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Created October 21, 2019 06:40
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Script for creating subsets of particles from gizmo sims
- Sydney Lower
- Chris Lovell
import h5py
import caesar
import numpy as np
import json
ds = '/orange/narayanan/desika.narayanan/gizmo_runs/simba/m100n1024/snap_m100n1024_078.hdf5'
cs_file = '/orange/narayanan/desika.narayanan/gizmo_runs/simba/m100n1024/m100n1024_078.hdf5'
output_dir = '/orange/narayanan/c.lovell/m100n1024/s50/'
with open('selection_078.json', 'r') as fp:
gal_idx = list(json.load(fp).keys())
gal_idx = np.array([int(g[6:]) for g in gal_idx])
cs = caesar.quick_load(cs_file)
## ---- write header info and create groups
with h5py.File(ds, 'r') as input_file:
header = input_file['Header']
for galaxy in gal_idx:
output = '{}/gal_subset_{:05.0f}.h5'.format(output_dir,galaxy)
with h5py.File(output, 'a') as output_file:
if 'Header' not in output_file:
output_file.copy(header, 'Header')
for group in ['PartType0','PartType1','PartType4','PartType5']:
if group not in output_file:
ignore_fields = []
# 'GrackleHI','GrackleHII','GrackleHM','GrackleHeI',
# 'GrackleHeII','GrackleHeIII','Dust_Metallicity','Metallicity']
## ---- write datasets
with h5py.File(ds, 'r') as input_file:
for ptype in ['PartType0','PartType1','PartType4','PartType5']:
pidx = int(ptype[8:]) # get particle type index
for k in input_file[ptype]: # loop through fields
if k in ignore_fields:
if verbose > 1: print(k,'skipped...')
if verbose > 0: print(ptype,k)
# load a given field (the bottleneck)
temp_dset = input_file[ptype][k][:]
if verbose > 1: print(temp_dset.shape)
for galaxy in gal_idx:
if ptype == 'PartType0':
# plist = cs.galaxies[galaxy].glist
plist = cs.halos[cs.galaxies[galaxy].parent_halo_index].glist
elif ptype == 'PartType4':
# plist = cs.galaxies[galaxy].slist
plist = cs.halos[cs.galaxies[galaxy].parent_halo_index].slist
elif ptype == 'PartType1':
# plist = cs.galaxies[galaxy].slist
plist = cs.halos[cs.galaxies[galaxy].parent_halo_index].dmlist
elif ptype == 'PartType5':
# plist = cs.galaxies[galaxy].slist
plist = cs.halos[cs.galaxies[galaxy].parent_halo_index].bhlist
if verbose > 0: print('No compatible particle type specified')
output = '{}/gal_subset_{:05.0f}.h5'.format(output_dir,galaxy)
# write to file
with h5py.File(output, 'a') as output_file:
if '%s/%s'%(ptype,k) in output_file:
if verbose > 1: print("dataset already exists. replacing...")
del output_file[ptype][k]
output_file[ptype][k] = temp_dset[plist]
temp = output_file['Header'].attrs['NumPart_ThisFile']
temp[pidx] = len(plist)
output_file['Header'].attrs['NumPart_ThisFile'] = temp
temp = output_file['Header'].attrs['NumPart_Total']
temp[pidx] = len(plist)
output_file['Header'].attrs['NumPart_Total'] = temp
import numpy as np
import caesar
snap = '078'
fname = '/orange/narayanan/desika.narayanan/gizmo_runs/simba/m100n1024/m100n1024_%s.hdf5'%snap
cs = caesar.quick_load(fname)
sfr = np.array([ for g in cs.galaxies])
centrals = np.array([g.central for g in cs.galaxies])
coods = np.array([g.pos.in_units('code_length').value for g in cs.galaxies])
idx_arr = np.where((sfr > 150) & centrals)[0]
dat = {}
for idx in idx_arr:
dat['galaxy'+str(int(idx))] = {}
dat['galaxy'+str(idx)]['snap'+snap] = list(coods[idx])
import json
with open('selection_%s.json'%snap, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(dat, fp)
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