shared with:
@Cached("create()") IndirectCallNode callNode) {
- eval(..., @Cached(...) IndirectCallNode callNode)
Annotate the parameter with @Shared("group") or @Exclusive to allow or deny sharing of the parameter. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-sharing").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/member/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "receiverClass == cachedReceiverClass")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/member/ warning: The cached parameter may be shared with:
@Cached("create()") IndirectCallNode callNode) {
- evalFunction(..., @Cached(...) IndirectCallNode callNode)
Annotate the parameter with @Shared("group") or @Exclusive to allow or deny sharing of the parameter. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-sharing").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/binary/ warning: The cached parameter may be shared with:
VmListing listing, long index, @Cached("create()") IndirectCallNode callNode) {
- eval(..., @Cached(...) IndirectCallNode callNode)
- eval(..., @Cached(...) IndirectCallNode callNode)
Annotate the parameter with @Shared("group") or @Exclusive to allow or deny sharing of the parameter. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-sharing").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/binary/ warning: The cached parameter may be shared with:
VmMapping mapping, Object key, @Cached("create()") IndirectCallNode callNode) {
- eval(..., @Cached(...) IndirectCallNode callNode)
- eval(..., @Cached(...) IndirectCallNode callNode)
Annotate the parameter with @Shared("group") or @Exclusive to allow or deny sharing of the parameter. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-sharing").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ast/expression/binary/ warning: The cached parameter may be shared with:
VmDynamic dynamic, Object key, @Cached("create()") IndirectCallNode callNode) {
- eval(..., @Cached(...) IndirectCallNode callNode)
- eval(..., @Cached(...) IndirectCallNode callNode)
Annotate the parameter with @Shared("group") or @Exclusive to allow or deny sharing of the parameter. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-sharing").
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/stdlib/base/ warning: For this specialization no limit attribute was specified, but multiple instances of this specialization are possible. To resolve this add the limit attribute to the @Specialization annotation. This warning may be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("truffle-limit").
@Specialization(guards = "pattern.equals(cachedPattern)")
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class Duration implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class Duration implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class Duration implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class Duration implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class Duration implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public strictfp enum DataSizeUnit {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public strictfp enum DataSizeUnit {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public strictfp enum DataSizeUnit {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public strictfp enum DataSizeUnit {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public strictfp enum DataSizeUnit {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class DataSize implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class DataSize implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class DataSize implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class DataSize implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class DataSize implements Value {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDuration extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDuration> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDuration extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDuration> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDuration extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDuration> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDuration extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDuration> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDuration extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDuration> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDataSize extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDataSize> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDataSize extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDataSize> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDataSize extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDataSize> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDataSize extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDataSize> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/runtime/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class VmDataSize extends VmValue implements Comparable<VmDataSize> {
/private/tmp/pkl-20240215-59169-pvfmtd/pkl-0.25.2/pkl-core/src/main/java/org/pkl/core/util/ warning: [strictfp] as of release 17, all floating-point expressions are evaluated strictly and 'strictfp' is not required
public final strictfp class MathUtils {
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
100 warnings
only showing the first 100 warnings, of 129 total; use -Xmaxwarns if you would like to see more
> Task :pkl-core:classes
> Task :pkl-core:inspectClassesForKotlinIC
> Task :pkl-core:jar
> Task :pkl-commons-cli:compileKotlin
> Task :pkl-commons-cli:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :pkl-commons-cli:classes
> Task :pkl-commons-cli:inspectClassesForKotlinIC
> Task :pkl-commons-cli:jar
> Task :pkl-server:compileKotlin
> Task :pkl-server:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :pkl-server:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :pkl-server:inspectClassesForKotlinIC
> Task :pkl-server:jar
> Task :pkl-cli:compileKotlin
> Task :pkl-cli:compileJava
> Task :pkl-cli:classes
> Task :pkl-cli:macExecutableAarch64
WARNING: package not in org.graalvm.truffle
GraalVM Native Image: Generating 'pkl-macos-aarch64' (executable)...
For detailed information and explanations on the build output, visit:
[1/8] Initializing... (0.0s @ 0.15GB)
Error: Unable to detect supported DARWIN native software development toolchain.
Querying with command '/opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/shims/mac/super/cc -v' prints:
cc: The build tool has reset ENV; --env=std required.
Error: To prevent native-toolchain checking provide command-line option -H:-CheckToolchain$UserException: Unable to detect supported DARWIN native software development toolchain.
Querying with command '/opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/shims/mac/super/cc -v' prints:
cc: The build tool has reset ENV; --env=std required.
To prevent native-toolchain checking provide command-line option -H:-CheckToolchain
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/<init>(
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/$DarwinCCompilerInvoker.<init>(
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
at org.graalvm.nativeimage.builder/
0.4s (9.9% of total time) in 9 GCs | Peak RSS: 0.54GB | CPU load: 1.85
Finished generating 'pkl-macos-aarch64' in 2.3s.
> Task :pkl-cli:macExecutableAarch64 FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':pkl-cli:macExecutableAarch64'.
> Process 'command '/Users/rui/Library/Caches/Homebrew/java_cache/.graalvm/graalvm-jdk-17.0.9_macos-aarch64_bin/Contents/Home/bin/native-image'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
39 actionable tasks: 39 executed
HOMEBREW_VERSION: 4.2.8-100-g0a206a4
HEAD: 0a206a409316bf86e8e355a1b701dbdb24e2bdbe
Last commit: 2 hours ago
Core tap HEAD: a2bf56561e5b5e6daa354926b11b7e1c0400a00f
Core tap last commit: 19 minutes ago
Core tap branch: pkl
Core cask tap HEAD: a4ca57a2b98eef9705c634883308f74c0d9e2829
Core cask tap last commit: 13 hours ago
Core cask tap branch: netxms-console-4.5.2
HOMEBREW_PREFIX: /opt/homebrew
Homebrew Ruby: 3.1.4 => /opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/vendor/portable-ruby/3.1.4/bin/ruby
CPU: 10-core 64-bit arm_firestorm_icestorm
Clang: 15.0.0 build 1500
Git: 2.43.2 => /opt/homebrew/bin/git
Curl: 8.4.0 => /usr/bin/curl
macOS: 14.2.1-arm64
Xcode: 15.2
Rosetta 2: false
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /opt/homebrew/opt/gradle@7:/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk@17:/opt/homebrew
CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current/Headers
CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current/Libraries
PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR: /usr/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/os/mac/pkgconfig/14
HOMEBREW_SDKROOT: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk
ACLOCAL_PATH: /opt/homebrew/share/aclocal
PATH: /opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/shims/mac/super:/opt/homebrew/opt/gradle@7/bin:/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk@17/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
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