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Created October 3, 2018 01:18
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A quick script to find words that are subsets of other words. Designed to find country names that contain other countries, but should be generally applicable.
import fileinput
import re
from collections import defaultdict
class Word:
def __init__(self, word):
self.word = word
self.allcaps = re.sub("[^A-Z]","",word.upper())
def countified(self):
if(not hasattr(self, '_countified')):
self.counts = {}
for l in self.allcaps.lower():
if l not in self.counts:
self.counts[l] = 0
self.counts[l] += 1
self._countified = ""
for k in sorted(self.counts.keys()):
self._countified += k.lower() + str(self.counts[k])
return self._countified
def contains(self, other):
if(self == other):
return None
for l in other.counts:
if (l not in self.counts) or (other.counts[l] > self.counts[l]):
return False
return True
def __str__(self):
return self.word
unscramble = defaultdict(list)
allcaps = []
for ctry in fileinput.input():
word = Word(ctry.replace('\n',''))
subwords = defaultdict(list)
included_count = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for containerl in unscramble.values():
container = containerl[0]
for subwordl in unscramble.values():
subword = subwordl[0]
if container.contains(subword):
containers = reversed(sorted(subwords.keys(), key=lambda k: len(subwords[k])))
for k in containers:
print("[spoiler={} ({})]".format(
','.join([w.word for w in unscramble[k]]),
print('\n'.join([w.word for w in subwords[k]]))
print("[/spoiler]", end="")
included = sorted(included_count.keys(), key=lambda k: included_count[k])
for i in included:
print("{} ({})".format(i, included_count[i]))
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