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Created April 12, 2017 17:40
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<script type="text/javascript">
prepaiderr_1 = "{PREPAIDERR_01}";
prepaiderr_2 = "{PREPAIDERR_02}";
prepaiderr_3 = "{PREPAIDERR_03}";
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var voucher_or_normal = {OPTIONAL} ; // 0 - no optional, 1 is basic, 2 is voucher code, 3 is SMS
var display_facebook_button = {DISPLAY_FACEBOOK_BUTTON} ; // 1 - visible, 0 hidden
var display_google_button = {DISPLAY_GOOGLE_BUTTON} ;// 1 - visible, 0 hidden
var display_twitter_button = {DISPLAY_TWITTER_BUTTON} ;// 1 - visible, 0 hidden
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var display_instagram_button = {DISPLAY_INSTAGRAM_BUTTON} ; // 1 - visible, 0 hidden
var fb_mode = {FB_MODE} ; // 0 - instant login, 1 like , 2 csak wallpost/checkin , 3 like + wallpost
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#voucher_login{display: none; }
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Custom settings
var minlength = '3'; // Set to minimum required characters as specified in your form
var delay = '0'; // Time of inactivity to check. Always in milliseconds! (1 sec = 1000 millisec.)
var ok_image = "<img src='customer_images/check.jpg' style='vertical-align:middle;margin-top:-3px;'/>";
var no_image = "<img src='customer_images/cross.jpg' style='vertical-align:middle;margin-top:-3px;' />";
// Declaring required variables
var digits = "0123456789";
// non-digit characters which are allowed in phone numbers
var phoneNumberDelimiters = "()- ";
// characters which are allowed in international phone numbers
// (a leading + is OK)
var validWorldPhoneChars = phoneNumberDelimiters + "+";
// Minimum no of digits in an international phone no.
var minDigitsInIPhoneNumber = 10;
var icc = [];
icc['AF'] = '93';
icc['AL'] = '355';
icc['DZ'] = '213';
icc['AS'] = '1684';
icc['AD'] = '376';
icc['AO'] = '244';
icc['AI'] = '1264';
icc['AG'] = '1268';
icc['AR'] = '54';
icc['AM'] = '374';
icc['AW'] = '297';
icc['AU'] = '61';
icc['AT'] = '43';
icc['AZ'] = '994';
icc['BS'] = '1242';
icc['BH'] = '973';
icc['BD'] = '880';
icc['BB'] = '1246';
icc['BY'] = '375';
icc['BE'] = '32';
icc['BZ'] = '501';
icc['BJ'] = '229';
icc['BM'] = '1441';
icc['BT'] = '975';
icc['BO'] = '591';
icc['BA'] = '387';
icc['BW'] = '267';
icc['BR'] = '55';
icc['IO'] = '246';
icc['BN'] = '673';
icc['BG'] = '359';
icc['BF'] = '226';
icc['BI'] = '257';
icc['KH'] = '855';
icc['CM'] = '237';
icc['CA'] = '1';
icc['CV'] = '238';
icc['KY'] = '1345';
icc['CF'] = '236';
icc['TD'] = '235';
icc['CL'] = '56';
icc['CN'] = '86';
icc['CX'] = '61';
icc['CC'] = '672';
icc['CO'] = '57';
icc['KM'] = '269';
icc['CG'] = '242';
icc['CK'] = '682';
icc['CR'] = '506';
icc['CI'] = '225';
icc['HR'] = '385';
icc['CU'] = '53';
icc['CY'] = '357';
icc['CZ'] = '420';
icc['DK'] = '45';
icc['DJ'] = '253';
icc['DM'] = '1767';
icc['DO'] = '1';
icc['TP'] = '670';
icc['EC'] = '593';
icc['EG'] = '20';
icc['SV'] = '503';
icc['GQ'] = '240';
icc['ER'] = '291';
icc['EE'] = '372';
icc['ET'] = '251';
icc['FK'] = '500';
icc['FO'] = '298';
icc['FJ'] = '679';
icc['FI'] = '358';
icc['FR'] = '33';
icc['FX'] = '33';
icc['GF'] = '594';
icc['PF'] = '689';
icc['TF'] = '262';
icc['GA'] = '241';
icc['GM'] = '220';
icc['GE'] = '995';
