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Forked from hjertnes/doom.txt
Created February 13, 2020 06:21
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Doom Emacs Cheatsheet
Before you doom yourself, there are a few things you should know:
1. Whenever you edit your doom! block in ~/.doom.d/init.el or modify your
modules, run:
bin/doom refresh
This will ensure all needed packages are installed, all orphaned packages are
removed, and your autoloads files are up to date. This is important! If you
forget to do this you will get errors!
2. If something inexplicably goes wrong, try `bin/doom doctor`
This will diagnose common issues with your environment and setup, and may
give you clues about what is wrong.
3. Use `bin/doom upgrade` to update Doom. Doing it any other way may require
additional work. When in doubt, run `bin/doom refresh`.
4. Check out `bin/doom help` to see what else `bin/doom` can do (and it is
recommended you add ~/.emacs.d/bin to your PATH).
5. You can find Doom's documentation via `M-x doom/help` or `SPC h D`.
SPC: find file
, switch buffer
. browse files
: MX
; EX
< switch buffer
` eval
u universal arg
x pop up scratch
~ toggle last popup
TAB workspace
TAB Display tab bar
. switch workspace
0 last workspace
1-9 : x workspace
L load session
S autosave current session
X delete sessions
[ previous workspace
] next workspace
d delete workspace
l load workspace from file
n workspace
s save workspace to file
x kill all buffers'
/ search
i symbols
I symbols accr. buffers
b buffer
d directory
o Online providers
p project
[ prev
S spelling corr
[ text size
b buffer
d diff
e error
h smart jump
s spelling error
t todo
w workspace
] next
S spelling corr
[ text size
b buffer
d diff
e error
h smart jump
s spelling error
t todo
w workspace
b buffer
B switch buffer
S sudo edit
[ prev
] next
b switch ws buffer
k kill buffer
n new empty buffer
o kill other buffers
s save buffer
x pop scratch buffer
z burry buffer
c code
d jump to def
D jump to ref
e evaluate buffer
E evaluate and replace
b build
r repl
x list errors
f file
. find file
/ find file in project
> sudo find file
? find file from here
E Browse emacs.d
P browse private config
R recent project files
a find other file
c open project editor config
d find dir
e find file in emacs.d
p find file in private config
r recent files
y yank filename
g git
c magit commit
C magit clone
G list gists
L list reps
P magic pull popup
R git revert
S git stage
U git unstange hunk
[ previous
] next
b magic blame
d magic dispatch
f magic find
g magit status
i init repo
l magit buffer log
p push popup
r git revert hunk
s git status
t git time matchine
o open
M mail
N neotree
O reveal proj finder
b browser
d debugger
n neotree
o reveal in finder
r repl
t terminal
p project
! run cmd in project root
. browse
/ find in project
c compile project
o find other file
p switch project
r recent project files
t list project tasks
x invalidate cache
q quit
q save and quit
Q quit
r remote
. browse remote files
> detect remote changes
D diff local and remote
U upload local
d download remote
u upload local
s snippets
S find snippet
i insert snippet
n new snippet
s find snippet for mode
t toggle
F frame fullscreen
I indente
b big mode
f flycheck
g evil goggles
h impatient modei indet guides
l line numbers
p org-tree-slide-mode
s flyspell
w window
+ increase height
- descr height
< dec width
= balance windows
> incr width
H move left
J move down
K move up
L move right
R rotate up
S split
W prev
_ set height
b bottom right
c close window
h left
j down
k up
l right
n new
o enlargen
p mru
q quit
r rotate down
s split
t top left
u winner undo
v vsplit
w next
| set width
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