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Last active November 10, 2017 11:16
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* Allow dependent drop downs in Google Sheets
* - Allows any number of nested dropdown columns.
* - Nested dropdowns can occur anywhere in the sheet.
* - All options for the dropdowns live in a unique separate sheet
* - Nesting works only for adjacent columns.
* - Works also when editing a range of cells.
* Updated code at
* Inspiration from
* Maximum number of rows for option ranges
* Apply function crateDropdownBasedOnSheet() to each cell
* in active range.
function onEdit() {
// Change here
var sheetsWithDropdownsNames = ["Abbigliamento", "Calzature"];
var sheetsWithOptionsNames = ["Opzioni Abbigliamento", "Opzioni Calzature"];
// Don't change from here on
var activeSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Take note of start time
console.time( 'script' );
// To avoid mistakes, all string comparisons will be lowercase
sheetsWithDropdownsNames = function(x) { return x.toLowerCase(); } );
sheetsWithOptionsNames = function(x) { return x.toLowerCase(); } );
// Proceed only if on the right sheet
var sheetWithDropdownsIndex = sheetsWithDropdownsNames.indexOf( activeSheet.getName().toLowerCase() );
if ( sheetWithDropdownsIndex < 0 ) {
Logger.log( "Not in sheet '" + sheetsWithDropdownsNames + "', exiting..." );
// Proceed only if we correctly got the name of option sheet
var sheetWithOptionsName = sheetsWithOptionsNames[ sheetWithDropdownsIndex ];
if ( ! sheetWithOptionsName ) {
Logger.log( "Could not find sheet containing options, exiting..." );
// Logger.log( "Will get options from sheet '" + sheetWithOptionsName + "'" );
// Get range that has been edited
var activeRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
// Loop through range and apply main function
for (var i = 1; i <= activeRange.getNumRows(); i++) {
for (var j = 1; j <= activeRange.getNumColumns(); j++) {
var activeCell = activeRange.getCell(i,j);
// Logger.log( "Processing cell " + activeCell.getA1Notation() + " with value '" + activeCell.getValue() + "'" );
// Insert a new dropdown in the cell immediately to the right
// of the current cell
var targetCell = activeSheet.getRange( activeCell.getRow(), activeCell.getColumn() + 1 );
crateDropdownBasedOnSheet( activeCell, targetCell, sheetWithOptionsName );
// Script ended
console.timeEnd( 'script' );
* Create a dropdown list in targetCell, based on the value in
* controlCell.
* The options appearing in the dropdown will be picked from a separate
* sheet.
function crateDropdownBasedOnSheet( controlCell, targetCell, sheetWithOptionsName ) {
// Proceed only if the control cell is a dropdown
if ( ! controlCell.getDataValidation() ) {
Logger.log( "Control cell is not a dropdwon, exiting...." );
// Proceed only if there's something in the control cell
if ( controlCell.getValue().length <= 0 ) {
Logger.log( "Control cell is empty, exiting...." );
// Get column title of target cell
var targetColumn = targetCell.getColumn();
var targetColumnTitle = getColumnName( targetColumn ).toLowerCase();
if ( ! targetColumnTitle ) {
Logger.log( "Title empty or missing for edited cell, exiting..." );
// Get column where to look for the options
var columnWithOptionsTitle = targetColumnTitle + ' - ' + controlCell.getValue();
columnWithOptionsTitle = columnWithOptionsTitle.toLowerCase();
// Logger.log( "Will look for options in column '" + columnWithOptionsTitle + "' in sheet '" + sheetWithOptionsName + "'" );
// Check that sheet with option values exists
var sheetWithOptions = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName( sheetWithOptionsName );
if ( sheetWithOptions == null ) {
Logger.log( "Sheet NOT found, exiting..." );
// Find column containing options for the dropdown
var titleRowValues = sheetWithOptions.getSheetValues( 1, 1, 1, -1 );
titleRowValues = titleRowValues[0].map( function(x) { return x.toLowerCase(); } );
var columnWithOptions = titleRowValues.indexOf( columnWithOptionsTitle ) + 1;
if ( columnWithOptions == 0 ) {
Logger.log( "Could not find column '" + columnWithOptionsTitle + "' in sheet '" + sheetWithOptionsName + "'" );
// Logger.log( "Found option list for '" + columnWithOptionsTitle + "' in column " + columnWithOptions + " of sheet '" + sheetWithOptionsName + "'" );
// Extract options
var columnWithOptionsRange = sheetWithOptions.getRange(
2, // start from 2nd row because 1st row is header
columnWithOptions, // column with the options for the edited cell
MAX_NUMBER_OF_OPTION_ROWS, // ideally we need all values in the column, and then leave some room
1 // we need just that column
// Logger.log( "Options for '" + columnWithOptionsTitle + "': " + columnWithOptionsRange.getValues() );
// Create a validation object where the only available options are those we just obtained
var possibleValuesValidation = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation();
possibleValuesValidation.setAllowInvalid( true );
possibleValuesValidation.requireValueInRange( columnWithOptionsRange, true );
// Apply the validation object to the target cell
// Logger.log( "Applying validation to cell " + targetCell.getA1Notation() + "..." );
targetCell.setDataValidation( );
// Logger.log( "Validation ok!" );
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