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Last active July 29, 2021 18:43
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react-storybook samples
* dynamically loading all stories with .stories.js extension
import { configure } from '@kadira/storybook';
import 'babel-polyfill';
const stories = require.context('../app/js/components', true, /.stories.js$/);
function loadStories() {
stories.keys().forEach(filename => stories(filename));
configure(loadStories, module);
* using redux-mock-store
* using redux provider
* using stories decorators
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@kadira/storybook';
import { MenuToggle } from '../header/MenuToggle';
import Header from '../header/Header';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store';
const mockStore = configureStore();
const store = mockStore({
ui: {
isMenuOpened: true,
storiesOf('Header', module)
.addDecorator(getStory => <Provider store={store}>{getStory()}</Provider>)
.add('with text', () => {
const config = {
version: 'standard',
config: {},
isLoggedIn: true,
user: {
access: 'buyer',
return <Header {...config} />;
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