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Last active April 24, 2016 23:17
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Phoenix 0.6.x to 0.7.0 Upgrade Instructions

How to upgrade to Phoenix from 0.6.x to 0.7.0.

  1. 0.7.0 depends on Plug HEAD, so you'll need to include plug in your mix deps until the next plug release:
{:plug, github: "elixir-lang/plug", ref: "7040c89cb4cf1f1c6afdee379e5982a07d77a6c3"}

  1. The `Pheonix.Controller` functions html/2, json/2, text/2, redirect/2 and render/3 no longer halt automatically. *Important*: You must now explicity call `halt/1` yourself if you want to stop invoking further plugs after calling these functions. This is improtant for auth filtering plugs, ie:

  def authenticate(conn, _) do
    if Auth.authenticated?(conn) do
      |> redirect(to: "/")
      |> halt              # halt is now required here to stop further plugs

  1. Define a Phoenix.Endpoint at `lib/OTP_APP/endpoint.ex`

    The [contents for this file can be found here]( where the values must be replaced by the current values in your config/config.exs file

  2. Migrate your config/*.exs files to configure the endpoint in your application instead of the router. In other words, instead of:

        config :phoenix, MyApp.Router

    You should have:

        config :OTP_APP, MyApp.Endpoint

  3. Add a `config_change/3` callback to your application. In your `lib/OTP_APP.ex`, simply [add this function](

  4. If you are using the `url/1` from `MyApp.Router.Helpers`, it now needs to be accessed from the endpoint, as `MyApp.Endpoint.url/1`. The preferred solution though is to use `MyApp.Router.Helpers.url/2
  5. Rename `MyApp.ErrorsView` to `MyApp.ErrorView`.
  6. Linguist has been removed as a dependency, and an I18n module is no longer generated in your project. If you are using `MyApp.I18n`, add Linguist to your mix deps, `{:linguist, "~> 0.1.4"}`. If you are not using the `t/3` or `t!/3` I18n functions, you can remove `MyApp.I18n` all together and add it later if needed. Be sure to also remove the `import MyApp.I18n` delclaration from `MyApp.View` if you remove this dep.
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