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Created May 14, 2018 22:19
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Script to run all files through w3c checker.
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const validate = require('html-angular-validate');
customtags: ["app-*"],
customattrs: ["app-*", "(click)"],
reportpath: "log/html-validator-report.json",
reportCheckstylePath: "log/html-checkstyle-report.xml"
).then((result) => {
if (result.allpassed) {
console.log('HTML validator passed all files');
if (!result.allpassed) {
`HTML validator found errors for ` +
`${result.filesfailed} out of ${result.fileschecked} files total`
result.failed.forEach(rec => {
console.log(`\n * ${rec.filepath} has ${rec.numerrs} errors \n`);
rec.errors.forEach(err => {
console.log(` [${err.line}:${err.col}] ${err.msg} `);
// Do something with the result object
}, (err) => {
console.log('HTML validator error: ' + err);
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