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Last active November 3, 2019 22:00
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// This is an extremely fun exercise and I could have probably
// used something way simpler than this. But I love parsing <3
// For this lil calculator, I used a few mutually recursive
// functions aided by two very simple operations (or, star). It
// is an extremely simplified version of how Parsing Expression
// Grammars (PEG) work.
// Here's how it'd read in plain PEG
// Expr <- _ Term
// Term <- Fact (('+' / '-') _ Fact)*
// Fact <- Unary (('*' / '/') _ Unary)*
// Unary <- '-' _ Value / Value
// Value <- '(' _ Expr ')' _ / Number
// Number <- Dec '.' Dec / Dec
// Dec <- '-'? [0-9]*
// _ <- ' '*
class ParsingError extends Error {}
function infix(expr) {
// ---- Parsing infrastructure ----
let cursor = 0;
const curr = () => expr[cursor];
const next = () => expr[cursor++];
const test = (c) => curr() === c;
const match = (c) => test(c) && next();
const expect = (c) => match(c) || error(`Expected char ${c} at ${cursor}`);
const error = (msg) => { throw new ParsingError(msg); };
const ws = () => { while (/[\s\t\n\r]/.test(curr())) next(); };
// ---- Primitive operations ----
const _isParsingErr = (e) => { if (!e instanceof ParsingError) throw e; };
const or = (...choices) => {
const saved = cursor;
for (const choice of choices) {
try { return choice(); } // Backtrack
catch (e) { _isParsingErr(e); cursor = saved; continue; }
throw new ParsingError();
const star = (f) => {
const out = [];
while (true) {
try { out.push(f()); }
catch (e) { _isParsingErr(e); return out; }
// ---- Teeny lil parsers ----
const _digits = () => {
const digits = [];
while (/\d/.test(curr())) digits.push(next());
return digits.join('');
// Dec <- '-'? [0-9]*
const Dec = (base=10) => {
const negative = Boolean(match('-'));
const number = parseInt(_digits(), base);
return negative ? -number : number;
// Unary <- '-' Value / Value
const _Unary = () => {
// We only have one unary operator
const operator = expect('-'); ws();
const operand = Value();
return -operand;
const Unary = () => or(_Unary, Value);
// _ generic binary operator
const _Binary = (operator, operand) => {
const left = operand(); ws();
const right = star(() => {
const rator = operator(); ws();
const rand = operand();
return [rator, rand];
if (right.length === 0) return left;
return right.reduce((acc, v) => {
const [op, right] = v;
return {
'+': (a, b) => a + b,
'-': (a, b) => a - b,
'*': (a, b) => a * b,
'/': (a, b) => a / b,
}[op](acc, right);
}, left);
// Number <- Dec '.' Dec / Dec
const _Float = () => {
const dec = _digits(); expect('.');
return parseFloat(`${dec}.${_digits()}`);
const Number = () => or(_Float, Dec);
// Value <- '(' Expr ')' / Number
const Value = () => or(() => {
expect('('); ws();
const expr = Term();
expect(')'); ws();
return expr;
}, Number);
// Term <- Fact (('+' / '-') Fact)*
const Term = () => {
const operator = () => or(() => expect('+'), () => expect('-'));
return _Binary(operator, Fact);
// Fact <- Unary (('*' / '/') Unary)*
const Fact = () => {
const operator = () => or(() => expect('*'), () => expect('/'));
return _Binary(operator, Unary);
// Expr <- _ Term
return Term();
var calc = function (expression) {
return infix(expression);
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