icc['DE'] = '49';
icc['GH'] = '233';
icc['GI'] = '350';
icc['GR'] = '30';
icc['GL'] = '299';
icc['GD'] = '1473';
icc['GP'] = '590';
icc['GU'] = '1671';
icc['GT'] = '502';
icc['GN'] = '224';
icc['GW'] = '245';
icc['GY'] = '592';
icc['HT'] = '509';
icc['HN'] = '504';
icc['HK'] = '852';
icc['HU'] = '36';
icc['IS'] = '354';
icc['IN'] = '91';
icc['ID'] = '62';
icc['IR'] = '98';
icc['IQ'] = '964';
icc['IE'] = '353';
icc['IL'] = '972';
icc['IT'] = '39';
icc['JM'] = '1876';
icc['JP'] = '81';
icc['JO'] = '962';
icc['KZ'] = '7';
icc['KE'] = '254';
icc['KI'] = '686';
icc['KP'] = '850';
icc['KR'] = '82';
icc['KW'] = '965';
icc['KG'] = '996';
icc['LA'] = '856';
icc['LV'] = '371';
icc['LB'] = '961';
icc['LS'] = '266';
icc['LR'] = '231';
icc['LY'] = '218';
icc['LI'] = '423';
icc['LT'] = '370';
icc['LU'] = '352';
icc['MO'] = '853';
icc['MK'] = '389';
icc['MG'] = '261';
icc['MW'] = '265';
icc['MY'] = '60';
icc['MV'] = '960';
icc['ML'] = '223';
icc['MT'] = '356';
icc['MH'] = '692';
icc['MQ'] = '596';
icc['MR'] = '222';
icc['MU'] = '230';
icc['YT'] = '269';
icc['MX'] = '52';
icc['FM'] = '691';
icc['MD'] = '373';
icc['MC'] = '377';
icc['MN'] = '976';
icc['MS'] = '1664';
icc['MA'] = '212';
icc['MZ'] = '258';
icc['MM'] = '95';
icc['NA'] = '264';
icc['NR'] = '674';
icc['NP'] = '977';
icc['NL'] = '31';
icc['AN'] = '599';
icc['NC'] = '687';
icc['NZ'] = '64';
icc['NI'] = '505';
icc['NE'] = '227';
icc['NG'] = '234';
icc['NU'] = '683';
icc['NF'] = '6723';
icc['MP'] = '1670';
icc['NO'] = '47';
icc['OM'] = '968';
icc['PK'] = '92';
icc['PW'] = '680';
icc['PA'] = '507';
icc['PG'] = '675';
icc['PY'] = '595';
icc['PE'] = '51';
icc['PH'] = '63';
icc['PN'] = '64';
icc['PL'] = '48';
icc['PT'] = '351';
icc['PR'] = '1';
icc['QA'] = '974';
icc['RO'] = '40';
icc['RU'] = '7';
icc['RW'] = '250';
icc['KN'] = '1869';
icc['LC'] = '1758';
icc['VC'] = '1784';
icc['WS'] = '685';
icc['SM'] = '378';
icc['ST'] = '239';
icc['SA'] = '966';
icc['SN'] = '221';
icc['SC'] = '248';
icc['SL'] = '232';
icc['SG'] = '65';
icc['SK'] = '421';
icc['SI'] = '386';
icc['SB'] = '677';
icc['SO'] = '252';
icc['ZA'] = '27';
icc['GS'] = '27';
icc['ES'] = '34';
icc['LK'] = '94';
icc['SH'] = '290';
icc['PM'] = '508';
icc['SD'] = '249';
icc['SR'] = '597';
icc['SZ'] = '268';
icc['SE'] = '46';
icc['CH'] = '41';
icc['SY'] = '963';
icc['TW'] = '886';
icc['TJ'] = '992';
icc['TZ'] = '255';
icc['TH'] = '66';
icc['TG'] = '228';
icc['TK'] = '690';
icc['TO'] = '676';
icc['TT'] = '1868';
icc['TN'] = '216';
icc['TR'] = '90';
icc['TM'] = '993';
icc['TC'] = '1649';
icc['TV'] = '688';
icc['UG'] = '256';
icc['UA'] = '380';
icc['AE'] = '971';
icc['GB'] = '44';
icc['US'] = '1';
icc['UM'] = '1';
icc['UY'] = '598';
icc['UZ'] = '998';
icc['VU'] = '678';
icc['VA'] = '379';
icc['VE'] = '58';
icc['VN'] = '84';
icc['VG'] = '1284';
icc['VI'] = '1340';
icc['WF'] = '681';
icc['EH'] = '212';
icc['YE'] = '967';
icc['YU'] = '11';
icc['ZR'] = '243';
icc['ZM'] = '260';
icc['ZW'] = '263';
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function removeerror (field)
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var nextElem = next(elem);
if (nextElem) = 'none';
function trim(s)
return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');
function isInteger(s)
{ var i;
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
// Check that current character is number.
