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Created May 17, 2018 21:04
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Simple script for updating on a systemd machine
# USAGE: `./` as regular user with sudo permissions
# Make script fail on any error
set -e
# Ensure that we're working inside of /opt
cd /opt
LATEST=$(curl -ILs -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective}
# What we're going to call the new folder. Get the current version number from "latest" redirect
NAME=Rocket.Chat.$(echo ${LATEST} | cut -f1 -d'?' | cut -d- -f3 | cut -d. -f1,2,3)
# If the directory exists, don't do anything
if [[ -d ${NAME} ]]; then
echo "Already on latest: ${NAME}"
exit 0
# Create a directory that tar will fill with the rocket chat bundle
sudo mkdir ${NAME}
# Make sure it's owned by rocketchat user & group
sudo chown rocketchat: ${NAME}
echo Getting latest bundle...
# Get the latest bundle and extract it
curl -sL ${LATEST} | sudo -u rocketchat tar zx -C ${NAME} --strip 1
echo Installing dependencies...
# Install dependencies
pushd ${NAME}/programs/server > /dev/null
sudo -u rocketchat yarn --silent > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
echo Restarting server...
# Stop running service
sudo systemctl stop rocketchat
# Update symlink to point at new version
sudo ln -snf ${NAME} Rocket.Chat
# Start new instance
sudo systemctl start rocketchat
echo Done! Please wait ~30 seconds for new instance to start fully.
# Watch startup logs for up to 30 seconds
timeout 30s journalctl -u rocketchat --follow
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