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Created February 16, 2012 08:10
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Sql Server Compact dialect provider for OrmLite
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
using ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer;
namespace Slyngelstat.OrmLite.SqlCe
public class SqlCeOrmLiteDialectProvider : SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider
public SqlCeOrmLiteDialectProvider()
// Sql Ce only supports NVARCHAR's with a length of up to 4000 (VARCHAR not supported)
// "GetColumnDefinition" will change this to NTEXT when creating a table with a string column larger that 4000
base.DefaultStringLength = 4000;
base.StringColumnDefinition = "NVARCHAR(4000)";
base.StringLengthColumnDefinitionFormat = "NVARCHAR({0})";
base.StringLengthNonUnicodeColumnDefinitionFormat = "NVARCHAR({0})";
base.StringLengthUnicodeColumnDefinitionFormat = "NVARCHAR({0})";
// Sql Ce only supports blob with a length up to 8000
// "GetColumnDefinition" will change this to IMAGE when creating a table with a blob column larger that 8000
base.BlobColumnDefinition = "VARBINARY(8000)";
public override System.Data.IDbConnection CreateConnection(string connectionString, Dictionary<string, string> options)
if (options != null)
SqlCeConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlCeConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
foreach (var option in options)
if (option.Key.ToLower() == "read only")
if (option.Value.ToLower() == "true")
builder.FileMode = "Read Only";
// Sql Ce requires a temp path when in read only mode.
// But OrmLite can not provide the temp path so we need to roll our own,
// setting it to the path where the db file is
builder.TempFilePath = new FileInfo(builder.DataSource).Directory.FullName;
builder.Add(option.Key, option.Value);
return new SqlCeConnection(builder.ConnectionString);
return new SqlCeConnection(connectionString);
public override string GetColumnDefinition(string fieldName, Type fieldType, bool isPrimaryKey, bool autoIncrement, bool isNullable, int? fieldLength, int? scale, string defaultValue)
string defaultColumnDefinition = base.GetColumnDefinition(fieldName, fieldType, isPrimaryKey, autoIncrement, isNullable, fieldLength, scale, defaultValue);
if (fieldLength.HasValue)
if (fieldType == typeof(string) && fieldLength > 4000)
// NVARCHAR greater than 4000 is not supported in Sql Ce so use NTEXT
return defaultColumnDefinition.Replace(string.Format(base.StringLengthColumnDefinitionFormat, fieldLength), "NTEXT");
if (fieldType == typeof(byte[]) && fieldLength > 8000)
// VARBINARY greater than 8000 is not supported in Sql Ce so use IMAGE
return defaultColumnDefinition.Replace("VARBINARY(8000)", "IMAGE");
return defaultColumnDefinition;
public override long GetLastInsertId(System.Data.IDbCommand dbCmd)
// Sql Ce does not support SCOPE_IDENTITY();
dbCmd.CommandText = "SELECT @@IDENTITY";
object result = dbCmd.ExecuteScalar();
if (result is DBNull)
return 0L;
if (result is decimal)
return Convert.ToInt64((decimal)result);
return (long)result;
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