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (((c < "0") || (c > "9"))) return false;
// All characters are numbers.
return true;
function stripCharsInBag(s, bag)
{ var i;
var returnString = "";
// Search through string's characters one by one.
// If character is not in bag, append to returnString.
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
// Check that current character isn't whitespace.
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (bag.indexOf(c) == -1) returnString += c;
return returnString;
function checkInternationalPhone(strPhone){
var bracket=3
if(strPhone.indexOf("+")>1) return false
if(strPhone.indexOf("(")!=-1 && strPhone.indexOf("(")>bracket)return false
var brchr=strPhone.indexOf("(")
if(strPhone.indexOf("(")!=-1 && strPhone.charAt(brchr+2)!=")")return false
if(strPhone.indexOf("(")==-1 && strPhone.indexOf(")")!=-1)return false
return (isInteger(s) && s.length >= minDigitsInIPhoneNumber);
function timeoutCheck(field, divid){
if(window.mytimeout) window.clearTimeout(window.mytimeout);
window.mytimeout = window.setTimeout(function(){toggle_field2(field, divid)}, delay);
return true;
function toggle_field2(field) {
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document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
if ((handle.value.length > minlength) && (field != "company") && (field != "zip") && (field != "address") && (field != "city"))
if (field == "password")
if (handle.value.indexOf(' ') == -1)
if (handle.value == handle2.value)
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
document.getElementById("password_rule").innerHTML = " {LANG:username_password}";
} else
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
document.getElementById("password_rule").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("password_rule").className = "responsive_error";
document.getElementById("password_rule").innerHTML = " {LANG:nospecials}";
else if (field == "repeatpassword")
if (handle.value != handle2.value)
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
document.getElementById("password2_rule").innerHTML = " {LANG:passwords_nomatch}";
} else
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
document.getElementById("password2_rule").innerHTML = "";
else if (field == "name")
if (handle.value.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
} else {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
else if (field == "email")
var tfld = trim(handle.value);
var emailFilter = /^[^@]+@[^@.]+\.[^@]*\w\w$/ ;
var illegalChars= /[\(\)\<\>\,\;\:"\[\]]/ ;
if (!emailFilter.test(tfld)) {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
} else if (handle.value.match(illegalChars)) {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
} else {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
else if (field == "phone")
var Phone=handle.value;
if ((Phone==null)||(Phone=="")){
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
} else if (checkInternationalPhone(Phone)==false){
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
} else {
if (Phone.charAt(0) != "+") {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
document.getElementById("phone_rule").innerHTML = " {LANG:cust_phone_format}";
document.getElementById("phone_rule").style.display = '';
} else {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
document.getElementById("phone_rule").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("phone_rule").style.display = 'none';
if ((field == "company") || (field == "zip") || (field == "phone") || (field == "city") || (field == "address"))
if (handle.value.length > minlength) {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
else {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
function statechange_field(field) {
if (http.readyState == 4) {
var html = http.responseText;
if (html == 'true') {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
document.getElementById("username_rule").innerHTML = "";
} else if (html == 'username_exists') {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
document.getElementById("username_rule").innerHTML = " {LANG:username_exists}";
} else {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
document.getElementById("username_rule").innerHTML = "";
