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Last active March 14, 2022 04:32
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"Can you write code?" litmus test.

The Developer Litmus Test

I used to think that fizzbuzz was a stupid way to test if someone is a developer.

Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 3 06 33 AM

Now I think that it's a good litmus test.

However, I think I've found a better one...

Can you convert JSON to YAML?

My Expectation

My expectation is that a mid-senior level developer should be able to:

  • write this in 30-60 minutes
  • debug / fine tune within another 60 minutes
  • publish within another 60 minutes
  • take another 60 minutes for leeway

If a developer cannot solve this problem within 2 days - because maybe they need a break to clear their head after overthinking it, or they've never had to work independently before - then I don't think they're a good hire for jobs that require any sort of data or API manipulation.

Problem Description

Given JSON that looks like this:

var data = {
  foo: [
      bar: [
          baz: ["apples", "bananas"],
      quux: [
          do: ["red thing", "blue thing"],
  grault: {
    name: "Bob",
    age: 37,
    grumpy: false,
    nullish: null,
  answer: 42,

Can you produce a function that outputs it as YAML?

  - bar:
      - baz:
          - "apples"
          - "bananas"
      - do:
          - "red thing"
          - "blue thing"
empty: []
  name: "Bob"
  age: 37
  grumpy: false
  nullish: null
silly: {}
answer: 42

The conversion is 1:1. This is just testing that you know how to use basic Object and Array methods, and keep track of state.

The solution could have multiple functions, or be recursive, or be iterative.

My Solution

As as sanity check to make sure my assumptions were valid, I did this myself, live:

I wrote this in about 20 minutes and then debugged it for another 10-20 minutes:
(and then I went back for another 2 minutes to fix the leading newline)

"use strict";

var data = {
  foo: [
      bar: [
          baz: ["apples", "bananas"],
      quux: [
          do: ["red thing", "blue thing"],
  grault: {
    name: "Bob",
    age: 37,
    grumpy: false,
    nullish: null,
  answer: 42,
   - bar:
     - baz:
       - apples
       - bananas
       - do:
         - "red thing"
         - "blue thing"

function toYaml(data, prefix = "", skipFirstPrefix = true) {
  // string
  // boolean
  // number
  // array
  // object
  // null
  if (["string", "number", "boolean"].includes(typeof data) || null === data) {
    return JSON.stringify(data);
  if (Array.isArray(data)) {
    if (!data.length) {
      return "[]";
    return data
      .map(function (val, i) {
        let myPrefix = `\n${prefix}`;
        if (0 === i && skipFirstPrefix) {
          myPrefix = "";
        return `${myPrefix}- ` + toYaml(val, prefix + "  ", true);
  // must be an object (or not a valid JSON-able object in the first place)
  let keys = Object.keys(data);
  if (!keys.length) {
    return "{}";
  return keys
    .map(function (k, i) {
      let myPrefix = `\n${prefix}`;
      if (0 === i && skipFirstPrefix) {
        myPrefix = "";
      return `${myPrefix}${k}: ` + toYaml(data[k], prefix + "  ", false);
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Edit: Updated to handle empty arrays and empty objects.

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coolaj86 commented Jan 24, 2022

Edit: Accept the way that prettier formats YAML as the preferred way (add back extra leading spaces for arrays under arrays or objects).

Note: this is how I had it originally, but I often see generated YAML that omits the "extra" leading spaces, but trying to do so introduced extra complexity (and a bug) so I checked the output of prettier, found that it matched my original working output, and called it good.

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