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Last active March 6, 2024 22:41
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Stop Zscaler Netskope or Cylance services on macOS

Disable macOS Cylance Zscaler or Netskope

The following scripts can be used to disable common security compliance software that blocks access to the Internet on corporate managed macOS computers. These scripts will not uninstall the software.

You may be asked to enter a password for command operations that require elevated privileges via sudo. If you do not have permission to run commands as a root user with sudo then these scripts will not work for you.

To re-enable the security compliance software, reboot macOS.

The changes made by these scripts are not permanent and will be reset after reboot.


Download the script/s to stop the relevant software shown below. You do not need to download all scripts. Only download the script that is relevant to you.

NOTE: Using curl to access may not work when Zscaler or Netskope are running. If so, use another method to download the script contents.

Cylance stop

curl -L -o && chmod ug+x $_

Zscaler stop

curl -L -o && chmod ug+x $_

Netskope stop

curl -L -o && chmod ug+x $_

TIP: Optionally, after download move the script into the /usr/local/bin folder so you can execute it from anywhere.


After download and install the script can be executed in the terminal.


In a terminal run the script:



In a terminal run the script:



In a terminal run the script:


After running the ./ script you will need to find and stop the Netskope Client proxy in your macOS System Settings.

  1. Open macOS Apple menu 🍎 > System Setting dialog.
  2. Click on 🌐 Network in the sidebar.
  3. Click on VPN & Filters on the right.
  4. Under Filters & Proxies find the Netskope Client Transparent Proxy and select it.
  5. Once selected, use the minus button to remove it.

This will stop the transparent proxy from routing your traffic through Netskope.

Screenshot macOS Network Netskope Client transparent proxy

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# vim: ai ts=2 sw=2 et sts=2 ft=sh
# Exit on error unless '|| true'.
#set -o errexit
# Exit on error inside subshells functions.
set -o errtrace
# Do not use undefined variables.
set -o nounset
# Catch errors in piped commands.
set -o pipefail
# Allow empty globs.
shopt -s nullglob
IFS=$' '
main ()
local _cylaunchd
local _cyplist
local _cykext
local _procname
# List launchd cylance services running.
for _cylaunchd in $(launchctl list | grep -i "$_procname" | tail -r | cut -f 3); do
echo -e "--- Remove: ${_cylaunchd}" 1>&2
sudo launchctl stop "$_cylaunchd" || true
sudo launchctl remove "$_cylaunchd" || true
# List launchd cyclance plist files.
for _cyplist in /Library/LaunchDaemons/*"$_procname"*; do
echo -e "--- Unload: ${_cyplist}" 1>&2
sudo launchctl unload "$_cyplist" || true
echo -e "--- Kill: CylanceSvc" 1>&2
killall CylanceSvc
# List kextstat cylance kernel extensions.
for _cykext in $(kextstat | grep -i "$_procname" | tr -s ' ' | tail -r | cut -d ' ' -f 7); do
echo -e "--- Unload: ${_cykext}" 1>&2
sudo kextunload -v 3 -b "$_cykext" || true
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# vim: ai ts=2 sw=2 et sts=2 ft=sh
# Exit on error unless '|| true'.
#set -o errexit
# Exit on error inside subshells functions.
set -o errtrace
# Do not use undefined variables.
set -o nounset
# Catch errors in piped commands.
set -o pipefail
# Allow empty globs.
shopt -s nullglob
# Separator for expansion.
IFS=$' '
# Globals
# Set variables for current file, directory.
__dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
__file="${__dir}/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
__base="$(basename "${__file}" .sh)"
__invocation="$(printf %q "${__file}")$( (($#)) && printf ' %q' "$@")"
main ()
local __launchd
local __daemons_plist
local __agents_plist
local __proc_name
# List launchd services running.
for __launchd in $(launchctl list | grep -i "$__proc_name" | tail -r | cut -f 3); do
echo -e "--- Remove: ${__launchd}" 1>&2
sudo launchctl stop "$__launchd" || true
sudo launchctl remove "$__launchd" || true
# List root LaunchDaemons plist files.
for __daemons_plist in /Library/LaunchDaemons/*"$__proc_name"*; do
echo -e "--- Unload: ${__daemons_plist}" 1>&2
sudo launchctl unload "$__daemons_plist" || true
# List user LaunchAgents plist files.
for __agents_plist in /Library/LaunchAgents/*"$__proc_name"*; do
echo -e "--- Unload: ${__agents_plist}" 1>&2
launchctl unload "$__agents_plist" || true
for __pid_num in $(sudo ps aux | grep -i "$__proc_name" | grep -v "$__base" | grep -v "grep" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 2); do
echo -e "--- Kill: $__proc_name [$__pid_num]" 1>&2
sudo kill -9 "$__pid_num" || true
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# vim: ai ts=2 sw=2 et sts=2 ft=sh
# Exit on error unless '|| true'.
#set -o errexit
# Exit on error inside subshells functions.
set -o errtrace
# Do not use undefined variables.
set -o nounset
# Catch errors in piped commands.
set -o pipefail
# Allow empty globs.
shopt -s nullglob
IFS=$' '
main ()
local _zslaunchd
local _zsplist
local _procname
# List launchd zscaler services running.
for _zslaunchd in $(launchctl list | grep -i "$_procname" | tail -r | cut -f 3); do
echo -e "--- Remove: ${_zslaunchd}" 1>&2
sudo launchctl stop "$_zslaunchd" || true
sudo launchctl remove "$_zslaunchd" || true
# List launchd zscaler plugin plist files.
for _zsplist in /Library/LaunchDaemons/*"$_procname"*; do
echo -e "--- Unload: ${_zsplist}" 1>&2
sudo launchctl unload "$_zsplist" || true
echo -e "--- Kill: Zscaler" 1>&2
killall Zscaler
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Netskope on macOS Ventura

After running the ./ you will need to find and stop the Netskope Client proxy in your macOS System Settings.

  1. Open macOS Apple menu 🍎 > System Setting dialog.
  2. Click on 🌐 Network in the sidebar.
  3. Click on VPN & Filters on the right.
  4. Under Filters & Proxies find the Netskope Client Transparent Proxy and select it.
  5. Once selected, use the minus button to remove it.

This will stop the transparent proxy from routing your traffic through Netskope.

Screenshot macOS Network Netskope Client transparent proxy

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