function insertICC(field) {
var cc = document.getElementById("country").value;
iccnum = icc[cc];
currphone = document.getElementById("phone").value;
if (( currphone == '' ) || (currphone.length < 5 )) {
document.getElementById("phone").value = '+' + iccnum; }
handle = document.getElementById(field);
vlue= handle.options[handle.selectedIndex].value;
if ( vlue != "") {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_noerror";
else {
document.getElementById(field).className = "responsive_error";
function checkCheckBox(f) {
var termsdisplayed ='';
if (document.getElementById('capture_12').currentStyle) { termsdisplayed = document.getElementById('capture_12').currentStyle.display;}
{termsdisplayed = getComputedStyle (document.getElementById('capture_12'), null).getPropertyValue('display');}
if ((termsdisplayed != 'none') && (f.agree.checked == false)) {
return false;
} else
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<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleview()
if (voucher_or_normal== 3)
else if (voucher_or_normal== 2)
else if (voucher_or_normal== 1)
<!-- hotspotsystem.socialWifi core -->
<script src="/customer/facebook3/js/hotspotsystem.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/hotsyswp_inc/vouchercheck.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function submitonenter(formid,evt,thisObj) {
evt = (evt) ? evt : ((window.event) ? window.event : "")
if (evt) {
// process event here
if ( evt.keyCode==13 || evt.which==13 ) {
vouchercheck(document.getElementById('operator').value, document.getElementById('code').value);
<!-- <top> -->
<div id="top" class="topmain" >
<div class="main_center">
<!-- <strong class="logo"><a href="index.html">HotspotSystem</a></strong> -->
<strong class="big_header" >{LANG:welcome_header}</strong>
<p class="locationdata">{LOCATIONDATA}</p>
<!-- </top> -->
<center> <div id="topright" class="social_topright">{TOP_RIGHT}</div> </center>
<div id="voucher_login" class="over_panel" style="text-align:left;" >
<div class="main_center">
<a href="prelogin.php?nasid={NASID}" class="close_prelogin" > </a>
<div class="content">
<div class="main_center">
<div id="sms_login" >
<a class="button2" href="/customer/index.php?nasid={NASID}" ><div class="buttontext">{LANG:sms_verification}</div></a>
<div class="border_panel" >
<FORM METHOD='get' id="prepaidform" action="{LOGINPATH}" name="voucherlogin" class="dataform" onsubmit="return validateForm()">
<input name="skin_id" type="hidden" id="skin_id" value="{SKIN_ID}" />
<input name="operator" type="hidden" id="operator" value="{OPERATOR}" />
<input name="uid" id="uid" type=HIDDEN value="{USERNAME}" size="16" maxlength="32" class="forminput" >
<div class="field field_code">
<div class="label">{LANG:enter_pin} </div>
<div class="col">
<input id="code" name="pwd" type="text" value="{PASSWORD}" onKeyUp="logincopy()" onBlur="logincopy()" />
<p class="info2 voucher_error_responsive" id="prepaiderror">{ERROR} </p>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="btn_container">
<a href="#" class="button1" onclick ="vouchercheck(document.getElementById('operator').value, document.getElementById('code').value)">OK</a>
<input type="submit" class="hsubmit" onclick ="vouchercheck(document.getElementById('operator').value, document.getElementById('code').value)"/>
<div class="a-center">
<a href="prelogin.php?nasid={NASID}" class="back_prelogin">{LANG:backtomain}</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#prepaidform').submit(function() {
return false;
<div id="normal_login" class="over_panel" style="text-align:left;" >
<div class="main_center">
<a href="prelogin.php?nasid={NASID}" class="close_prelogin" > </a>
<div class="content">
<div class="main_center">
<div class="border_panel">
<!-- ORIGINALE -->
<!-- <form METHOD='get' action="{LOGINPATH}" class="dataform" id="freeform" onSubmit="return checkCheckBox(this);" > -->
<!-- IDEARIA -->
<!-- Chiamiamo la nostra funzione checkFields() anziché checkCheckBox() -->
<form METHOD='get' action="{LOGINPATH}" class="dataform" id="freeform" onSubmit="return checkFields(this);" >
<!-- END IDEARIA -->
<center> <!-- {CAPTURE_ERROR} --><div id="qtiperror" style="visibility:hidden;height:1px;">{CAPTURE_QTIPERROR}</div></center></font>
