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Last active December 27, 2015 15:39
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Save connorbode/7349522 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SCS Interview Challenges : VAMPIRE NUMBERS o_O
A vampire number is a number v = x * y s.t. x and y are not both
divisible by 10 and the digits of v consit of the digits of x and
the digits of y. The number of digits n in the vampire number
must be even, and the number of digits in each of the two fangs
x and y must be half the number of digits in v. For instance,
1260 = 21 x 60 and 1395 = 15 x 93 are both vampire numbers.
Write a program that calculates the vampire numbers of n digits.
def vamp(n):
# Check that input was a number
if(not isinstance(n, int)):
return "Input must be an integer"
# Create our limit
limit = int(n * "9")
# Vampire numbers
vamp = []
# Begin computation
while i < limit:
for j in range(i, limit):
# If the number is too big
if i*j > limit:
# If i & j aren't both divisble by 10..
if not (i % 10 == 0 and j % 10 == 0):
# Make copies of the numbers as strings
s1 = str(i) + str(j)
s2 = str(i*j)
# Check if the digits match
if match(s1, s2):
print str(i) + " * " + str(j) + " = " + str(i * j)
vamp.append(i * j)
i = i + 1
# Print the vampire numbers
print ""
print "VAMPIRE NUMBERS WITH " + str(n) + " DIGITS:"
print ""
for v in vamp:
print v
print ' .-"""".'
print " / \\"
print " __ / .-. .\\"
print " / `\ / \/ \\"
print " | _ \/ .==.==."
print " | ( \ /____\__\\"
print " \ \ (_()(_()"
print " \ \ '---._"
print " \ \_"
print " /\ |` (__)________/"
print " / \| /\___/"
print " | \ \||VV"
print ' | \ \|"""",'
print " | \ ______)"
print " \ \ /`"
print " BOOM! \("
# Checks if two integers contain the same digits (possibly rearranged)
def match(i, j):
# Iterate over the two strings
match = 1
for c in i:
char_found = 0
k = 0
while k < len(j):
# If we find a match, continue
if c == j[k]:
# note we found a match
char_found = 1
# delete the character
j = j.replace(c, "", 1)
k = k + 1
# If we didn't find the character, it's not a match
if char_found == 0:
match = 0
return match
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