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Last active January 31, 2016 22:23
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  • Save choroba/eaeadee75ddd11cca5fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save choroba/eaeadee75ddd11cca5fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
use HTML::TableExtract;
use Time::Piece;
use XML::XSH2;
sub shell {
my $status = system @_;
die $status if $status;
sub git_ready {
open my $GIT, '-|', qw{ git status --porcelain } or die $!;
my $ready = 1;
while (<$GIT>) {
$ready = 0;
return $ready
sub git_branch {
open my $GIT, '-|', qw{ git branch } or die $!;
my $branch;
while (<$GIT>) {
$branch = "$1", last if /^\* (.*)/
close $GIT or die $!;
return $branch
my @columns = qw( file stmt bran cond sub pod time total );
sub extract_coverage {
my ($commit, $n, $total) = @_;
open my $HTML, '<', "cover_db.$n/coverage.html" or die $!;
my $te = 'HTML::TableExtract'
->new(headers => [ @columns ]);
my $html = do { local $/ ; <$HTML> };
my $tables = $te->parse($html);
for my $row ($tables->rows) {
next unless 'Total' eq $row->[0];
$total->{ $commit->{id} }
= { date => $commit->{date},
map { $columns[$_] => $row->[$_] } 1 .. $#columns
sub add_navigation {
my ($n, $max, $commit) = @_;
{ package XML::XSH2::Map;
our $n = $n;
our $date = $commit->{date};
our $max = $max;
xsh << '__XSH__';
open { "cover_db.$n/coverage.html" } ;
register-namespace h ;
rm //h:a[@id = 'coverage-history-previous'
or @id = 'coverage-history-next'] ;
$date_header = //h:td[text() = 'Report Date:'] ;
if ($date_header) {
set $date_header/text() 'Commit Date:' ;
set $date_header/following-sibling::h:td[1]/text() $date ;
if (0 != $n) {
$prev := insert element a append //h:body ;
set $prev/@id 'coverage-history-previous' ;
set $prev/text() { "\x{2190}" } ;
set $prev/@href concat('../cover_db.', $n - 1, '/coverage.html') ;
insert text ' ' after $prev ;
if ($max != $n) {
$next := insert element a append //h:body ;
set $next/@id 'coverage-history-next' ;
set $next/text() { "\x{2192}" } ;
set $next/@href concat('../cover_db.', $n + 1, '/coverage.html');
save :f { "cover_db.$n/" } ;
rename "cover_db.$n/", "cover_db.$n/coverage.html" or die $!;
sub graph_data {
my ($total) = @_;
for my $id (keys %$total) {
my $date = $total->{$id}{date};
my $tz = substr $date, -5, 5, q();
my $tp = 'Time::Piece'->strptime($date, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y ');
my ($sign, $hours, $minutes) = $tz =~ /([-+])(\d\d)(\d\d)/;
$tp -= "${sign}1" * $minutes * 60 + $hours * 60 * 60;
$total->{$id}{UTC} = $tp->datetime;
open my $OUT, '>', '' or die $!;
for my $id ( sort { $total->{$a}{UTC} cmp $total->{$b}{UTC} }
keys %$total
my $commit = $total->{$id};
say {$OUT} join "\t", map 'n/a' eq $_ ? q() : $_,
@$commit{qw{ UTC sub stmt cond bran }};
close $OUT or die $!;
sub draw {
my ($output) = @_;
open my $GP, '|-', 'gnuplot' or die $!;
print {$GP} << '__GNUPLOT__';
set term png tiny
set output "coverages.png"
set key outside
set xdata time
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
plot "" u 1:2 w lines t "subs", \
"" u 1:3 w lines t "statements", \
"" u 1:4 w lines t "conditions", \
"" u 1:5 w lines t "branches"
close $GP or die $!;
sub startup_check {
die 'Not a git repository' unless -d '.git';
die 'Devel::Cover not installed properly' unless qx{ which cover };
die 'gnuplot not found' unless qx{ which gnuplot };
die "Repository not clean. Maybe stash the changes?" unless git_ready();
sub get_commits {
my (@commits, %current);
open my $LOG, '-|', qw{ git log --stat } or die $!;
while (<$LOG>) {
if (/^commit (.*)/) {
if (delete $current{keep}) {
unshift @commits, { %current };
%current = ( id => "$1" );
} elsif (/^Date:\s+(.*)/) {
$current{date} = "$1";
} elsif (m=^ (?:lib|t)/=) {
$current{keep} = 1;
close $LOG or die $!;
return \@commits
sub make_or_build {
my ($makefile) = grep -f, qw( Makefile.PL Build.PL );
shell('perl', $makefile);
sub get_total {
my ($commits) = @_;
my %total;
for my $idx (reverse 0 .. $#$commits) {
my $commit = $commits->[$idx];
my $id = $commit->{id};
say STDERR @$commits - $idx, '/', scalar @$commits;
if (! -d "cover_db.$idx") {
shell(qw{ git checkout }, $id);
shell(qw{ cover -test });
rename 'cover_db', "cover_db.$idx" or die $!;
add_navigation($idx, $#$commits, $commit);
extract_coverage($commit, $idx, \%total);
return \%total
sub good_bye {
say 'Done.';
say 'coverage.png created.';
say "file://" . $ENV{PWD} . '/cover_db.0/coverage.html';
sub main {
my $commits = get_commits();
my $branch = git_branch();
my $total = get_total($commits);
shell(qw{ git checkout }, $branch);
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