<!-- FIRST NAME -->
<div class="field field_custom" id="capture_custom_2">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_2_REQ}{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_2_Q}</div>
<div class="col">
<input name="capture_custom_2" type="text" id="c_custom_2" value="{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_2_A}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_052}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('c_custom_2')" />
<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_052}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- LAST NAME -->
<div class="field field_custom" id="capture_custom_3">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_3_REQ}{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_3_Q}</div>
<div class="col">
<input name="capture_custom_3" type="text" id="c_custom_3" value="{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_3_A}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_053}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('c_custom_3')" />
<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_053}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- EMAIL -->
<div class="field field_email" id="capture_3">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_3_REQ}{LANG:cust_email}</div>
<div class="col">
<input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="{CUST_EMAIL}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_004}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('email')" />
<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- Nota la classe disablecopypaste ( -->
<div class="field field_custom" id="capture_custom_1">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_1_REQ}{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_1_Q}</div>
<div class="col">
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<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_051}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- LINGUA -->
<!-- Campo nascosto popolato via javascript -->
<div class="field field_custom" id="capture_custom_5">
<!-- <div class="label">{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_5_REQ}{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_5_Q}</div> -->
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<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_055}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// ======================
// = Estrai nazionalità =
// ======================
/* Extract user language. Source: */
var user_language = navigator.languages ? navigator.languages[0] : (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage);
/* Debug: show language */
// alert(user_language);
/* Set hidden field to reflect the browser */
// ======================
// = Confirmation email =
// ======================
* Evidenzia in arancione il campo conferma email se non
* corrisponde a quello dell'email.
$("input[name='capture_custom_1']").change(function() {
var email = jQuery("input[name='email']").val();
if ($(this).val().toLowerCase() != email.toLowerCase()) {
document.getElementById('c_custom_1').className = "responsive_error";
} else {
document.getElementById('c_custom_1').className = "responsive_noerror";
* Verifica che il campo di conferma email coincida con l'email, ed in
* caso affermativo restituisci true.
function checkConfirmEmail (form) {
var fieldName = 'capture_custom_1';
var email = jQuery("input[name='email']").val();
if ( (elementDisplayValue(fieldName) != 'none') && (form[fieldName].value.toLowerCase() != email.toLowerCase()) ) {
alert("Assicurarsi che 'Email' e 'Conferma Email' coincidano, grazie.\nPlease make sure the 'Email' and 'Confirm Email' fields are equal.");
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Impedisci all'utente di incollare nel campo di conferma email.
$('input.disablecopypaste').bind('copy paste', function (e) {
// ============
// = onSubmit =
// ============
* Script chiamato dall'onSubmit della form.
function checkFields (form) {
if ( checkConfirmEmail(form) ) {
return checkCheckBox(form);
else {
return false;
// ============
// = Funzioni =
// ============
* Restituisci il valore di 'display' per l'elemento 'elementId'.
