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Last active April 20, 2022 09:39
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  • Save cnayan/585286b302a509c6b6de972ff5ecca16 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Enterprise GitHub REST APIs for automation
Year 2022!
Here is how to make repos private:
curl -u <user_name>:<POWERFUL_PAT> -X PATCH -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.nebula-preview+json" -d "{\"visibility\":\"private\"}" https://<org_server>/api/v3/repos/{user_name}/{repo_name}
And this is how you move a repo to another user
curl -u <user_name>:<POWERFUL_PAT> -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.nebula-preview+json" -d "{\"new_owner\":\"platts\",\"team_ids\":[278,186]}" https://<org_server>/api/v3/repos/{user_name}/{repo_name}/transfer
Get the ID of a team by using
curl -u <user_name>:<POWERFUL_PAT> -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.nebula-preview+json" https://<org_server>/api/v3/orgs/platts/teams/{team_name}
Result: 278,186 etc.
POWERFUL_PAT - is a personal access token given enough privileges to do the above operations.
Documentation for REST APIs:
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