function elementDisplayValue (elementId) {
var visible ='';
if (document.getElementById(elementId).currentStyle) {
visible = document.getElementById(elementId).currentStyle.display;
else {
visible = getComputedStyle (document.getElementById(elementId), null).getPropertyValue('display');
return visible;
<!-- ========================= -->
<!-- = UNUSED = -->
<!-- ========================= -->
<div class="field field_custom" id="capture_custom_4">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_4_REQ}{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_4_Q}</div>
<div class="col">
<input type="radio" name="capture_custom_4" id="c_custom_4" value="{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_4_A}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_054}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('c_custom_4')" value="yes">Yes
<input type="radio" name="capture_custom_4" id="c_custom_4" value="{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_4_A}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_054}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('c_custom_4')" value="no">No
<!-- <input name="capture_custom_4" type=text id="c_custom_4" value="{CAPTURE_CUSTOM_4_A}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_054}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('c_custom_4')" /> -->
<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_054}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="field field_username" id="capture_2">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_2_REQ}{LANG:cust_name}</div>
<div class="col">
<input name=name type=text id="name" value="{CUST_NAME}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_003}" onkeyup="toggle_field2('name')" />
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="field field_company_name" id="capture_4">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_4_REQ}{LANG:cust_company}</div>
<div class="col">
<input name="company" type=text id="company" value="{CUST_COMPANY}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_005}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('company')" />
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="field field_billing_address" id="capture_5">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_5_REQ}{LANG:cust_billing_address}</div>
<div class="col">
<input name=address type=text id="address" value="{CUST_ADDRESS}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_006}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('address')" />
<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_006} </span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="field field_city" id="capture_6">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_6_REQ}{LANG:cust_city}</div>
<div class="col">
<input name=city type=text id="city" value="{CUST_CITY}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_007}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('city')" />
<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_007}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="field field_state" id="capture_7">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_7_REQ}{LANG:cust_state}</div>
<div class="col">
<select name="state" id="state" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_009}" >
<option value="">{LANG:state_outside}</option>
<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_009}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="field field_country" id="capture_8">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_8_REQ}{LANG:cust_country}</div>
<div class="col">
<select name="country" id="country" onChange="insertICC('country')" {COUNTRYDISABLED} class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_010}" >
<option value="">{LANG:country_choose}</option>
<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_010}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="field field_zip" id="capture_9">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_9_REQ}{LANG:cust_zip}</div>
<div class="col">
<input name=zip type=text id="zip" value="{CUST_ZIP}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_008}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('zip')" />
<span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_008}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="field field_phone" id="capture_10">
<div class="label">{CAPTURE_10_REQ}{LANG:cust_phone}</div>
<div class="col">
<input name="phone" type="text" id="phone" value="{CUST_PHONE}" class="{RESPONSIVE_ERROR_011}" onKeyUp="toggle_field2('phone')" {PHONEDISABLED} /> <span class="msg">{RESPONSIVE_ERRORTEXT_011}</span>
<span class="info">{LANG:cust_phone_rule}</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- END IDEARIA -->
<input name="skin_id" type="hidden" id="skin_id" value="{SKIN_ID}" />
<input name="uid" type="hidden" value="{MAC}{UNIQUEID}" />
<input name="pwd" type="hidden" value="{PWD}" />
<input name="operator" type="hidden" id="operator" value="{OPERATOR}">
<input name="location_id" type="hidden" id="location_id" value="{LOCATION_ID}">
<input name="lang" type="hidden" id="location_id" value="{LANG}">
<div id="capture_11" class="big" >
<input name="newsletter" type="checkbox" id="newsletter" value="1" style="vertical-align:middle;margin-top:-1px;" checked {NEWSLETTER_DISABLED}>
{LANG:newsletter} <br>
<div id="capture_12" class="big" >
<input name="agree" type="checkbox" id="agree" value="1" style="vertical-align:middle;margin-top:-3px;" {TERMS_DISABLED}>
<span id="fb_accept" class="big"> <img src='customer_images/fb_logo.png' style='margin-right:5px;vertical-align:middle;' />{LANG:fb_like} </span>
<div class="btn_container"> <a href="#" class="button1 submit" >{SUBMITBUTTON}</a> </div>
<center><a href="prelogin.php?nasid={NASID}" class="back_prelogin" >{LANG:backtomain}</a></center>
<br />
</div> </div> </div>
<!-- <center> -->
<div id="center" style="margin-bottom:-20px ; margin-top:-20px;" >
<!-- <privacy> -->
<div class="content">
<div class="main_center" >
<div class="container textcontent">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12" >
<center> <p id="normalerror" style="padding-bottom:20px;">{ERROR}</p></center>
<div id="connect">
<p>{LANG:connect_free} </p>
<div id="social_login" style="position:relative; margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:20px;">
<div id="loading" style="display:none; left:3px;;top:0; width:99%; height:100%;position:absolute; background:rgba(255,255,255,0.95); padding-top:35px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px; ">
<center> <img src=/images/pleasewait.gif ><br> {LANG:login_forwarding}<br> </center>
<div class="main_panels" >
<div class="login_panel panel_item" id="facebook_button">
<a class="openbutton" href="#" onClick="document.getElementById('freeform').reset();document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'block'; window.location='facebook/{LANG}/redirect/login?uamip={UAMIP}&uamport={UAMPORT}&mac={MAC}&pwd={PWD}&useurl={USERURL}&chal={CHALLENGE}&nasid={NASID}&operator={OPERATOR}&location={LOCATION_ID}&lang={LANG}';">Facebook</a>
<div class="login_panel panel_item" id="twitter_button">
<a class="openbutton" href="#" onClick="document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'block';window.location='twitter/{LANG}/login?uamip={UAMIP}&uamport={UAMPORT}&mac={MAC}&pwd={PWD}&useurl={USERURL}&chal={CHALLENGE}&nasid={NASID}&operator={OPERATOR}&location={LOCATION_ID}&lang={LANG}'">Twitter</a>
<div class=" login_panel panel_item" id="instagram_button">
<a class="openbutton instagrambutton" href="#" onClick="document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'block';window.location='/customer/instagram/{LANG}/ig-login?uamip={UAMIP}&uamport={UAMPORT}&mac={MAC}&pwd={PWD}&useurl={USERURL}&chal={CHALLENGE}&nasid={NASID}&operator={OPERATOR}&location={LOCATION_ID}&lang={LANG}'" /> <img src="/images/instagram_logo.png" id="instagramlogo"><span class="instagram">Instagram</span></a>
<div class="login_panel panel_item" id="skip" style="display:none;">
<a class="openbutton" href="#" onClick="javascript:toggleview();" >{LANG:skip_social}</a>
<!-- <div class="btn_container" id="skip"> <a href="#" class="button1" onClick="" > </a> </div>
<div class="pagefbook" id="like" style="display:none; ">
<div class="label"><b> Welcome <span id="username"></span></b></div>
<br><img id="userpicture" style="border-radius: 100%" />
<p style="line-height:40px;"> {LANG:fb_likeus}</p>
<!-- Standard Facebook Like Button Widget -->
<!-- You can generate your own here: -->
<!-- NOTE: You don't have to include the Facebook JavaScript SDK code snippet, because the hotspotsystem.socialWifi module contains it -->
<div class="fb-like-box"
<div id="fb_wallpost" >
<p align="center" style="margin:0px;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:8px;"> <BR>{LANG:fb_wallpost} </p>
<div style=" border: 1px #ddd solid; padding:10px; background-color:white; line-height:13px; text-align:left;display:table">
<div style="font-family: 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; font-size:13px; letter-spacing:-0.5px; color:#000; margin-bottom:-5px;"> {MESSAGE}</div>
<div style="clear:both;width:100%"></div>
</div> </div>
<div class="page" id="thankyou" style="display:none;">
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {font-size: 11px}
<script type="text/javascript">
function logincopy()
document.forms['voucherlogin'].elements['uid'].value = document.forms['voucherlogin'].elements['code'].value ;
function validateForm()
var x=document.getElementById('uid').value;
if ( x.length < 5 )
return false;
<script src="/controlcenter/jquery.qtip.js"></script>
<!-- page specific code -->
// event subscriptions & initialization on 'pageload' event
$(window).load(function () {
if (display_facebook_button == 1)
{ document.getElementById("facebook_button").style.display = 'block';
if (display_google_button == 1)
{ document.getElementById("google_button").style.display = 'block';
if (display_twitter_button == 1)
{ document.getElementById("twitter_button").style.display = 'block';
if (display_linkedin_button == 1)
{ document.getElementById("linkedin_button").style.display = 'block';
if (display_instagram_button == 1)
{ document.getElementById("instagram_button").style.display = 'block';
if (fb_mode==3)
{document.getElementById("fb_wallpost").style.display = 'block'; }
{document.getElementById("fb_wallpost").style.display = 'none'; }
var content = $('#qtiperror').html();
if (voucher_or_normal == 0)
{ document.getElementById("skip").style.display = 'none';
{ document.getElementById("skip").style.display = 'block';
if (voucher_or_normal== 3) {
document.getElementById('sms_login').style.display = 'block';
if (content !== null ) {
if ((content.indexOf("error.png") ) > -1)
if (voucher_or_normal == 1)
// document.getElementById("social_login").style.display = 'none';
// document.getElementById("normal_login").style.display = 'block';
// document.getElementById("voucher_login").style.display = 'none';
// document.getElementById("sms_login").style.display = 'none';
$('#normal_login').css('display', 'block');
var errortop= ($('.responsive_error').first().offset().top-50);
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: (errortop)
var content2 = $('#normalerror').html();
if ((content2 !== null ) && (content2 !== '' ))
if (voucher_or_normal == 2)
document.getElementById("social_login").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("normal_login").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("voucher_login").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("sms_login").style.display = 'none';
if (voucher_or_normal == 3)
document.getElementById("social_login").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("normal_login").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("voucher_login").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("sms_login").style.display = 'block';
// Step 1 //
// The process starts with a call to hotspotsystem.socialWifi.accept()
// In this demo it's called when user clicks on "Log In" button
// 'authorized' event is triggered after user authorized the application
// the event handler function has a {boolean} 'gotPermissions' parameter which is true if the user granted the required permissions
// we can do any UI actions here to prompt for the permissions again and hotspotsystem.socialWifi.accept() can be called as many as you want
hotsposystem.socialWifi.on("authorized", function (gotPermissions) {
// Get & display user's name and picture
hotsposystem.socialWifi.getUserInfo(function(info) {
$("#userpicture").attr("src", info.pictureUrl);
// Hide 'welcome' page and show like button if we got the permissions
if (gotPermissions) {
// $(".page").removeClass("visible");
// $("#like").addClass("visible");
if (fb_mode==0)
document.getElementById("connect").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("social_login").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("skip").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("like").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("thankyou").style.display = 'block';
else if (fb_mode==2)
document.getElementById("connect").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("social_login").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("skip").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("like").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("thankyou").style.display = 'block';"{MESSAGE}", {URL}, true);
else if ((fb_mode==3) || (fb_mode==1))
document.getElementById("connect").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("social_login").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("skip").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("like").style.display = 'table';
// Step 2 //
// 'liked' event is triggered after the user liked the specified page
// if the user already liked the page then 'liked' evt will be triggered immediately after 'authorized' event
// if there isn't a page to like, you can simply skip this step
hotsposystem.socialWifi.on("liked", function () {
// $(".page").removeClass("visible");
// $("#thankyou").addClass("visible");
document.getElementById("connect").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("social_login").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("skip").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("like").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("thankyou").style.display = 'block';
// You can initiate wall post here with, link, attachPage) function
if (fb_mode==3)
{"{MESSAGE}", {URL}, true);
else if (fb_mode==1)
// Step 3 //
// 'posted' event is triggered after the post is sent to user's wall
hotsposystem.socialWifi.on("posted", function () {
// When all the needed facebook activities are done, call the server-side script to verify user and perform hotspot actions
// Exception handling //
// 'error' event is triggered only if server-side verification fails
// if verification passed in order then browser will be automatically redirected to the url we got from server
hotsposystem.socialWifi.on("error", function (msg) {
alert("Ooops, something unexpected happened: " + msg + ". :(");
// INIT //
// Initialize the library & pass Facebook application ID, page ID & other configuration values
// Facebook application ID
appid: "{HOTSPOT_APP_ID}", /* required - also update in verify.php */
// Facebook page ID
pageid: "{PAGEID}", /* required - also change the like button code above */
// Url of server-side REST API endpoint which will be called to trigger hotspot actions after hotspotsystem.socialWifi.verify() is called
apiUrl: "/customer/facebook3/verify.php", /* required */
scope: "{SCOPE}", /* optional */
// You can add additional parameters that should be passed to the verification script.
// These will be passed along with the default token and wall_post_id
additionalParams: { /* optional */
uamip: '{UAMIP}',
uamport: '{UAMPORT}',
mac: '{MAC}',
pwd: '{PWD}',
useurl: '{USERURL}',
chal: '{CHALLENGE}',
nasid: '{NASID}',
operator: '{OPERATOR}',
location: '{LOCATION_ID}',
fb_mode: '{FB_MODE}',
lang: '{LANG}',
appid: '{HOTSPOT_APP_ID}'
<script src="/customer/responsive/js/errortop.js"></script>
<!-- <voucher_panel> -->
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